path: root/idris-proposal.tex
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+ pdfauthor={Francesco Mazzoli <>},
+ pdftitle={Scalor + Observational Equality},
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+\title{Scalor + Observational Equality}
+\author{Francesco Mazzoli \texttt{\textless{}\textgreater{}}}
+\date{November 2012}
+\section{Type theories and equality}
+Scalor is a newly developed dependently typed programming language based on
+Idris \cite{Idris},
+ Type Theory} (ITT), in the tradition of Agda \cite{Agda}, Epigram
+\cite{Epigram}, and Coq \cite{Coq}. Contrary to these languages, Idris puts the
+focus on programming rather than on theorem proving, with the goal of bringing
+dependent types to the programming practice.
+Type theories of this family will need a notion of \emph{definitional}
+equality ($\equiv$), used by the type checker to determine if two terms
+are convertible and thus treatable as ``the same thing'':
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash x : A$}
+ \AxiomC{$A \equiv B$}
+ \BinaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash x : B$}
+In Idris and in the languages cited above, this amounts to reduce the
+terms to their unique normal form and then compare them up to
+However, it is also useful to have a notion of equality \emph{inside}
+the type theory, as a type, to enable the user to reason about equality
+in proofs. This takes the name of \emph{propositional} equality, and is
+reasonably introduced by reflexivity:
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash x : A$}
+ \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{refl}_A\ x : x =_A x$}
+Some type theories include a rule that allows definitional equality to
+be derived from propositional equality, thus allowing types to impact
+significantly on the type-checking procedure:
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash p : x =_A y$}
+ \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash x \equiv y : A$}
+Systems that have this property are known as \emph{extensional}, as
+opposed to \emph{intensional} systems that lack it. Idris and all the
+languages cited fall in the latter category.
+Extensional type theories (ETTs) allow more terms to be typed. For
+example, many higher-order properties such as
+\[\mathsf{map}\ (f \circ g) = \mathsf{map}\ f \circ \mathsf{map}\ g\]
+can only be proved in extensional type theories.
+However, this expressive power comes at a price: type checking is
+undecidable, and the system fails to be strongly normalising.
+\section{Observational equality}
+To solve this issues Altenkirch, McBride, and Swiestra introduced
+``Observational Type Theory'' \cite{OTT} (OTT). In this context, the
+user can manually transport (``coerce'') values between types given
+appropriate proofs of equality. The trick is to compute the equality
+between types and values by inspecting them (the ``observation''), at
+the same time guaranteeing that each coercion will effectively leave the
+value unchanged.
+This system allows the expressive power given by ETT, while maintaining
+the good properties of ITT. We propose to extend Idris to include the
+facilities provided by OTT. A rough outline of the path to get there is:
+ Figure out how to extend the Idris' core type theory, ``\texttt{TT}'',
+ to support coercions. The main missing piece is the universe
+ hierarchy, although Conor McBride provided an
+ \href{}{Agda embedding} of OTT
+ for a hierarchy of universes. OTT also uses W-types to represent
+ inductive families, while \texttt{TT} uses families directly.
+ Implement the above, and adjust the elaboration of the high level
+ language to work with the extended \texttt{TT}.
+ Implement high level facilities to include coercions. This would
+ consist of setting up syntax for the user to use and figuring out how
+ to elaborate it to \texttt{TT}, possibly with some inference to
+ include coercions automatically, at least in some cases.
+Considering the novelty of the theory and the practical approach of the
+language, we are excited at the possibilities and new developments that
+this addition would bring.
+ T. Altenkirch, C. McBride, and W. Swierstra. Observational equality, now! In
+ \emph{Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Programming languages meets program
+ verification}, PLPV ’07, pages 57–68, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM.
+ Edwin McBrady. Idris. \url{}.
+ Conor McBride et al. Epigram, 2004. \url{}.
+ Ulf Norell. Agda 2. \url{}.
+ INRIA. Coq. \url{}.