List all projects
Project Description Last Change
XGrabControl.git LD_PRELOAD override for XGrab* family. 4 years ago
amiga-2000-eatx-jlcpcb.git jasonsbeer's A2000 EATX mainboard, with JLCPCB production modific... 5 days ago
amiga-gary-decoder-test.git Various tests on decoding state from pins on the Gary chip in... 13 days ago
amiga-gary-dtack-fix.git Clean fix to speed up ROM access on buggy early Gary chips in... 9 hours ago
amiga-gary-dtack-kludge.git Dirty hack to speed up ROM access on buggy early Gary chips in... 9 hours ago
amiga-mmkeyboard-pic12f629-pcb.git Adapter to connect a PS/2 keyboard to an Amiga, based on MMKeyboard. 8 weeks ago
amiga-uae-virus-scan.git FS-UAE emulation based Amiga virus scanner for the Linux CLI. 3 years ago
aten-kvm-usb-only-adapter.git Adapter to connect USB computers to ATEN CS84U KVM switches with... 4 months ago
can2joy.git Use cars as controllers for racing games. 3 months ago
centaur.git ELF executable file editing toolkit. 9 years ago
elmcan.git Linux SocketCAN kernel driver for ELM327 based devices. 2 months ago
enwiki-links-graph.git Quick 'n' dirty hack to find the Wikipedia article furthest away... 5 years ago
fuse-aexplorer.git A crude re-implementation of the Amiga Explorer protocol, for... 4 years ago
grGL.git Graph rendering using OpenGL - testbed for visigoth 3D mode. 5 years ago
jmdict-cli.git JMdict CLI front-end. 2 years ago
libmalice.git Simple libc replacement for small programs. 5 years ago
mikmod-rockbox.git MikMod port to Rockbox from 2007. 5 years ago
openwrt.git OpenWRT with patches for F@ST2504n board 10 years ago
prosody-hacks.git Patches for the Prosody XMPP server. 5 years ago
revag-bap.git VAG / VW reverse-engineered BAP Bedien- und Anzeigeprotokoll. 4 years ago
revag-nm.git VAG / VW reverse-engineered Network Management. 4 years ago
spdif-tools.git Tools for encoded S/PDIF streams. 5 years ago
sysstatus.git System status line for dzen2 and i3bar. 2 years ago
t48-dip42.git 5 months ago
bitonic's repositories
bitonic-mengthesis.git 11 years ago