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authorFrancesco Mazzoli <>2013-01-06 14:08:08 +0000
committerFrancesco Mazzoli <>2013-01-06 14:08:08 +0000
commit2b63e27f86f2447aad01b4b533a1f204792d3a45 (patch)
parentdf8c324f993e70dacfb248d8a22a05f895fa5465 (diff)
more stuff
3 files changed, 441 insertions, 77 deletions
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+ bibtex background
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+idris-proposal.pdf: idris-proposal.tex
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+ author = {Thompson, Simon},
+ title = {Type Theory and Functional Programming},
+ publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+ year = {1991}
+ author = {Pierce, Benjamin C.},
+ title = {Types and Programming Languages},
+ publisher = {The MIT Press},
+ year = {2002}
+author = {Altenkirch, Thorsten and Danielsson, N and L\"{o}h, A and Oury, Nicolas},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/PiSigma.pdf:pdf},
+journal = {Functional and Logic \ldots},
+number = {Sheard 2005},
+title = {{$\Pi$$\Sigma$: dependent types without the sugar}},
+url = {},
+year = {2010}
+address = {New York, New York, USA},
+author = {Altenkirch, Thorsten and McBride, Conor and Swierstra, Wouter},
+doi = {10.1145/1292597.1292608},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/OTT2.pdf:pdf},
+isbn = {9781595936776},
+journal = {Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Programming languages meets program verification - PLPV '07},
+keywords = {case analysis relies on,datatypes are indexed in,equality,of any language where,ole in the programs,play a crucial internal,rˆ,solving,some way,type theory},
+pages = {57},
+publisher = {ACM Press},
+title = {{Observational equality, now!}},
+url = {},
+year = {2007}
+author = {Barendregt, Henk},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/lambda-cube.pdf:pdf},
+journal = {Journal of functional programming},
+title = {{Introduction to generalized type systems}},
+url = {},
+year = {1991}
+author = {Brady, Edwin},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/idris-implementation.pdf:pdf},
+journal = {Unpublished draft},
+number = {November},
+title = {{Implementing General Purpose Dependently Typed Programming Languages}},
+url = {},
+year = {2012}
+address = {New York, New York, USA},
+author = {Chapman, James and Dagand, Pierre-\'{E}variste and McBride, Conor and Morris, Peter},
+doi = {10.1145/1863543.1863547},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/conor-levitation.pdf:pdf},
+isbn = {9781605587943},
+journal = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming - ICFP '10},
+pages = {3},
+publisher = {ACM Press},
+title = {{The gentle art of levitation}},
+url = {},
+year = {2010}
+author = {Church, Alonzo},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/church-lc.pdf:pdf},
+journal = {American journal of mathematics},
+number = {2},
+pages = {345--363},
+title = {{An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory}},
+url = {},
+volume = {58},
+year = {1936}
+author = {Church, Alonzo},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/church-stlc.pdf:pdf},
+journal = {J. Symb. Log.},
+number = {2},
+pages = {56--68},
+title = {{A formulation of the simple theory of types}},
+url = {},
+volume = {5},
+year = {1940}
+author = {Coquand, Thierry and Huet, Gerard},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/coc.pdf:pdf},
+title = {{The calculus of constructions}},
+url = {},
+year = {1986}
+author = {Curry, Haskell B.},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/curry-stlc.pdf:pdf},
+journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of \ldots},
+number = {1930},
+pages = {584--590},
+title = {{Functionality in combinatory logic}},
+url = {},
+volume = {511},
+year = {1934}
+author = {Hurkens, Antonius J.C.},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/hurkens-paradox.pdf:pdf},
+journal = {Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications},
+title = {{A simplification of Girard's paradox}},
+url = {},
+year = {1995}
+author = {Martin-L\"{o}f, Per},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/martin-lof-tt.pdf:pdf},
+isbn = {8870881059},
+publisher = {Bibliopolis},
+title = {{Intuitionistic type theory}},
+year = {1984}
+author = {McBride, Conor},
+doi = {10.1017/S0956796803004829},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/},
+journal = {Journal of Functional Programming},
+month = jan,
+number = {1},
+pages = {69--111},
+title = {{The View from The Left}},
+url = {},
+volume = {14},
+year = {2004}
+author = {Norell, Ulf},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/ulf-thesis.pdf:pdf},
+isbn = {9789172919969},
+school = {Chalmers University of Technology and G\"{o}teborg University},
+title = {{Towards a practical programming language based on dependent type theory}},
+url = {},
+year = {2007}
+address = {New York, New York, USA},
+author = {Oury, Nicolas and Swierstra, Wouter},
+doi = {10.1145/1411204.1411213},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/powerofpi.pdf:pdf},
+isbn = {9781595939197},
+journal = {Proceeding of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming - ICFP '08},
+pages = {39},
+publisher = {ACM Press},
+title = {{The power of Pi}},
+url = {},
+year = {2008}
+author = {Pierce, Benjamin C. and Turner, David N.},
+doi = {10.1145/345099.345100},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/local-type-inference.pdf:pdf},
+issn = {01640925},
+journal = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
+month = jan,
+number = {1},
+pages = {1--44},
+title = {{Local type inference}},
+url = {},
+volume = {22},
+year = {2000}
+author = {Pollack, Robert},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/},
+journal = {Informal Proceedings of First Workshop on Logical Frameworks},
+title = {{Implicit syntax}},
+url = {\_syntax\_\_1183660.pdf},
+year = {1992}
+author = {Reynolds, John C.},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/},
+journal = {Logical Foundations of Functional Programming},
+title = {{An introduction to the polymorphic lambda calculus}},
+url = {\&rep=rep1\&type=pdf},
+year = {1994}
+address = {New York, New York, USA},
+author = {Sulzmann, Martin and Chakravarty, Manuel M. T. and Jones, Simon Peyton and Donnelly, Kevin},
+doi = {10.1145/1190315.1190324},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/systemf-coercions.pdf:pdf},
+isbn = {159593393X},
+journal = {Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN international workshop on Types in languages design and implementation - TLDI '07},
+pages = {53},
+publisher = {ACM Press},
+title = {{System F with type equality coercions}},
+url = {},
+year = {2007}
+author = {Vytiniotis, Dimitrios and Jones, Simon Peyton and Schrijvers, Tom and Sulzmann, Martin},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/outsidein.pdf:pdf},
+journal = {Journal of Functional Programming},
+number = {4-5},
+pages = {333--412},
+title = {{OutsideIn (X) Modular type inference with local assumptions}},
+url = {},
+volume = {21},
+year = {2011}
+address = {New York, New York, USA},
+author = {Yorgey, Brent a. and Weirich, Stephanie and Cretin, Julien and {Peyton Jones}, Simon and Vytiniotis, Dimitrios and Magalh\~{a}es, Jos\'{e} Pedro},
+doi = {10.1145/2103786.2103795},
+file = {:home/bitonic/docs/papers/haskell-promotion.pdf:pdf},
+isbn = {9781450311205},
+journal = {Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Types in language design and implementation - TLDI '12},
+pages = {53},
+publisher = {ACM Press},
+title = {{Giving Haskell a promotion}},
+url = {},
+year = {2012}
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index ff4e8cd..ff7595a 100644
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@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Bibtex
%% Numbering depth
%% \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
@@ -69,13 +73,13 @@
% Make links footnotes instead of hotlinks:
+% \renewcommand{\href}[2]{#2\footnote{\url{#1}}}
% avoid problems with \sout in headers with hyperref:
\title{The Paths Towards Observational Equality}
-\author{Francesco Mazzoli \url{<>}}
+\author{Francesco Mazzoli \href{}{\nolinkurl{<>}}}
\date{December 2012}
@@ -91,21 +95,24 @@ systems have been devised with increasing expressive power.
In the next sections I will give a very brief overview of STLC, and then
describe how to augment it to reach the theory I am interested in,
Inutitionistic Type Theory (ITT), also known as Martin-L\"{o}f Type Theory after
-its inventor.
+its inventor. The exposition is quite dense since there is a lot of material to
+cover, for a more complete treatment of the material the reader can refer to
+\citep{Thompson1991, Pierce2002}.
-I will then explain why equality has been a tricky business in this theories,
-and talk about the various attempts have been made. One interesting development
-has recently emerged: Observational Type theory. I propose to explore the ways
-to turn these ideas into useful practices for programming and theorem proving.
+I will then explain why equality has been a tricky business in these theories,
+and talk about the various attempts have been made to make the situation better.
+One interesting development has recently emerged: Observational Type theory. I
+propose to explore the ways to turn these ideas into useful practices for
+programming and theorem proving.
\section{Simple and not-so-simple types}
\subsection{Untyped $\lambda$-calculus}
Along with Turing's machines, the earliest attempts to formalise computation
-lead to the $\lambda$-calculus. This early programming language encodes
-computation with a minimal sintax and most notably no ``data'' in the
-traditional sense, but just functions.
+lead to the $\lambda$-calculus \citep{Church1936}. This early programming
+language encodes computation with a minimal sintax and most notably no ``data''
+in the traditional sense, but just functions.
The syntax of $\lambda$-terms consists of just three things: variables,
abstractions, and applications:
@@ -177,7 +184,8 @@ material analysed.
One way to ``discipline'' $\lambda$-terms is to assign \emph{types} to them, and
-then check that the terms that we are forming make sense given our typing rules.
+then check that the terms that we are forming make sense given our typing rules
We wish to introduce rules of the form $\Gamma \vdash \termt : \tya$, which
reads ``in context $\Gamma$, term $\termt$ has type $\tya$''.
@@ -278,9 +286,10 @@ see why that is preferable for our needs.
-It turns out that the STLC can be seen a natural deduction system. Terms are
-proofs, and their types are the propositions they prove. This remarkable fact
-is known as the Curry-Howard correspondence, or isomorphism.
+It turns out that the STLC can be seen a natural deduction system for
+propositional logic. Terms are proofs, and their types are the propositions
+they prove. This remarkable fact is known as the Curry-Howard correspondence,
+or isomorphism.
The ``arrow'' ($\to$) type corresponds to implication. If we wished to
prove that $(\tya \tyarr \tyb) \tyarr (\tyb \tyarr \tyc) \tyarr (\tya
@@ -446,17 +455,33 @@ where $\lambda{C}$ sits in the ``$\lambda$-cube'' above.
\section{Intuitionistic Type Theory}
-Intuitionistic Type Theory (ITT) is a very expressive system first described by
-Per Martin-L\"{o}f at the end of the 70s. It extends the STLC giving it all the
-properties described above, while retaining good computational properties. Here
-we will present a core type theory and illustrate its components and properties
-one by one, and then describe the various additions that make it useful as a
-programming language and as a theorem prover.
+\subsection{A Bit of History}
+Logic frameworks and programming languages based on type theory have a long
+history. Per Martin-L\"{o}f described the first version of his theory in 1971,
+but then revised it since the original version was too impredicative and thus
+inconsistent\footnote{In the early version $\lcsetz : \lcsetz$, see section
+ \ref{sec:core-tt} for an explanation on why this causes problems.}. For this
+reason he gave a revised and consistent definition later \citep{Martin-Lof1984}.
+A related development is the one of the polymorphic $\lambda$-calculus, and
+specifically the previously mentioned System F, which was invented independently
+by Girard and Reynolds. An can be found in \citep{Reynolds1994}. The
+surprising fact is that while System F is impredicative it is still consistent
+and strongly normalising. Coquand and Huet further extended this line of work
+with the Calculus of Constructions (CoC) \citep{Coquand1986}.
+\subsection{A Core Type Theory}
+The calculus I present follows the exposition in \citep{Thompson1991}, and as
+said previously is quite close to the original formulation of predicative ITT as
+found in \citep{Martin-Lof1984}.
@@ -555,8 +580,8 @@ There are a lot of new factors at play here. The first thing to notice is that
the separation between types and terms is gone. All we have is terms, that
include both values (terms of type $\lcset{0}$) and types (terms of type
$\lcset{n}$, with $n > 0$). This change is reflected in the typing rules.
-While in the STLC terms and types are kept well separated (terms never go
-``right of the colon''), in ITT types can freely depend on terms.
+While in the STLC values and types are kept well separated (values never go
+``right of the colon''), in ITT types can freely depend on values.
This relation is expressed in the typing rules for $\forall$ and $\exists$: if a
function has type $\lcforall{x}{\tya}{\tyb}$, $\tyb$ can depend on $x$.
@@ -566,59 +591,165 @@ section.
$\forall$ and $\exists$ are at the core of the machinery of ITT:
-\item[$\forall$] is a generalisation of $\tyarr$ in the STLC and expresses
- universal quantification in our logic. In the literature this is also known
- as ``dependent product'' and shown as $\Pi$, following an interpretation of
- functions as infinitary products. We will just call it ``dependent function'',
- reserving ``product'' for $\exists$.
-\item[$\exists$] is a generalisation of $\wedge$ in the extended STLC of section
- \ref{sec:curry-howard}, and thus we will call it ``dependent product''. In
- our logic, it represents existential quantification.
- For added confusion, in the literature that calls $\forall$ $\Pi$ $\exists$ is
- often named ``dependent sum'' and shown as $\Sigma$. This is following the
- interpretation of $\exists$ as a generalised $\vee$, where the first element
- of the pair is the ``tag'' that decides which type the second element will
- have.
+\item[``forall'' ($\forall$)] is a generalisation of $\tyarr$ in the STLC and
+ expresses universal quantification in our logic. In the literature this is
+ also known as ``dependent product'' and shown as $\Pi$, following the
+ interpretation of functions as infinitary products. We will just call it
+ ``dependent function'', reserving ``product'' for $\exists$.
+\item[``exists'' ($\exists$)] is a generalisation of $\wedge$ in the extended
+ STLC of section \ref{sec:curry-howard}, and thus we will call it ``dependent
+ product''. Like $\wedge$, it is formed by providing a pair of things. In our
+ logic, it represents existential quantification.
+ For added confusion, in the literature that calls $\forall$ $\Pi$, $\exists$
+ is often named ``dependent sum'' and shown as $\Sigma$. This is following the
+ interpretation of $\exists$ as a generalised, infinitary $\vee$, where the
+ first element of the pair is the ``tag'' that decides which type the second
+ element will have.
Another thing to notice is that types are very ``first class'': we are free to
create functions that accept and return types. For this reason we $\defeq$ as
-the smallest
- James Chapman, Pierre-Evariste Dagand, Conor McBride, and Peter Morris.
- \emph{The gentle art of levitation}.
- SIGPLAN Not., 45:3–14, September 2010.
- Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Simon Peyton Jones, Tom Schrijvers, and Martin
- Sulzmann.
- \emph{OutsideIn(X): Modular Type inference with local assumptions}.
- Journal of Functional Programming, 21, 2011.
- Brent A. Yorgey, Stephanie Weirich, Julien Cretin, Simon Peyton Jones,
- Dimitrios Vytiniotis, and Jos\'{e} Pedro Magalh\~{a}es.
- \emph{Giving Haskell a promotion}.
- In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and
- Implementation, TLDI ’12, pages 53–66, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM. doi:
- 10.1145/2103786.2103795.
- Edwin Brady.
- \emph{Implementing General Purpose Dependently Typed Programming Languages}.
- Unpublished draft.
- Benjamin C. Pierce and David N. Turner.
- \emph{Local type inference}.
- ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 22(1):1–44, January
- 2000. ISSN 0164-0925. doi: 10.1145/345099.345100.
+the smallest equivalence relation extending $\bredc$, where $\bredc$ is the
+reflexive transitive closure of $\bred$; and we treat types that are equal
+according to $\defeq$ as the same. Another way of seeing $\defeq$ is this: when
+we want to compare two types for equality, we reduce them as far as possible and
+then check if they are equal\footnote{Note that when comparing terms we do it up
+ to $\alpha$-renaming. That is, we do not consider relabelling of variables as
+ a difference - for example $\abs{x : A}{x} \defeq \abs{y : A}{y}$.}. This
+works since not only each term has a normal form (ITT is strongly normalising),
+but the normal form is also unique; or in other words $\bred$ is confluent (if
+$\termt \bredc \termm$ and $\termt \bredc \termn$, then $\termm \bredc \termp$
+and $\termn \bredc \termp$). This measure makes sure that, for instance,
+$\app{(\abs{x : \lctype}{x})}{\lcbool} \defeq \lcbool$. The theme of equality
+is central and will be analysed better later.
+The theory presented is \emph{stratified}. We have a hierarchy of types
+$\lcset{0} : \lcset{1} : \lcset{2} : \dots$, so that there is no ``type of all
+types'', and our theory is predicative. The layers of the hierarchy are called
+``universes''. $\lcsetz : \lcsetz$ ITT is inconsistent due to Girard's paradox
+\citep{Hurkens1995}, and thus loses its well-behavedness. Some impredicativity
+sometimes has its place, either because the theory retain good properties
+(normalization, consistency, etc.) anyway, like in System F and CoC; or because
+we are at a stage at which we do not care - we will see instances of the last
+motivation later. Moreover, universes can be inferred mechanically
+\citep{Pollack1990}. It is also convenient to have a \emph{cumulative} theory,
+where $\lcset{n} : \lcset{m}$ iff $n < m$. We eschew these measures to keep the
+presentation simple.
+Lastly, the theory I present is fully explicit in the sense that the user has to
+specify every type when forming abstractions, products, etc. This can be a
+great burden if one wants to use the theory directly. Complete inference is
+undecidable (which is hardly surprising considering the role that types play)
+but partial inference (also called ``bidirectional type checking'' in this
+context) in the style of \citep{Pierce2000} will have to be deployed in a
+practical system. When showing examples obvious types will be omitted.
+Note that the Curry-Howard correspondence runs through ITT as it did with the
+STLC with the difference that ITT corresponds to an higher order propositional
+\subsection{Base Types}
+While the ITT presented is a fairly complete logic, it is not that useful for
+programming. If we wish to make it better, we can add some base types to
+represent the data structures we know and love, such as numbers, lists, and
+ \axname{syntax}
+ \begin{eqnarray*}
+ \termsyn & ::= & ... \\
+ & | & \lcbool \separ \lctrue \separ \lcfalse
+ \end{eqnarray*}
+ \axdesc{typing}{\Gamma \vdash \termsyn : \termsyn}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \begin{tabular}{c c c}
+ \AxiomC{}
+ \RightLabel{var}
+ \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma;x : \tya \vdash x : \tya$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ &
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \termt : \bot$}
+ \RightLabel{$\bot E$}
+ \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \lcabsurd \termt : A$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ &
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \termt : \tya$}
+ \AxiomC{$\tya \defeq \tyb$}
+ \RightLabel{$\defeq$ type}
+ \BinaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \termt : \tyb$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ \end{tabular}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \begin{tabular}{c c}
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma;x : \tya \vdash \termt : \tya$}
+ \RightLabel{$\forall I$}
+ \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \abs{x : \tya}{\termt} : \lcforall{x}{\tya}{\tyb}$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ &
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \termt : \lcforall{x}{\tya}{\tyb}$}
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \termm : \tya$}
+ \RightLabel{$\forall E$}
+ \BinaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \app{\termt}{\termm} : \tyb[\termm / x]$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ \end{tabular}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \begin{tabular}{c c}
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \termt : \tya$}
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \termm : \tyb[\termt / x]$}
+ \RightLabel{$\exists I$}
+ \BinaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash (\termt, \termm) : \lcexists{x}{\tya}{\tyb}$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ &
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \termt: \lcexists{x}{\tya}{\tyb}$}
+ \RightLabel{$\exists E_{1,2}$}
+ \UnaryInfC{$\hspace{0.7cm} \Gamma \vdash \lcfst \termt : \tya \hspace{0.7cm}$}
+ \noLine
+ \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \lcsnd \termt : \tyb[\lcfst \termt / x]$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ \end{tabular}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \begin{tabular}{c c}
+ \AxiomC{}
+ \RightLabel{type}
+ \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \lcset{n} : \lcset{n + 1}$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ &
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma \vdash \tya : \lcset{n}$}
+ \AxiomC{$\Gamma; x : \tya \vdash \tyb : \lcset{m}$}
+ \RightLabel{$\forall, \exists$ type}
+ \BinaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \lcforall{x}{\tya}{\tyb} : \lcset{n \sqcup m}$}
+ \noLine
+ \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma \vdash \lcexists{x}{\tya}{\tyb} : \lcset{n \sqcup m}$}
+ \DisplayProof
+ \end{tabular}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+ \axdesc{reduction}{\termsyn \bred \termsyn}
+ \begin{eqnarray*}
+ \app{(\abs{x}{\termt})}{\termm} & \bred & \termt[\termm / x] \\
+ \lcfst (\termt, \termm) & \bred & \termt \\
+ \lcsnd (\termt, \termm) & \bred & \termm
+ \end{eqnarray*}