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[prosody.git] / tools / ejabberdsql2prosody.lua
1 #!/usr/bin/env lua
2 -- Prosody IM
3 -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
4 -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
5 -- 
6 -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
7 -- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
8 --
10 prosody = {};
12 package.path = package.path ..";../?.lua";
13 local serialize = require "util.serialization".serialize;
14 local st = require "util.stanza";
15 package.loaded["util.logger"] = {init = function() return function() end; end}
16 local dm = require "util.datamanager"
17 dm.set_data_path("data");
19 function parseFile(filename)
20 ------
22 local file = nil;
23 local last = nil;
24 local line = 1;
25 local function read(expected)
26         local ch;
27         if last then
28                 ch = last; last = nil;
29         else
30                 ch = file:read(1);
31                 if ch == "\n" then line = line + 1; end
32         end
33         if expected and ch ~= expected then error("expected: "..expected.."; got: "..(ch or "nil").." on line "..line); end
34         return ch;
35 end
36 local function pushback(ch)
37         if last then error(); end
38         last = ch;
39 end
40 local function peek()
41         if not last then last = read(); end
42         return last;
43 end
45 local escapes = {
46         ["\\0"] = "\0";
47         ["\\'"] = "'";
48         ["\\\""] = "\"";
49         ["\\b"] = "\b";
50         ["\\n"] = "\n";
51         ["\\r"] = "\r";
52         ["\\t"] = "\t";
53         ["\\Z"] = "\26";
54         ["\\\\"] = "\\";
55         ["\\%"] = "%";
56         ["\\_"] = "_";
57 }
58 local function unescape(s)
59         return escapes[s] or error("Unknown escape sequence: "..s);
60 end
61 local function readString()
62         read("'");
63         local s = "";
64         while true do
65                 local ch = peek();
66                 if ch == "\\" then
67                         s = s..unescape(read();
68                 elseif ch == "'" then
69                         break;
70                 else
71                         s =;
72                 end
73         end
74         read("'");
75         return s;
76 end
77 local function readNonString()
78         local s = "";
79         while true do
80                 if peek() == "," or peek() == ")" then
81                         break;
82                 else
83                         s =;
84                 end
85         end
86         return tonumber(s);
87 end
88 local function readItem()
89         if peek() == "'" then
90                 return readString();
91         else
92                 return readNonString();
93         end
94 end
95 local function readTuple()
96         local items = {}
97         read("(");
98         while peek() ~= ")" do
99                 table.insert(items, readItem());
100                 if peek() == ")" then break; end
101                 read(",");
102         end
103         read(")");
104         return items;
105 end
106 local function readTuples()
107         if peek() ~= "(" then read("("); end
108         local tuples = {};
109         while true do
110                 table.insert(tuples, readTuple());
111                 if peek() == "," then read() end
112                 if peek() == ";" then break; end
113         end
114         return tuples;
115 end
116 local function readTableName()
117         local tname = "";
118         while peek() ~= "`" do tname =; end
119         return tname;
120 end
121 local function readInsert()
122         if peek() == nil then return nil; end
123         for ch in ("INSERT INTO `"):gmatch(".") do -- find line starting with this
124                 if peek() == ch then
125                         read(); -- found
126                 else -- match failed, skip line
127                         while peek() and read() ~= "\n" do end
128                         return nil;
129                 end
130         end
131         local tname = readTableName();
132         for ch in ("` VALUES "):gmatch(".") do read(ch); end -- expect this
133         local tuples = readTuples();
134         read(";"); read("\n");
135         return tname, tuples;
136 end
138 local function readFile(filename)
139         file =;
140         if not file then error("File not found: "..filename); os.exit(0); end
141         local t = {};
142         while true do
143                 local tname, tuples = readInsert();
144                 if tname then
145                         if t[tname] then
146                                 local t_name = t[tname];
147                                 for i=1,#tuples do
148                                         table.insert(t_name, tuples[i]);
149                                 end
150                         else
151                                 t[tname] = tuples;
152                         end
153                 elseif peek() == nil then
154                         break;
155                 end
156         end
157         return t;
158 end
160 return readFile(filename);
162 ------
163 end
165 -- XML parser
166 local parse_xml = (function()
167         local entity_map = setmetatable({
168                 ["amp"] = "&";
169                 ["gt"] = ">";
170                 ["lt"] = "<";
171                 ["apos"] = "'";
172                 ["quot"] = "\"";
173         }, {__index = function(_, s)
174                         if s:sub(1,1) == "#" then
175                                 if s:sub(2,2) == "x" then
176                                         return string.char(tonumber(s:sub(3), 16));
177                                 else
178                                         return string.char(tonumber(s:sub(2)));
179                                 end
180                         end
181                 end
182         });
183         local function xml_unescape(str)
184                 return (str:gsub("&(.-);", entity_map));
185         end
186         local function parse_tag(s)
187                 local name,sattr=(s):gmatch("([^%s]+)(.*)")();
188                 local attr = {};
189                 for a,b in (sattr):gmatch("([^=%s]+)=['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]") do attr[a] = xml_unescape(b); end
190                 return name, attr;
191         end
192         return function(xml)
193                 local stanza = st.stanza("root");
194                 local regexp = "<([^>]*)>([^<]*)";
195                 for elem, text in xml:gmatch(regexp) do
196                         if elem:sub(1,1) == "!" or elem:sub(1,1) == "?" then -- neglect comments and processing-instructions
197                         elseif elem:sub(1,1) == "/" then -- end tag
198                                 elem = elem:sub(2);
199                                 stanza:up(); -- TODO check for start-end tag name match
200                         elseif elem:sub(-1,-1) == "/" then -- empty tag
201                                 elem = elem:sub(1,-2);
202                                 local name,attr = parse_tag(elem);
203                                 stanza:tag(name, attr):up();
204                         else -- start tag
205                                 local name,attr = parse_tag(elem);
206                                 stanza:tag(name, attr);
207                         end
208                         if #text ~= 0 then -- text
209                                 stanza:text(xml_unescape(text));
210                         end
211                 end
212                 return stanza.tags[1];
213         end
214 end)();
215 -- end of XML parser
217 local arg, host = ...;
218 local help = "/? -? ? /h -h /help -help --help";
219 if not(arg and host) or help:find(arg, 1, true) then
220         print([[ejabberd SQL DB dump importer for Prosody
222   Usage: ejabberdsql2prosody.lua filename.txt hostname
224 The file can be generated using mysqldump:
225   mysqldump db_name > filename.txt]]);
226         os.exit(1);
227 end
228 local map = {
229         ["last"] = {"username", "seconds", "state"};
230         ["privacy_default_list"] = {"username", "name"};
231         ["privacy_list"] = {"username", "name", "id"};
232         ["privacy_list_data"] = {"id", "t", "value", "action", "ord", "match_all", "match_iq", "match_message", "match_presence_in", "match_presence_out"};
233         ["private_storage"] = {"username", "namespace", "data"};
234         ["rostergroups"] = {"username", "jid", "grp"};
235         ["rosterusers"] = {"username", "jid", "nick", "subscription", "ask", "askmessage", "server", "subscribe", "type"};
236         ["spool"] = {"username", "xml", "seq"};
237         ["users"] = {"username", "password"};
238         ["vcard"] = {"username", "vcard"};
239         --["vcard_search"] = {};
240 }
241 local NULL = {};
242 local t = parseFile(arg);
243 for name, data in pairs(t) do
244         local m = map[name];
245         if m then
246                 if #data > 0 and #data[1] ~= #m then
247                         print("[warning] expected "..#m.." columns for table `""`, found "..#data[1]);
248                 end
249                 for i=1,#data do
250                         local row = data[i];
251                         for j=1,#m do
252                                 row[m[j]] = row[j];
253                                 row[j] = nil;
254                         end
255                 end
256         end
257 end
258 --print(serialize(t));
260 for i, row in ipairs(t["users"] or NULL) do
261         local node, password = row.username, row.password;
262         local ret, err =, host, "accounts", {password = password});
263         print("["..(err or "success").."] accounts: "..node.."@";
264 end
266 function roster(node, host, jid, item)
267         local roster = dm.load(node, host, "roster") or {};
268         roster[jid] = item;
269         local ret, err =, host, "roster", roster);
270         print("["..(err or "success").."] roster: " ..node.."@"" - "..jid);
271 end
272 function roster_pending(node, host, jid)
273         local roster = dm.load(node, host, "roster") or {};
274         roster.pending = roster.pending or {};
275         roster.pending[jid] = true;
276         local ret, err =, host, "roster", roster);
277         print("["..(err or "success").."] roster-pending: " ..node.."@"" - "..jid);
278 end
279 function roster_group(node, host, jid, group)
280         local roster = dm.load(node, host, "roster") or {};
281         local item = roster[jid];
282         if not item then print("Warning: No roster item "..jid.." for user "..node..", can't put in group "; return; end
283         item.groups[group] = true;
284         local ret, err =, host, "roster", roster);
285         print("["..(err or "success").."] roster-group: " ..node.."@"" - "..jid.." - ";
286 end
287 function private_storage(node, host, xmlns, stanza)
288         local private = dm.load(node, host, "private") or {};
289         private[":"..xmlns] = st.preserialize(stanza);
290         local ret, err =, host, "private", private);
291         print("["..(err or "success").."] private: " ..node.."@"" - "..xmlns);
292 end
293 function offline_msg(node, host, t, stanza)
294         stanza.attr.stamp ="!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t);
295         stanza.attr.stamp_legacy ="!%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S", t);
296         local ret, err = dm.list_append(node, host, "offline", st.preserialize(stanza));
297         print("["..(err or "success").."] offline: " ..node.."@"" - ""!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t));
298 end
299 for i, row in ipairs(t["rosterusers"] or NULL) do
300         local node, contact = row.username, row.jid;
301         local name = row.nick;
302         if name == "" then name = nil; end
303         local subscription = row.subscription;
304         if subscription == "N" then
305                 subscription = "none"
306         elseif subscription == "B" then
307                 subscription = "both"
308         elseif subscription == "F" then
309                 subscription = "from"
310         elseif subscription == "T" then
311                 subscription = "to"
312         else error("Unknown subscription type: "..subscription) end;
313         local ask = row.ask;
314         if ask == "N" then
315                 ask = nil;
316         elseif ask == "O" then
317                 ask = "subscribe";
318         elseif ask == "I" then
319                 roster_pending(node, host, contact);
320                 ask = nil;
321         elseif ask == "B" then
322                 roster_pending(node, host, contact);
323                 ask = "subscribe";
324         else error("Unknown ask type: "..ask); end
325         local item = {name = name, ask = ask, subscription = subscription, groups = {}};
326         roster(node, host, contact, item);
327 end
328 for i, row in ipairs(t["rostergroups"] or NULL) do
329         roster_group(row.username, host, row.jid, row.grp);
330 end
331 for i, row in ipairs(t["vcard"] or NULL) do
332         local ret, err =, host, "vcard", st.preserialize(parse_xml(row.vcard)));
333         print("["..(err or "success").."] vCard: "..row.username.."@";
334 end
335 for i, row in ipairs(t["private_storage"] or NULL) do
336         private_storage(row.username, host, row.namespace, parse_xml(;
337 end
338 table.sort(t["spool"] or NULL, function(a,b) return a.seq < b.seq; end); -- sort by sequence number, just in case
339 local time_offset = os.difftime(os.time("!*t")), os.time("*t"))) -- to deal with timezones
340 local date_parse = function(s)
341         local year, month, day, hour, min, sec = s:match("(....)-?(..)-?(..)T(..):(..):(..)");
342         return os.time({year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=min, sec=sec-time_offset});
343 end
344 for i, row in ipairs(t["spool"] or NULL) do
345         local stanza = parse_xml(row.xml);
346         local last_child = stanza.tags[#stanza.tags];
347         if not last_child or last_child ~= stanza[#stanza] then error("Last child of offline message is not a tag"); end
348         if ~= "x" and last_child.attr.xmlns ~= "jabber:x:delay" then error("Last child of offline message is not a timestamp"); end
349         stanza[#stanza], stanza.tags[#stanza.tags] = nil, nil;
350         local t = date_parse(last_child.attr.stamp);
351         offline_msg(row.username, host, t, stanza);
352 end