/* MikMod sound library (c) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Miodrag Vallat and others - see file AUTHORS for complete list. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*============================================================================== $Id: mlutil.c,v 2004/01/21 01:36:35 raph Exp $ Utility functions for the module loader ==============================================================================*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MEMORY_H #include #endif #include #include "mikmod_internals.h" #ifdef SUNOS extern int fprintf(FILE *, const char *, ...); #endif /*========== Shared tracker identifiers */ CHAR *STM_Signatures[STM_NTRACKERS] = { "!Scream!", "BMOD2STM", "WUZAMOD!" }; CHAR *STM_Version[STM_NTRACKERS] = { "Screamtracker 2", "Converted by MOD2STM (STM format)", "Wuzamod (STM format)" }; /*========== Shared loader variables */ SBYTE remap[UF_MAXCHAN]; /* for removing empty channels */ UBYTE* poslookup=NULL; /* lookup table for pattern jumps after blank pattern removal */ UBYTE poslookupcnt; UWORD* origpositions=NULL; BOOL filters; /* resonant filters in use */ UBYTE activemacro; /* active midi macro number for Sxx,xx<80h */ UBYTE filtermacros[UF_MAXMACRO]; /* midi macro settings */ FILTER filtersettings[UF_MAXFILTER]; /* computed filter settings */ /*========== Linear periods stuff */ int* noteindex=NULL; /* remap value for linear period modules */ static int noteindexcount=0; int *AllocLinear(void) { if(of.numsmp>noteindexcount) { noteindexcount=of.numsmp; noteindex=realloc(noteindex,noteindexcount*sizeof(int)); } return noteindex; } void FreeLinear(void) { if(noteindex) { free(noteindex); noteindex=NULL; } noteindexcount=0; } int speed_to_finetune(ULONG speed,int sample) { int ctmp=0,tmp,note=1,finetune=0; speed>>=1; while((tmp=getfrequency(of.flags,getlinearperiod(note<<1,0)))speed) tmp=getfrequency(of.flags,getlinearperiod(note<<1,--finetune)); else { note--; while(ctmp>4; /* process S3M / IT specific command structure */ if(cmd!=255) { switch(cmd) { case 1: /* Axx set speed to xx */ UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTA,inf); break; case 2: /* Bxx position jump */ if (inf>4)*10+(inf&0xf)); else UniPTEffect(0xd,inf); break; case 4: /* Dxy volumeslide */ UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTD,inf); break; case 5: /* Exy toneslide down */ UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTE,inf); break; case 6: /* Fxy toneslide up */ UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTF,inf); break; case 7: /* Gxx Tone portamento, speed xx */ if (flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE) UniPTEffect(0x3,inf); else UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTG,inf); break; case 8: /* Hxy vibrato */ if (flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE) UniPTEffect(0x4,inf); else UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTH,inf); break; case 9: /* Ixy tremor, ontime x, offtime y */ if (flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE) UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTI,inf); else UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTI,inf); break; case 0xa: /* Jxy arpeggio */ UniPTEffect(0x0,inf); break; case 0xb: /* Kxy Dual command H00 & Dxy */ if (flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE) UniPTEffect(0x4,0); else UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTH,0); UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTD,inf); break; case 0xc: /* Lxy Dual command G00 & Dxy */ if (flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE) UniPTEffect(0x3,0); else UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTG,0); UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTD,inf); break; case 0xd: /* Mxx Set Channel Volume */ UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTM,inf); break; case 0xe: /* Nxy Slide Channel Volume */ UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTN,inf); break; case 0xf: /* Oxx set sampleoffset xx00h */ UniPTEffect(0x9,inf); break; case 0x10: /* Pxy Slide Panning Commands */ UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTP,inf); break; case 0x11: /* Qxy Retrig (+volumeslide) */ UniWriteByte(UNI_S3MEFFECTQ); if(inf && !lo && !(flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE)) UniWriteByte(1); else UniWriteByte(inf); break; case 0x12: /* Rxy tremolo speed x, depth y */ UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTR,inf); break; case 0x13: /* Sxx special commands */ if (inf>=0xf0) { /* change resonant filter settings if necessary */ if((filters)&&((inf&0xf)!=activemacro)) { activemacro=inf&0xf; for(inf=0;inf<0x80;inf++) filtersettings[inf].filter=filtermacros[activemacro]; } } else { /* Scream Tracker does not have samples larger than 64 Kb, thus doesn't need the SAx effect */ if ((flags & S3MIT_SCREAM) && ((inf & 0xf0) == 0xa0)) break; UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTS0,inf); } break; case 0x14: /* Txx tempo */ if(inf>=0x20) UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTT,inf); else { if(!(flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE)) /* IT Tempo slide */ UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTT,inf); } break; case 0x15: /* Uxy Fine Vibrato speed x, depth y */ if(flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE) UniEffect(UNI_S3MEFFECTU,inf); else UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTU,inf); break; case 0x16: /* Vxx Set Global Volume */ UniEffect(UNI_XMEFFECTG,inf); break; case 0x17: /* Wxy Global Volume Slide */ UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTW,inf); break; case 0x18: /* Xxx amiga command 8xx */ if(flags & S3MIT_OLDSTYLE) { if(inf>128) UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTS0,0x91); /* surround */ else UniPTEffect(0x8,(inf==128)?255:(inf<<1)); } else UniPTEffect(0x8,inf); break; case 0x19: /* Yxy Panbrello speed x, depth y */ UniEffect(UNI_ITEFFECTY,inf); break; case 0x1a: /* Zxx midi/resonant filters */ if(filtersettings[inf].filter) { UniWriteByte(UNI_ITEFFECTZ); UniWriteByte(filtersettings[inf].filter); UniWriteByte(filtersettings[inf].inf); } break; } } } /*========== Unitrk stuff */ /* Generic effect writing routine */ void UniEffect(UWORD eff,UWORD dat) { if((!eff)||(eff>=UNI_LAST)) return; UniWriteByte(eff); if(unioperands[eff]==2) UniWriteWord(dat); else UniWriteByte(dat); } /* Appends UNI_PTEFFECTX opcode to the unitrk stream. */ void UniPTEffect(UBYTE eff, UBYTE dat) { #ifdef MIKMOD_DEBUG if (eff>=0x10) fprintf(stderr,"UniPTEffect called with incorrect eff value %d\n",eff); else #endif if((eff)||(dat)||(of.flags&UF_ARPMEM)) UniEffect(UNI_PTEFFECT0+eff,dat); } /* Appends UNI_VOLEFFECT + effect/dat to unistream. */ void UniVolEffect(UWORD eff,UBYTE dat) { if((eff)||(dat)) { /* don't write empty effect */ UniWriteByte(UNI_VOLEFFECTS); UniWriteByte(eff);UniWriteByte(dat); } } /* ex:set ts=4: */