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\newcommand{\myderivspp}{\vspace{0.3cm}} \newcommand{\mytyp}{\mytyc{Type}} \newcommand{\myneg}{\myfun{$\neg$}} \newcommand{\myar}{\,} \newcommand{\mybool}{\mytyc{Bool}} \newcommand{\mytrue}{\mydc{true}} \newcommand{\myfalse}{\mydc{false}} \newcommand{\myitee}[5]{\myfun{if}\,#1 / {#2.#3}\,\myfun{then}\,#4\,\myfun{else}\,#5} \newcommand{\mynat}{\mytyc{$\mathbb{N}$}} \newcommand{\myrat}{\mytyc{$\mathbb{R}$}} \newcommand{\myite}[3]{\myfun{if}\,#1\,\myfun{then}\,#2\,\myfun{else}\,#3} \newcommand{\myfora}[3]{(#1 {:} #2) \myarr #3} \newcommand{\myexi}[3]{(#1 {:} #2) \myprod #3} \newcommand{\mypairr}[4]{\mathopen{\mydc{$\langle$}}#1\mathpunct{\mydc{,}} #4\mathclose{\mydc{$\rangle$}}_{#2{.}#3}} \newcommand{\mynil}{\mydc{[]}} \newcommand{\mycons}{\mathbin{\mydc{∷}}} \newcommand{\myfoldr}{\myfun{foldr}} \newcommand{\myw}[3]{\myapp{\myapp{\mytyc{W}}{(#1 {:} #2)}}{#3}} \newcommand{\mynodee}{\mathbin{\mydc{$\lhd$}}} \newcommand{\mynode}[2]{\mynodee_{#1.#2}} \newcommand{\myrec}[4]{\myfun{rec}\,#1 / {#2.#3}\,\myfun{with}\,#4} \newcommand{\mylub}{\sqcup} \newcommand{\mydefeq}{\cong} \newcommand{\myrefl}{\mydc{refl}} \newcommand{\mypeq}{\mytyc{=}} \newcommand{\myjeqq}{\myfun{$=$-elim}} \newcommand{\myjeq}[3]{\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myjeqq}{#1}}{#2}}{#3}} \newcommand{\mysubst}{\myfun{subst}} \newcommand{\myprsyn}{\myse{prop}} \newcommand{\myprdec}[1]{\mathopen{\mytyc{$\llbracket$}} #1 \mathclose{\mytyc{$\rrbracket$}}} \newcommand{\myand}{\mathrel{\mytyc{$\wedge$}}} \newcommand{\mybigand}{\mathrel{\mytyc{$\bigwedge$}}} \newcommand{\myprfora}[3]{\forall #1 {:} #2.\, #3} \newcommand{\myimpl}{\mathrel{\mytyc{$\Rightarrow$}}} \newcommand{\mybot}{\mytyc{$\bot$}} \newcommand{\mytop}{\mytyc{$\top$}} \newcommand{\mycoe}{\myfun{coe}} \newcommand{\mycoee}[4]{\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\mycoe}{#1}}{#2}}{#3}}{#4}} \newcommand{\mycoh}{\myfun{coh}} \newcommand{\mycohh}[4]{\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\mycoh}{#1}}{#2}}{#3}}{#4}} \newcommand{\myjm}[4]{(#1 {:} #2) \mathrel{\mytyc{=}} (#3 {:} #4)} 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\newcommand{\myhyps}{\mymeta{hyps}} \newcommand{\mycc}{;} \newcommand{\myemptytele}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\mymetagoes}{\Longrightarrow} % \newcommand{\mytesctx}{\ \newcommand{\mytelesyn}{\myse{telescope}} \newcommand{\myrecs}{\mymeta{recs}} \newcommand{\myle}{\mathrel{\lcfun{$\le$}}} \newcommand{\mylet}{\mysyn{let}} \newcommand{\myhead}{\mymeta{head}} \newcommand{\mytake}{\mymeta{take}} \newcommand{\myix}{\mymeta{ix}} \newcommand{\myapply}{\mymeta{apply}} \newcommand{\mydataty}{\mymeta{datatype}} \newcommand{\myisreco}{\mymeta{record}} \newcommand{\mydcsep}{\ |\ } \newcommand{\mytree}{\mytyc{Tree}} \newcommand{\myproj}[1]{\myfun{$\pi_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\mysigma}{\mytyc{$\Sigma$}} \newcommand{\mynegder}{\vspace{-0.3cm}} \newcommand{\myquot}{\Uparrow} \newcommand{\mynquot}{\, \Downarrow} \newcommand{\mycanquot}{\ensuremath{\textsc{quote}{\Downarrow}}} \newcommand{\myneuquot}{\ensuremath{\textsc{quote}{\Uparrow}}} \newcommand{\mymetaguard}{\ |\ } \newcommand{\mybox}{\Box} \newcommand{\mytermi}[1]{\text{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\mysee}[1]{\langle\myse{#1}\rangle} \newcommand{\mycomp}{\mathbin{\myfun{$\circ$}}} \newcommand{\mylist}[1]{\mytyc{List}\myappsp #1} \newcommand{\mylistt}[1]{\mathopen{\mydc{$[$}} #1 \mathclose{\mydc{$]$}}} \newcommand{\myplus}{\mathbin{\myfun{$+$}}} \newcommand{\mytimes}{\mathbin{\myfun{$*$}}} \newcommand{\mysuc}{\mydc{suc}} \newcommand{\myzero}{\mydc{zero}} \renewcommand{\[}{\begin{equation*}} \renewcommand{\]}{\end{equation*}} \newcommand{\mymacol}[2]{\text{\textcolor{#1}{$#2$}}} \title{\mykant: Implementing Observational Equality} \author{Francesco Mazzoli \texttt{}} \date{June 2013} \begin{document} \frame{\titlepage} \begin{frame} \frametitle{\mykant?} \mykant\ is an \emph{interactive theorem prover}/\emph{functional programming language}, implemented in Haskell. It is in the tradition of Agda and Epigram (and to a lesser extent Coq), but with a more powerful notion of \emph{equality}. We have figured out theory of \mykant, and have a near-complete implementation. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Theorem provers are short-sighted} Two functions dear to the Haskell practitioner: \[ \begin{array}{@{}l} \myfun{map} : (\myb{a} \myarr \myb{b}) \myarr \mylist{\myb{a}} \myarr \mylist{\myb{b}} \\ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\myappsp}c@{\myappsp}c@{\ }c@{\ }l} \myfun{map} & \myb{f} & \mynil & = & \mynil \\ \myfun{map} & \myb{f} & (\myb{x} \mycons \myb{xs}) & = & \myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}} \mycons \myfun{map} \myappsp \myb{f} \myappsp \myb{xs} \\ \end{array} \\ \ \\ (\myfun{${\circ}$}) : (\myb{b} \myarr \myb{c}) \myarr (\myb{a} \myarr \myb{b}) \myarr (\myb{a} \myarr \myb{c}) \\ (\myb{f} \mathbin{\myfun{$\circ$}} \myb{g}) \myappsp \myb{x} = \myapp{\myb{g}}{(\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}})} \end{array} \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Theorem provers are short-sighted} $\myfun{map}$'s composition law states that: \[ \forall \myb{f} {:} (\myb{b} \myarr \myb{c}), \myb{g} {:} (\myb{a} \myarr \myb{b}). \myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{f} \mycomp \myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{g} \myeq \myfun{map}\myappsp (\myb{f} \mycomp \myb{g}) \] We can convince Coq or Agda that \[ \forall \myb{f} {:} (\myb{b} \myarr \myb{c}), \myb{g} {:} (\myb{a} \myarr \myb{b}), \myb{l} {:} \mylist{\myb{a}}. (\myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{f} \mycomp \myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{g}) \myappsp \myb{l} \myeq \myfun{map}\myappsp (\myb{f} \mycomp \myb{g}) \myappsp \myb{l} \] But we cannot get rid of the $\myb{l}$. Why? \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{\mykant\ and observational equality} \emph{Observational} equality solves this and other annoyances. \mykant\ is a system aiming at making observational equality more usable. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Theorem provers, dependent types} \begin{center} \Huge types $\leftrightarrow$ propositions programs $\leftrightarrow$ proofs \end{center} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Theorem provers, dependent types} First class types: we can return them, have them as arguments, etc. \[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ \ \ }l} \mysyn{data}\ \myempty & \text{No members.} \\ \mysyn{data}\ \myunit \mapsto \mytt & \text{One member.} \end{array} \] $\myempty : \mytyp$, $\myunit : \mytyp$. $\myunit$ is trivially inhabitable: it corresponds to $\top$ in logic. \[ \mytt : \myunit \] $\myempty$ is \emph{not} inhabitable: it corresponds to $\bot$. \[ \myfun{absurd} : \myempty \myarr \myb{A} \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Theorem provers, dependent types} \[ \mysyn{data}\ \mylist{\myb{A}} \mapsto \mynil \mydcsep \myb{A} \mycons \mylist{\myb{A}} \] We want to express a `non-emptiness' property for lists: \[ \begin{array}{@{}l} \myfun{non-empty} : \mylist{\myb{A}} \myarr \mytyp \\ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\myappsp}c@{\ }l} \myfun{non-empty} & \mynil & \mapsto \myempty \\ \myfun{non-empty} & (\myb{x} \mycons \myb{l}) & \mapsto \myunit \end{array} \end{array} \] A term of type $\myfun{non-empty} \myappsp \myb{l}$ represents a \emph{proof} that $\myb{l}$ is indeed not empty. \[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ \ \ }l} \text{Can't prove} & \myfun{non-empty}\myappsp \mynil \myred \myempty \\ \text{Trivial to prove} & \myfun{non-empty}\myappsp(2 \mycons \mynil) \myred \myunit \end{array} \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Example: safe $\myfun{head}$ function} \only<3>{We can eliminate the `empty list' case:} \[ \begin{array}{@{}l} \myfun{head} : \myfora{\myb{l}}{\mytyc{List}\myappsp\myb{A}}{ \myfun{non-empty}\myappsp\myb{l} \myarr \myb{A}} \\ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\myappsp}c@{\myappsp}c@{\ }c@{\ }l} \myfun{head} & \mynil & \myb{p} & \mapsto & \only<1,2>{\myhole{?}}\only<3>{\myabsurd\myappsp\myb{p}} \\ \myfun{head} & (\myb{x} \mycons \myb{xs}) & \myb{p} & \mapsto & \myb{x} \end{array} \end{array} \] \only<1>{ The logic equivalent would be \[ \forall \myb{l} {:} \mylist{\myb{A}}.\ \myfun{non-empty}\myappsp\myb{l} \myarr \myb{A} \] `For all non-empty lists of type $\myb{A}$, we can get an element of $\myb{A}$.' } \only<2>{ The type of $\myb{p}$ in the $\myhole{?}$ is $\myempty$, since \[\myfun{non-empty}\myappsp\mynil \myred \myempty \]} \only<3>{ Remember: \[ \myfun{absurd} : \myempty \myarr \myb{A} \] } \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{How do we type check this thing?} \[\text{Is\ } \myfun{non-empty}\myappsp(3 \mycons \mynil) \text{\ the same as\ } \myunit\text{?}\] Or in other words, is \[ \mytt : \myunit \] A valid argument to \[ \myfun{head} \myappsp (3 \mycons \mynil) : \myfun{non-empty}\myappsp(3 \mycons \mynil) \myarr \mynat \] Yes: to typecheck, we reduce terms fully (to their \emph{normal form}) before comparing: \[ \begin{array}{@{}r@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }l} \myunit & \myredd & \myunit & \mydefeq & \myunit & \myreddd & \myfun{non-empty}\myappsp(3 \mycons \mynil) \\ (\myabs{\myb{x}\, \myb{y}}{\myb{y}}) \myappsp \myunit \myappsp \myappsp \mynat & \myredd & \mynat & \mydefeq & \mynat & \myreddd & (\myabs{\myb{x}\, \myb{y}}{\myb{x}}) \myappsp \mynat \myappsp \myunit \\ & & & \vdots & & & \end{array} \] \[ \mydefeq\ \text{takes the name of \textbf{definitional equality}.} \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Propositional equality} Using definitional equality, we can give the user a type-level notion of term equality. \[ (\myeq) : \myb{A} \myarr \myb{A} \myarr \mytyp\ \ \ \text{internalises equality \textbf{as a type}} \] We introduce members of $\myeq$ by reflexivity, for example \[ \myrefl\myappsp5 : 5 \myeq 5 \] But also \[ \begin{array}{@{}l} \myrefl\myappsp 5 : (3 + 2) \myeq (1 + 4)\text{, since}\\ (3 + 2) \myeq (1 + 4) \myredd 5 \myeq 5 \end{array} \] Then we can use a substitution law to derive other laws---transitivity, congruence, etc. \[ \myeq\ \text{takes the name of \textbf{propositional equality}} \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{The problem with prop. equality} Going back to $\myfun{map}$, we can prove that \[ \forall \myb{f} {:} (\myb{b} \myarr \myb{c}), \myb{g} {:} (\myb{a} \myarr \myb{b}), \myb{l} {:} \mylist{\myb{a}}.\ (\myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{f} \mycomp \myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{g}) \myappsp \myb{l} \myeq \myfun{map}\myappsp (\myb{f} \mycomp \myb{g}) \myappsp \myb{l} \] Because \[ (\myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{f} \mycomp \myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{g})\myappsp \myb{l} \mydefeq \myfun{map}\myappsp (\myb{f} \mycomp \myb{g}) \myappsp \myb{l} \] By induction on $\myb{l}$. Without the $\myb{l}$ we cannot compute, so we are stuck with \[ \myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{f} \mycomp \myfun{map}\myappsp \myb{g} \not\mydefeq \myfun{map}\myappsp (\myb{f} \mycomp \myb{g}) \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Observational equality} Instead of basing its equality on definitional equality, look at the structure of the type to decide. For functions this will mean that proving \[ \myfun{map}\myappsp \myse{f} \mycomp \myfun{map}\myappsp \myse{g} \myeq \myfun{map}\myappsp (\myse{f} \mycomp \myse{g}) \] Will reduce to proving that \[ (\myb{l} : \mylist{\myb{A}}) \myarr (\myfun{map}\myappsp \myse{f} \mycomp \myfun{map}\myappsp \myse{g})\myappsp\myb{l} \myeq \myfun{map}\myappsp (\myse{f} \mycomp \myse{g})\myappsp \myb{l} \] Which is what we want. The interesting part is how to make the system compute nicely. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \begin{center} {\huge \mykant' features} \end{center} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Inductive data} \[ \mysyn{data}\ \mytyc{List}\myappsp (\myb{A} : \mytyp) \mapsto \mynil \mydcsep \myb{A} \mycons \mytyc{List}\myappsp\myb{A} \] Each with an induction principle: \[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }l} \mytyc{List}.\myfun{elim} : & \AgdaComment{-{}- The property that we want to prove:} \\ & (\myb{P} : \mytyc{List}\myappsp\myb{A} \myarr \mytyp) \myarr \\ & \AgdaComment{-{}- If it holds for the base case:} \\ & \myb{P} \myappsp \mynil \myarr \\ & \AgdaComment{-{}- And for the inductive step:} \\ & ((\myb{x} : \myb{A}) \myarr (\myb{l} : \mytyc{List}\myappsp \myb{A}) \myarr \myb{P} \myappsp \myb{l} \myarr \myb{P} \myappsp (\myb{x} \mycons \myb{l})) \myarr \\ & \AgdaComment{-{}- Then it holds for every list:} \\ & (\myb{l} : \mytyc{List}\myappsp\myb{A}) \myarr \myb{P} \myappsp \myb{l} \end{array} \] Induction is also computation, via structural recursion: \[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }l} \mytyc{List}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \myse{P} \myappsp \myse{pn} \myappsp \myse{pc} \myappsp \mynil & \myred \myse{pn} \\ \mytyc{List}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \myse{P} \myappsp \myse{pn} \myappsp \myse{pc} \myappsp (\mytmm \mycons \mytmn) & \myred \myse{pc} \myappsp \mytmm \myappsp \mytmn \myappsp (\mytyc{List}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \myse{P} \myappsp \myse{pn} \myappsp \myse{ps} \myappsp \mytmn ) \end{array} \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Dependent defined types} \emph{Unlike} Haskell, we can have fields of a data constructor to depend on earlier fields: \[ \begin{array}{@{}l} \mysyn{record}\ \mytyc{Tuple}\myappsp(\myb{A} : \mytyp)\myappsp\myhole{$(\myb{B} : \myb{A} \myarr \mytyp)$} \mapsto \\ \myind{2}\mydc{tuple}\ \{ \myfun{fst} : \myb{A}, \myfun{snd} : \myb{B}\myappsp\myb{fst} \} \end{array} \] The \emph{type} of the second element depends on the \emph{value} of the first: \[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }l} \myfun{fst} & : \mytyc{Tuple}\myappsp\myb{A}\myappsp\myb{B} \myarr \myb{A} \\ \myfun{snd} & : (\myb{x} : \mytyc{Tuple}\myappsp\myb{A}\myappsp\myb{B}) \myarr \myb{B} \myappsp (\myfun{fst} \myappsp \myb{x}) \end{array} \] Where the projection's reduction rules are predictably \[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }l} \myfun{fst}\myappsp&(\mydc{tuple}\myappsp\mytmm\myappsp\mytmn) \myred \mytmm \\ \myfun{snd}\myappsp&(\mydc{tuple}\myappsp\mytmm\myappsp\mytmn) \myred \mytmn \\ \end{array} \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Example: the type of even numbers} For example we can define the type of even numbers: % TODO fix \[ \begin{array}{@{}l} \mysyn{data}\ \mynat \mapsto \mydc{zero} \mydcsep \mydc{suc}\myappsp\mynat \\ \ \\ \myfun{even} : \mynat \myarr \mytyp \\ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\myappsp}c@{\ }l} \myfun{even} & \myzero & \mapsto \myunit \\ \myfun{even} & (\mysuc \myappsp \myzero) & \mapsto \myempty \\ \myfun{even} & (\mysuc \myappsp (\mysuc \myappsp \myb{n})) & \mapsto \myfun{even} \myappsp \myb{n} \end{array} \\ \ \\ \mytyc{Even} : \mytyp \\ \mytyc{Even} \mapsto \mytyc{Tuple}\ \mynat\ \myfun{even} \end{array} \] \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Type hierarchy} \[\{\mynat, \mybool, \mytyc{List}\myappsp\mynat, \cdots\} : \mytyp\] What is the type of $\mytyp$? \[ \cancel{\mytyp : \mytyp}\ \ \ \text{\textbf{inconsistent}} \] Similar to Russel's paradox in na{\"i}ve set theory. Instead, we have a hierarchy: \[ \{\mynat, \mybool, \mytyc{List}\myappsp\mynat, \cdots\} : \mytyp_0 : \mytyp_1 : \cdots \] We talk of types in $\mytyp_0$ as `smaller' than types in $\mytyp_1$. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Cumulativity and typical ambiguity} Instead of: \[ \mytyp_0 : \mytyp_1 \ \ \ \text{but}\ \ \ \mytyp_0 \centernot{:} \mytyp_2\] We have a cumulative hierarchy, so that \[ \mytyp_n : \mytyp_m \ \ \ \text{iff}\ \ \ n < m \] For example \[ \mynat : \mytyp_0\ \ \ \text{and}\ \ \ \mynat : \mytyp_1\ \ \ \text{and}\ \ \ \mynat : \mytyp_{50} \] But in \mykant, you can forget about levels: the consistency is checked automatically---a mechanised version of what Russell called \emph{typical ambiguity}. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Bidirectional type checking} \[ \mysyn{data}\ \mytyc{List}\myappsp (\myb{A} : \mytyp) \mapsto \mydc{nil} \mydcsep \mydc{cons} \myappsp \myb{A}\myappsp (\mytyc{List}\myappsp\myb{A}) \] With no type inference, we have explicit types for the constructors: \[ \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }l} \mydc{nil} & : (\myb{A} : \mytyp) \myarr \mytyc{List}\myappsp\myb{A} \\ \mydc{cons} &: (\myb{A} : \mytyp) \myarr \myb{A} \myarr \mytyc{List}\myappsp\myb{A} \myarr \mytyc{List}\myappsp\myb{A}\\ \end{array} \] ...ugh: \[ \mydc{cons}\myappsp \mynat\myappsp 1 \myappsp (\mydc{cons}\myappsp \mynat \myappsp 2 \myappsp (\mydc{cons}\myappsp \mynat \myappsp 3 \myappsp (\mydc{nil}\myappsp \mynat))) \] Instead, annotate terms and propagate the type: \[ \mydc{cons}\myappsp 1 \myappsp (\mydc{cons}\myappsp 2 \myappsp (\mydc{cons} \myappsp 3 \myappsp \mydc{nil})) : \mytyc{List}\myappsp\mynat \] Conversely, when we use eliminators the type can be inferred. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{OTT + user defined types} For each type, we need to: \begin{itemize} \item Describe when two types formed by the defined type constructors are equal; \[ \mylist{\mytya_1} \myeq \mylist{\mytya_2} \] \item Describe when two values of the defined type are equal; \[ \begin{array}{@{}c@{\ \ \ \ \ \ }c} \mynil \myeq \mynil & \mynil \myeq \mytmm \mycons \mytmn \\ \mytmm \mycons \mytmn \myeq \mynil & \mytmm_1 \mycons \mytmn_1 \myeq \mytmm_2 \mycons \mytmn_2 \end{array} \] \item Describe how to transport values of the defined type. \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{OTT + hierarchy} Since equalities reduce to functions abstracting over various things, we need to make sure that the hierarchy is respected. For example we have that \[ \begin{array}{@{}l} \myjm{(\myb{x_1} {:} \mytya_1) \myarr \mytyb_1}{\mytyp}{(\myb{x_2} {:} \mytya_2) \myarr \mytyb_2}{\mytyp} \myred \\ \myind{2} \myjm{\mytya_1}{\mytyp}{\mytya_2}{\mytyp} \myand \\ \myind{2} ((\myb{x_1} : \mytya_1) \myarr (\myb{x_2} : \mytya_2) \myarr \myjm{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2} \myarr \mytyb_1[\myb{x_1}] \myeq \mytyb_2[\myb{x_2}]) \end{array} \] Subtle point---I discovered a problem in the theory after submitting... but I have a fix. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Bonus! WebSocket prompt} \url{http://bertus.mazzo.li}, go DDOS it! \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{web-prompt.png} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \begin{center} {\Huge Demo} \end{center} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{What have we done?} \begin{itemize} \item A small theorem prover for intuitionistic logic, featuring: \item Inductive data and record types; \item A cumulative, implicit type hierarchy; \item Partial type inference---bidirectional type checking; \item Observational equality---coming soon to the implementation. \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Further work} \begin{itemize} \item Pattern matching and explicit recursion \item More expressive data types \item Inference via unification \item Codata \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \begin{center} {\Huge Questions?} \end{center} \end{frame} \end{document}