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+\newcommand{\myadt}[4]{\mysyn{data}\ #1 #2\ \mysyn{where}\ #3\{ #4 \}} +\newcommand{\myreco}[4]{\mysyn{record}\ #1 #2\ \mysyn{where}\ \{ #4 \}} +\newcommand{\myelabt}{\vdash} +\newcommand{\myelabf}{\rhd} +\newcommand{\myelab}[2]{\myctx \myelabt #1 \myelabf #2} +\newcommand{\mytele}{\Delta} +\newcommand{\mytelee}{\delta} +\newcommand{\mydcctx}{\Gamma} +\newcommand{\mynamesyn}{\myse{name}} +\newcommand{\myvec}{\overrightarrow} +\newcommand{\mymeta}{\textsc} +\newcommand{\myhyps}{\mymeta{hyps}} +\newcommand{\mycc}{;} +\newcommand{\myemptytele}{\varepsilon} +\newcommand{\mymetagoes}{\Longrightarrow} +% \newcommand{\mytesctx}{\ +\newcommand{\mytelesyn}{\myse{telescope}} +\newcommand{\myrecs}{\mymeta{recs}} +\newcommand{\myle}{\mathrel{\lcfun{$\le$}}} +\newcommand{\mylet}{\mysyn{let}} +\newcommand{\myhead}{\mymeta{head}} +\newcommand{\mytake}{\mymeta{take}} +\newcommand{\myix}{\mymeta{ix}} +\newcommand{\myapply}{\mymeta{apply}} +\newcommand{\mydataty}{\mymeta{datatype}} +\newcommand{\myisreco}{\mymeta{record}} +\newcommand{\mydcsep}{\ |\ } +\newcommand{\mytree}{\mytyc{Tree}} +\newcommand{\myproj}[1]{\myfun{$\pi_{#1}$}} +\newcommand{\mysigma}{\mytyc{$\Sigma$}} +\newcommand{\mynegder}{\vspace{-0.3cm}} +\newcommand{\myquot}{\Uparrow} +\newcommand{\mynquot}{\, \Downarrow} + +\renewcommand{\[}{\begin{equation*}} +\renewcommand{\]}{\end{equation*}} +\newcommand{\mymacol}[2]{\text{\textcolor{#1}{$#2$}}} %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -\title{\textsc{Kant}: Implementing Observational Equality} -% TODO remove double @ if we get rid of lhs2TeX +\title{\mykant: Implementing Observational Equality} \author{Francesco Mazzoli \href{mailto:fm2209@ic.ac.uk}{\nolinkurl{}}} \date{June 2013} + \iffalse + \begin{code} + module thesis where + \end{code} + \fi + \begin{document} -\iffalse -\begin{code} -module thesis where -open import Level -\end{code} -\fi +\begin{titlepage} + \centering + + \maketitle + \thispagestyle{empty} -\maketitle + \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} + \begin{flushleft} \large + \emph{Supervisor:}\\ + Dr. Steffen \textsc{van Bakel} + \end{flushleft} +\end{minipage} +\begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} + \begin{flushright} \large + \emph{Co-marker:} \\ + Dr. Philippa \textsc{Gardner} + \end{flushright} +\end{minipage} + +\end{titlepage} \begin{abstract} The marriage between programming and logic has been a very fertile one. In particular, since the simply typed lambda calculus (STLC), a number of type systems have been devised with increasing expressive power. - Section \ref{sec:types} will give a very brief overview of STLC, and then - illustrate how it can be interpreted as a natural deduction system. Section - \ref{sec:itt} will introduce Inutitionistic Type Theory (ITT), which expands - on this concept, employing a more expressive logic. The exposition is quite - dense since there is a lot of material to cover; for a more complete treatment - of the material the reader can refer to \citep{Thompson1991, Pierce2002}. - Section \ref{sec:equality} will explain why equality has always been a tricky - business in these theories, and talk about the various attempts that have been - made to make the situation better. One interesting development has recently - emerged: Observational Type theory. - - Section \ref{sec:practical} will describe common extensions found in the - systems currently in use. Finally, section \ref{sec:kant} will describe a - system developed by the author that implements a core calculus based on the - principles described. + Among this systems, Inutitionistic Type Theory (ITT) has been a very + popular framework for theorem provers and programming languages. + However, equality has always been a tricky business in ITT and related + theories. + + In these thesis we will explain why this is the case, and present + Observational Type Theory (OTT), a solution to some of the problems + with equality. We then describe $\mykant$, a theorem prover featuring + OTT in a setting more close to the one found in current systems. + Having implemented part of $\mykant$ as a Haskell program, we describe + some of the implementation issues faced. +\end{abstract} + +\clearpage + +\renewcommand{\abstractname}{Acknowledgements} +\begin{abstract} + I would like to thank Steffen van Backel, my supervisor, who was brave + enough to believe in my project and who provided much advice and + support. + + I would also like to thank the Haskell and Agda community on + \texttt{IRC}, which guided me through the strange world of types; and + in particular Andrea Vezzosi and James Deikun, with whom I entertained + countless insightful discussions in the past year. Andrea suggested + Observational Type Theory as a topic of study: this thesis would not + exist without him. Before them, Tony Fields introduced me to Haskell, + unknowingly filling most of my free time from that time on. + + Finally, much of the work stems from the research of Conor McBride, + who answered many of my doubts through these months. I also owe him + the colours. \end{abstract} +\clearpage + \tableofcontents +\clearpage + \section{Simple and not-so-simple types} \label{sec:types} -\section{Intuitionistic Type Theory and dependent types} +\subsection{The untyped $\lambda$-calculus} +\label{sec:untyped} + +Along with Turing's machines, the earliest attempts to formalise computation +lead to the $\lambda$-calculus \citep{Church1936}. This early programming +language encodes computation with a minimal syntax and no `data' in the +traditional sense, but just functions. Here we give a brief overview of the +language, which will give the chance to introduce concepts central to the +analysis of all the following calculi. The exposition follows the one found in +chapter 5 of \cite{Queinnec2003}. + +The syntax of $\lambda$-terms consists of three things: variables, abstractions, +and applications: + +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \myb{x} \mysynsep \myabs{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep (\myapp{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}) \\ + x & \in & \text{Some enumerable set of symbols} + \end{array} + $ +} + +Parenthesis will be omitted in the usual way: +$\myapp{\myapp{\mytmt}{\mytmm}}{\mytmn} = +\myapp{(\myapp{\mytmt}{\mytmm})}{\mytmn}$. + +Abstractions roughly corresponds to functions, and their semantics is more +formally explained by the $\beta$-reduction rule: + +\mydesc{reduction:}{\mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + $ + \begin{array}{l} + \myapp{(\myabs{\myb{x}}{\mytmm})}{\mytmn} \myred \mysub{\mytmm}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn}\text{, where} \\ + \myind{2} + \begin{array}{l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mysub{\myb{x}}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn} & = & \mytmn \\ + \mysub{\myb{y}}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn} & = & y\text{, with } \myb{x} \neq y \\ + \mysub{(\myapp{\mytmt}{\mytmm})}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn} & = & (\myapp{\mysub{\mytmt}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn}}{\mysub{\mytmm}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn}}) \\ + \mysub{(\myabs{\myb{x}}{\mytmm})}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn} & = & \myabs{\myb{x}}{\mytmm} \\ + \mysub{(\myabs{\myb{y}}{\mytmm})}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn} & = & \myabs{\myb{z}}{\mysub{\mysub{\mytmm}{\myb{y}}{\myb{z}}}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn}}, \\ + \multicolumn{3}{l}{\myind{2} \text{with $\myb{x} \neq \myb{y}$ and $\myb{z}$ not free in $\myapp{\mytmm}{\mytmn}$}} + \end{array} + \end{array} + $ +} + +The care required during substituting variables for terms is required to avoid +name capturing. We will use substitution in the future for other name-binding +constructs assuming similar precautions. + +These few elements are of remarkable expressiveness, and in fact Turing +complete. As a corollary, we must be able to devise a term that reduces forever +(`loops' in imperative terms): +\[ + (\myapp{\omega}{\omega}) \myred (\myapp{\omega}{\omega}) \myred \cdots \text{, with $\omega = \myabs{x}{\myapp{x}{x}}$} +\] +A \emph{redex} is a term that can be reduced. In the untyped $\lambda$-calculus +this will be the case for an application in which the first term is an +abstraction, but in general we call aterm reducible if it appears to the left of +a reduction rule. When a term contains no redexes it's said to be in +\emph{normal form}. Given the observation above, not all terms reduce to a +normal forms: we call the ones that do \emph{normalising}, and the ones that +don't \emph{non-normalising}. + +The reduction rule presented is not syntax directed, but \emph{evaluation + strategies} can be employed to reduce term systematically. Common evaluation +strategies include \emph{call by value} (or \emph{strict}), where arguments of +abstractions are reduced before being applied to the abstraction; and conversely +\emph{call by name} (or \emph{lazy}), where we reduce only when we need to do so +to proceed---in other words when we have an application where the function is +still not a $\lambda$. In both these reduction strategies we never reduce under +an abstraction: for this reason a weaker form of normalisation is used, where +both abstractions and normal forms are said to be in \emph{weak head normal + form}. + +\subsection{The simply typed $\lambda$-calculus} + +A convenient way to `discipline' and reason about $\lambda$-terms is to assign +\emph{types} to them, and then check that the terms that we are forming make +sense given our typing rules \citep{Curry1934}. The first most basic instance +of this idea takes the name of \emph{simply typed $\lambda$ calculus}, whose +rules are shown in figure \ref{fig:stlc}. + +Our types contain a set of \emph{type variables} $\Phi$, which might +correspond to some `primitive' types; and $\myarr$, the type former for +`arrow' types, the types of functions. The language is explicitly +typed: when we bring a variable into scope with an abstraction, we +declare its type. Reduction is unchanged from the untyped +$\lambda$-calculus. + +\begin{figure}[t] + \mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \myb{x} \mysynsep \myabss{\myb{x}}{\mytysyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + (\myapp{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}) \\ + \mytysyn & ::= & \myse{\phi} \mysynsep \mytysyn \myarr \mytysyn \mysynsep \\ + \myb{x} & \in & \text{Some enumerable set of symbols} \\ + \myse{\phi} & \in & \Phi + \end{array} + $ + } + + \mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytysyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{$\myctx(x) = A$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myb{x}}{A}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx;\myb{x} : A}{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myabss{x}{A}{\mytmt}}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya \myarr \mytyb}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mytya}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + \caption{Syntax and typing rules for the STLC. Reduction is unchanged from + the untyped $\lambda$-calculus.} + \label{fig:stlc} +\end{figure} + +In the typing rules, a context $\myctx$ is used to store the types of bound +variables: $\myctx; \myb{x} : \mytya$ adds a variable to the context and +$\myctx(x)$ returns the type of the rightmost occurrence of $x$. + +This typing system takes the name of `simply typed lambda calculus' (STLC), and +enjoys a number of properties. Two of them are expected in most type systems +\citep{Pierce2002}: +\begin{description} +\item[Progress] A well-typed term is not stuck---it is either a variable, or its + constructor does not appear on the left of the $\myred$ relation (currently + only $\lambda$), or it can take a step according to the evaluation rules. +\item[Preservation] If a well-typed term takes a step of evaluation, then the + resulting term is also well-typed, and preserves the previous type. Also + known as \emph{subject reduction}. +\end{description} + +However, STLC buys us much more: every well-typed term is normalising +\citep{Tait1967}. It is easy to see that we can't fill the blanks if we want to +give types to the non-normalising term shown before: +\[ + \myapp{(\myabss{\myb{x}}{\myhole{?}}{\myapp{\myb{x}}{\myb{x}}})}{(\myabss{\myb{x}}{\myhole{?}}{\myapp{\myb{x}}{\myb{x}}})} +\] + +This makes the STLC Turing incomplete. We can recover the ability to loop by +adding a combinator that recurses: + +\noindent +\begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} +\mydesc{syntax}{ } { + $ \mytmsyn ::= \cdots b \mysynsep \myfix{\myb{x}}{\mytysyn}{\mytmsyn} $ + \vspace{0.4cm} +} +\end{minipage} +\begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytysyn}} { + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx; \myb{x} : \mytya}{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myfix{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytmt}}{\mytya}$} + \DisplayProof +} +\end{minipage} + +\mydesc{reduction:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + $ \myfix{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytmt} \myred \mysub{\mytmt}{\myb{x}}{(\myfix{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytmt})}$ +} + +This will deprive us of normalisation, which is a particularly bad thing if we +want to use the STLC as described in the next section. + +\subsection{The Curry-Howard correspondence} + +It turns out that the STLC can be seen a natural deduction system for +intuitionistic propositional logic. Terms are proofs, and their types are the +propositions they prove. This remarkable fact is known as the Curry-Howard +correspondence, or isomorphism. + +The arrow ($\myarr$) type corresponds to implication. If we wish to prove that +that $(\mytya \myarr \mytyb) \myarr (\mytyb \myarr \mytycc) \myarr (\mytya +\myarr \mytycc)$, all we need to do is to devise a $\lambda$-term that has the +correct type: +\[ + \myabss{\myb{f}}{(\mytya \myarr \mytyb)}{\myabss{\myb{g}}{(\mytyb \myarr \mytycc)}{\myabss{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myapp{\myb{g}}{(\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}})}}}} +\] +That is, function composition. Going beyond arrow types, we can extend our bare +lambda calculus with useful types to represent other logical constructs, as +shown in figure \ref{fig:natded}. + +\begin{figure}[t] +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \\ + & | & \mytt \mysynsep \myapp{\myabsurd{\mytysyn}}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \myapp{\myleft{\mytysyn}}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + \myapp{\myright{\mytysyn}}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + \myapp{\mycase{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \mypair{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + \myapp{\myfst}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep \myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmsyn} \\ + \mytysyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \myunit \mysynsep \myempty \mysynsep \mytmsyn \mysum \mytmsyn \mysynsep \mytysyn \myprod \mytysyn + \end{array} + $ +} + +\mydesc{reduction:}{\mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + $ + \begin{array}{l@{ }l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myapp{\mycase{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{(\myapp{\myleft{\mytya} &}{\mytmt})} & \myred & + \myapp{\mytmm}{\mytmt} \\ + \myapp{\mycase{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{(\myapp{\myright{\mytya} &}{\mytmt})} & \myred & + \myapp{\mytmn}{\mytmt} + \end{array} + $ + & + $ + \begin{array}{l@{ }l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myapp{\myfst &}{\mypair{\mytmm}{\mytmn}} & \myred & \mytmm \\ + \myapp{\mysnd &}{\mypair{\mytmm}{\mytmn}} & \myred & \mytmn + \end{array} + $ + \end{tabular} +} + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytysyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\myempty}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytt}{\myunit}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\myempty}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myabsurd{\mytya}}{\mytmt}}{\mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myleft{\mytyb}}{\mytmt}}{\mytya \mysum \mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myright{\mytya}}{\mytmt}}{\mytya \mysum \mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya \myarr \mytyb}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mytya \myarr \mytycc}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya \mysum \mytyb}$} + \TrinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\mycase{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{\mytmt}}{\mytycc}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mytyb}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mypair{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{\mytya \myprod \mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya \myprod \mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt}}{\mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya \myprod \mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmt}}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} +\caption{Rules for the extendend STLC. Only the new features are shown, all the + rules and syntax for the STLC apply here too.} + \label{fig:natded} +\end{figure} + +Tagged unions (or sums, or coproducts---$\mysum$ here, \texttt{Either} +in Haskell) correspond to disjunctions, and dually tuples (or pairs, or +products---$\myprod$ here, tuples in Haskell) correspond to +conjunctions. This is apparent looking at the ways to construct and +destruct the values inhabiting those types: for $\mysum$ $\myleft{ }$ +and $\myright{ }$ correspond to $\vee$ introduction, and +$\mycase{\myarg}{\myarg}$ to $\vee$ elimination; for $\myprod$ +$\mypair{\myarg}{\myarg}$ corresponds to $\wedge$ introduction, $\myfst$ +and $\mysnd$ to $\wedge$ elimination. + +The trivial type $\myunit$ corresponds to the logical $\top$, and dually +$\myempty$ corresponds to the logical $\bot$. $\myunit$ has one introduction +rule ($\mytt$), and thus one inhabitant; and no eliminators. $\myempty$ has no +introduction rules, and thus no inhabitants; and one eliminator ($\myabsurd{ +}$), corresponding to the logical \emph{ex falso quodlibet}. + +With these rules, our STLC now looks remarkably similar in power and use to the +natural deduction we already know. $\myneg \mytya$ can be expressed as $\mytya +\myarr \myempty$. However, there is an important omission: there is no term of +the type $\mytya \mysum \myneg \mytya$ (excluded middle), or equivalently +$\myneg \myneg \mytya \myarr \mytya$ (double negation), or indeed any term with +a type equivalent to those. + +This has a considerable effect on our logic and it's no coincidence, since there +is no obvious computational behaviour for laws like the excluded middle. +Theories of this kind are called \emph{intuitionistic}, or \emph{constructive}, +and all the systems analysed will have this characteristic since they build on +the foundation of the STLC.\footnote{There is research to give computational + behaviour to classical logic, but I will not touch those subjects.} + +As in logic, if we want to keep our system consistent, we must make sure that no +closed terms (in other words terms not under a $\lambda$) inhabit $\myempty$. +The variant of STLC presented here is indeed +consistent, a result that follows from the fact that it is +normalising. +Going back to our $\mysyn{fix}$ combinator, it is easy to see how it ruins our +desire for consistency. The following term works for every type $\mytya$, +including bottom: +\[(\myfix{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myb{x}}) : \mytya\] + +\subsection{Inductive data} +\label{sec:ind-data} + +To make the STLC more useful as a programming language or reasoning tool it is +common to include (or let the user define) inductive data types. These comprise +of a type former, various constructors, and an eliminator (or destructor) that +serves as primitive recursor. + +For example, we might add a $\mylist$ type constructor, along with an `empty +list' ($\mynil{ }$) and `cons cell' ($\mycons$) constructor. The eliminator for +lists will be the usual folding operation ($\myfoldr$). See figure +\ref{fig:list}. + +\begin{figure}[h] +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \mynil{\mytysyn} \mysynsep \mytmsyn \mycons \mytmsyn + \mysynsep + \myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myfoldr}{\mytmsyn}}{\mytmsyn}}{\mytmsyn} \\ + \mytysyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \myapp{\mylist}{\mytysyn} + \end{array} + $ +} +\mydesc{reduction:}{\mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + $ + \begin{array}{l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myfoldr}{\myse{f}}}{\mytmt}}{\mynil{\mytya}} & \myred & \mytmt \\ + + \myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myfoldr}{\myse{f}}}{\mytmt}}{(\mytmm \mycons \mytmn)} & \myred & + \myapp{\myapp{\myse{f}}{\mytmm}}{(\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myfoldr}{\myse{f}}}{\mytmt}}{\mytmn})} + \end{array} + $ +} +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytysyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mynil{\mytya}}{\myapp{\mylist}{\mytya}}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\myapp{\mylist}{\mytya}}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmm \mycons \mytmn}{\myapp{\mylist}{\mytya}}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mysynel{f}}{\mytya \myarr \mytyb \myarr \mytyb}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytyb}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\myapp{\mylist}{\mytya}}$} + \TrinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myfoldr}{\mysynel{f}}}{\mytmm}}{\mytmn}}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof +} +\caption{Rules for lists in the STLC.} +\label{fig:list} +\end{figure} + +In Section \ref{sec:well-order} we will see how to give a general account of +inductive data. + +\section{Intuitionistic Type Theory} \label{sec:itt} +\subsection{Extending the STLC} + +The STLC can be made more expressive in various ways. \cite{Barendregt1991} +succinctly expressed geometrically how we can add expressivity: +$$ +\xymatrix@!0@=1.5cm{ + & \lambda\omega \ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}'[d][dd] + & & \lambda C \ar@{-}[dd] + \\ + \lambda2 \ar@{-}[ur]\ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}[dd] + & & \lambda P2 \ar@{-}[ur]\ar@{-}[dd] + \\ + & \lambda\underline\omega \ar@{-}'[r][rr] + & & \lambda P\underline\omega + \\ + \lambda{\to} \ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{-}[ur] + & & \lambda P \ar@{-}[ur] +} +$$ +Here $\lambda{\to}$, in the bottom left, is the STLC. From there can move along +3 dimensions: +\begin{description} +\item[Terms depending on types (towards $\lambda{2}$)] We can quantify over + types in our type signatures. For example, we can define a polymorphic + identity function: + \[\displaystyle + (\myabss{\myb{A}}{\mytyp}{\myabss{\myb{x}}{\myb{A}}{\myb{x}}}) : (\myb{A} : \mytyp) \myarr \myb{A} \myarr \myb{A} + \] + The first and most famous instance of this idea has been System F. This form + of polymorphism and has been wildly successful, also thanks to a well known + inference algorithm for a restricted version of System F known as + Hindley-Milner. Languages like Haskell and SML are based on this discipline. +\item[Types depending on types (towards $\lambda{\underline{\omega}}$)] We have + type operators. For example we could define a function that given types $R$ + and $\mytya$ forms the type that represents a value of type $\mytya$ in + continuation passing style: + \[\displaystyle(\myabss{\myb{A} \myar \myb{R}}{\mytyp}{(\myb{A} + \myarr \myb{R}) \myarr \myb{R}}) : \mytyp \myarr \mytyp \myarr \mytyp + \] +\item[Types depending on terms (towards $\lambda{P}$)] Also known as `dependent + types', give great expressive power. For example, we can have values of whose + type depend on a boolean: + \[\displaystyle(\myabss{\myb{x}}{\mybool}{\myite{\myb{x}}{\mynat}{\myrat}}) : \mybool + \myarr \mytyp\] +\end{description} + +All the systems preserve the properties that make the STLC well behaved. The +system we are going to focus on, Intuitionistic Type Theory, has all of the +above additions, and thus would sit where $\lambda{C}$ sits in the +`$\lambda$-cube'. It will serve as the logical `core' of all the other +extensions that we will present and ultimately our implementation of a similar +logic. + +\subsection{A Bit of History} + +Logic frameworks and programming languages based on type theory have a long +history. Per Martin-L\"{o}f described the first version of his theory in 1971, +but then revised it since the original version was inconsistent due to its +impredicativity.\footnote{In the early version there was only one universe + $\mytyp$ and $\mytyp : \mytyp$, see Section \ref{sec:term-types} for an + explanation on why this causes problems.} For this reason he gave a revised +and consistent definition later \citep{Martin-Lof1984}. + +A related development is the polymorphic $\lambda$-calculus, and specifically +the previously mentioned System F, which was developed independently by Girard +and Reynolds. An overview can be found in \citep{Reynolds1994}. The surprising +fact is that while System F is impredicative it is still consistent and strongly +normalising. \cite{Coquand1986} further extended this line of work with the +Calculus of Constructions (CoC). + +Most widely used interactive theorem provers are based on ITT. Popular ones +include Agda \citep{Norell2007, Bove2009}, Coq \citep{Coq}, and Epigram +\citep{McBride2004, EpigramTut}. + +\subsection{A simple type theory} +\label{sec:core-tt} + +The calculus I present follows the exposition in \citep{Thompson1991}, +and is quite close to the original formulation of predicative ITT as +found in \citep{Martin-Lof1984}. The system's syntax and reduction +rules are presented in their entirety in figure \ref{fig:core-tt-syn}. +The typing rules are presented piece by piece. Agda and \mykant\ +renditions of the presented theory and all the examples is reproduced in +appendix \ref{app:itt-code}. + +\begin{figure}[t] +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \myb{x} \mysynsep + \mytyp_{level} \mysynsep + \myunit \mysynsep \mytt \mysynsep + \myempty \mysynsep \myapp{\myabsurd{\mytmsyn}}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \mybool \mysynsep \mytrue \mysynsep \myfalse \mysynsep + \myitee{\mytmsyn}{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + \myabss{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + (\myapp{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}) \\ + & | & \myexi{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + \mypairr{\mytmsyn}{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \myapp{\myfst}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep \myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \myw{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + \mytmsyn \mynode{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn} \mytmsyn \\ + & | & \myrec{\mytmsyn}{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + level & \in & \mathbb{N} + \end{array} + $ +} + +\mydesc{reduction:}{\mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + $ + \begin{array}{l@{ }l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myitee{\mytrue &}{\myb{x}}{\myse{P}}{\mytmm}{\mytmn} & \myred & \mytmm \\ + \myitee{\myfalse &}{\myb{x}}{\myse{P}}{\mytmm}{\mytmn} & \myred & \mytmn \\ + \end{array} + $ + & + $ + \myapp{(\myabss{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytmm})}{\mytmn} \myred \mysub{\mytmm}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn} + $ + & + $ + \begin{array}{l@{ }l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myapp{\myfst &}{\mypair{\mytmm}{\mytmn}} & \myred & \mytmm \\ + \myapp{\mysnd &}{\mypair{\mytmm}{\mytmn}} & \myred & \mytmn + \end{array} + $ + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + $ + \myrec{(\myse{s} \mynode{\myb{x}}{\myse{T}} \myse{f})}{\myb{y}}{\myse{P}}{\myse{p}} \myred + \myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myse{p}}{\myse{s}}}{\myse{f}}}{(\myabss{\myb{t}}{\mysub{\myse{T}}{\myb{x}}{\myse{s}}}{ + \myrec{\myapp{\myse{f}}{\myb{t}}}{\myb{y}}{\myse{P}}{\mytmt} + })} + $ +} +\caption{Syntax and reduction rules for our type theory.} +\label{fig:core-tt-syn} +\end{figure} + +\subsubsection{Types are terms, some terms are types} +\label{sec:term-types} + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\mytya \mydefeq \mytyb$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytyp_l}{\mytyp_{l + 1}}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +The first thing to notice is that a barrier between values and types that we had +in the STLC is gone: values can appear in types, and the two are treated +uniformly in the syntax. + +While the usefulness of doing this will become clear soon, a consequence is +that since types can be the result of computation, deciding type equality is +not immediate as in the STLC. For this reason we define \emph{definitional + equality}, $\mydefeq$, as the congruence relation extending +$\myred$---moreover, when comparing types syntactically we do it up to +renaming of bound names ($\alpha$-renaming). For example under this +discipline we will find that +\[ +\myabss{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myb{x}} \mydefeq \myabss{\myb{y}}{\mytya}{\myb{y}} +\] +Types that are definitionally equal can be used interchangeably. Here +the `conversion' rule is not syntax directed, but it is possible to +employ $\myred$ to decide term equality in a systematic way, by always +reducing terms to their normal forms before comparing them, so that a +separate conversion rule is not needed. +Another thing to notice is that considering the need to reduce terms to +decide equality, it is essential for a dependently type system to be +terminating and confluent for type checking to be decidable. + +Moreover, we specify a \emph{type hierarchy} to talk about `large' +types: $\mytyp_0$ will be the type of types inhabited by data: +$\mybool$, $\mynat$, $\mylist$, etc. $\mytyp_1$ will be the type of +$\mytyp_0$, and so on---for example we have $\mytrue : \mybool : +\mytyp_0 : \mytyp_1 : \cdots$. Each type `level' is often called a +universe in the literature. While it is possible to simplify things by +having only one universe $\mytyp$ with $\mytyp : \mytyp$, this plan is +inconsistent for much the same reason that impredicative na\"{\i}ve set +theory is \citep{Hurkens1995}. However various techniques can be +employed to lift the burden of explicitly handling universes, as we will +see in Section \ref{sec:term-hierarchy}. + +\subsubsection{Contexts} + +\begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} + \mydesc{context validity:}{\myvalid{\myctx}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myvalid{\myemptyctx}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myvalid{\myctx ; \myb{x} : \mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + } +\end{minipage} +\begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} + \mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \AxiomC{$\myctx(x) = \mytya$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myb{x}}{\mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + } +\end{minipage} +\vspace{0.1cm} + +We need to refine the notion context to make sure that every variable appearing +is typed correctly, or that in other words each type appearing in the context is +indeed a type and not a value. In every other rule, if no premises are present, +we assume the context in the conclusion to be valid. + +Then we can re-introduce the old rule to get the type of a variable for a +context. + +\subsubsection{$\myunit$, $\myempty$} + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myunit}{\mytyp_0}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myempty}{\mytyp_0}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytt}{\myunit}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{\phantom{$\myjud{\myempty}{\mytyp_0}$}} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\myempty}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myabsurd{\mytya}}{\mytmt}}{\mytya}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{\phantom{$\myjud{\myempty}{\mytyp_0}$}} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +Nothing surprising here: $\myunit$ and $\myempty$ are unchanged from the STLC, +with the added rules to type $\myunit$ and $\myempty$ themselves, and to make +sure that we are invoking $\myabsurd{}$ over a type. + +\subsubsection{$\mybool$, and dependent $\myfun{if}$} + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mybool}{\mytyp_0}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytrue}{\mybool}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myfalse}{\mybool}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mybool}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx : \mybool}{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$} + \noLine + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mysub{\mytya}{x}{\mytrue}}$ \hspace{0.7cm} $\myjud{\mytmn}{\mysub{\mytya}{x}{\myfalse}}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myitee{\mytmt}{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{\mysub{\mytya}{\myb{x}}{\mytmt}}$} + \DisplayProof +} + +With booleans we get the first taste of the `dependent' in `dependent +types'. While the two introduction rules ($\mytrue$ and $\myfalse$) are +not surprising, the typing rules for $\myfun{if}$ are. In most strongly +typed languages we expect the branches of an $\myfun{if}$ statements to +be of the same type, to preserve subject reduction, since execution +could take both paths. This is a pity, since the type system does not +reflect the fact that in each branch we gain knowledge on the term we +are branching on. Which means that programs along the lines of +\begin{Verbatim} +if null xs then head xs else 0 +\end{Verbatim} +are a necessary, well typed, danger. + +However, in a more expressive system, we can do better: the branches' type can +depend on the value of the scrutinised boolean. This is what the typing rule +expresses: the user provides a type $\mytya$ ranging over an $\myb{x}$ +representing the scrutinised boolean type, and the branches are typechecked with +the updated knowledge on the value of $\myb{x}$. + +\subsubsection{$\myarr$, or dependent function} + + \mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_{l_1}}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx;\myb{x} : \mytya}{\mytyb}{\mytyp_{l_2}}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}{\mytyp_{l_1 \mylub l_2}}$} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx; \myb{x} : \mytya}{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myabss{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytmt}}{\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mytya}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{\mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn}}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +Dependent functions are one of the two key features that perhaps most +characterise dependent types---the other being dependent products. With +dependent functions, the result type can depend on the value of the +argument. This feature, together with the fact that the result type +might be a type itself, brings a lot of interesting possibilities. +Following this intuition, in the introduction rule, the return type is +typechecked in a context with an abstracted variable of lhs' type, and +in the elimination rule the actual argument is substituted in the return +type. Keeping the correspondence with logic alive, dependent functions +are much like universal quantifiers ($\forall$) in logic. + +For example, assuming that we have lists and natural numbers in our +language, using dependent functions we would be able to +write: +\[ +\begin{array}{l} +\myfun{length} : (\myb{A} {:} \mytyp_0) \myarr \myapp{\mylist}{\myb{A}} \myarr \mynat \\ +\myarg \myfun{$>$} \myarg : \mynat \myarr \mynat \myarr \mytyp_0 \\ +\myfun{head} : (\myb{A} {:} \mytyp_0) \myarr (\myb{l} {:} \myapp{\mylist}{\myb{A}}) + \myarr \myapp{\myapp{\myfun{length}}{\myb{A}}}{\myb{l}} \mathrel{\myfun{$>$}} 0 \myarr + \myb{A} +\end{array} +\] + +\myfun{length} is the usual polymorphic length +function. $\myarg\myfun{$>$}\myarg$ is a function that takes two naturals +and returns a type: if the lhs is greater then the rhs, $\myunit$ is +returned, $\myempty$ otherwise. This way, we can express a +`non-emptyness' condition in $\myfun{head}$, by including a proof that +the length of the list argument is non-zero. This allows us to rule out +the `empty list' case, so that we can safely return the first element. + +Again, we need to make sure that the type hierarchy is respected, which is the +reason why a type formed by $\myarr$ will live in the least upper bound of the +levels of argument and return type. This trend will continue with the other +type-level binders, $\myprod$ and $\mytyc{W}$. + +\subsubsection{$\myprod$, or dependent product} +\label{sec:disju} + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_{l_1}}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx;\myb{x} : \mytya}{\mytyb}{\mytyp_{l_2}}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myexi{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}{\mytyp_{l_1 \mylub l_2}}$} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\mytmm}}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mypairr{\mytmm}{\myb{x}}{\mytyb}{\mytmn}}{\myexi{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{\phantom{$--$}} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\myexi{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\hspace{0.7cm}\myjud{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt}}{\mytya}\hspace{0.7cm}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmt}}{\mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt}}}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +If dependent functions are a generalisation of $\myarr$ in the STLC, +dependent products are a generalisation of $\myprod$ in the STLC. The +improvement is that the second element's type can depend on the value of +the first element. The corrispondence with logic is through the +existential quantifier: $\exists x \in \mathbb{N}. even(x)$ can be +expressed as $\myexi{\myb{x}}{\mynat}{\myapp{\myfun{even}}{\myb{x}}}$. +The first element will be a number, and the second evidence that the +number is even. This highlights the fact that we are working in a +constructive logic: if we have an existence proof, we can always ask for +a witness. This means, for instance, that $\neg \forall \neg$ is not +equivalent to $\exists$. + +Another perhaps more `dependent' application of products, paired with +$\mybool$, is to offer choice between different types. For example we +can easily recover disjunctions: +\[ +\begin{array}{l} + \myarg\myfun{$\vee$}\myarg : \mytyp_0 \myarr \mytyp_0 \myarr \mytyp_0 \\ + \myb{A} \mathrel{\myfun{$\vee$}} \myb{B} \mapsto \myexi{\myb{x}}{\mybool}{\myite{\myb{x}}{\myb{A}}{\myb{B}}} \\ \ \\ + \myfun{case} : (\myb{A}\ \myb{B}\ \myb{C} {:} \mytyp_0) \myarr (\myb{A} \myarr \myb{C}) \myarr (\myb{B} \myarr \myb{C}) \myarr \myb{A} \mathrel{\myfun{$\vee$}} \myb{B} \myarr \myb{C} \\ + \myfun{case} \myappsp \myb{A} \myappsp \myb{B} \myappsp \myb{C} \myappsp \myb{f} \myappsp \myb{g} \myappsp \myb{x} \mapsto \\ + \myind{2} \myapp{(\myitee{\myapp{\myfst}{\myb{x}}}{\myb{b}}{(\myite{\myb{b}}{\myb{A}}{\myb{B}})}{\myb{f}}{\myb{g}})}{(\myapp{\mysnd}{\myb{x}})} +\end{array} +\] + +\subsubsection{$\mytyc{W}$, or well-order} +\label{sec:well-order} + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_{l_1}}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx;\myb{x} : \mytya}{\mytyb}{\mytyp_{l_2}}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myw{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}{\mytyp_{l_1 \mylub l_2}}$} + \DisplayProof + + & + + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mysynel{f}}{\mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\mytmt} \myarr \myw{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmt \mynode{\myb{x}}{\mytyb} \myse{f}}{\myw{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{u}}{\myw{\myb{x}}{\myse{S}}{\myse{T}}}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx; \myb{w} : \myw{\myb{x}}{\myse{S}}{\myse{T}}}{\myse{P}}{\mytyp_l}$} + \noLine + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myse{p}}{ + \myfora{\myb{s}}{\myse{S}}{\myfora{\myb{f}}{\mysub{\myse{T}}{\myb{x}}{\myse{s}} \myarr \myw{\myb{x}}{\myse{S}}{\myse{T}}}{(\myfora{\myb{t}}{\mysub{\myse{T}}{\myb{x}}{\myb{s}}}{\mysub{\myse{P}}{\myb{w}}{\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{t}}}}) \myarr \mysub{\myse{P}}{\myb{w}}{\myb{f}}}} + }$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myrec{\myse{u}}{\myb{w}}{\myse{P}}{\myse{p}}}{\mysub{\myse{P}}{\myb{w}}{\myse{u}}}$} + \DisplayProof +} + +Finally, the well-order type, or in short $\mytyc{W}$-type, which will +let us represent inductive data in a general (but clumsy) way. We can +form `nodes' of the shape $\mytmt \mynode{\myb{x}}{\mytyb} \myse{f} : +\myw{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}$ that contain data ($\mytmt$) of type and +one `child' for each member of $\mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\mytmt}$. The +$\myfun{rec}\ \myfun{with}$ acts as an induction principle on +$\mytyc{W}$, given a predicate an a function dealing with the inductive +case---we will gain more intuition about inductive data in ITT in +Section \ref{sec:user-type}. + +For example, if we want to form natural numbers, we can take +\[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \mytyc{Tr} : \mybool \myarr \mytyp_0 \\ + \mytyc{Tr} \myappsp \myb{b} \mapsto \myfun{if}\, \myb{b}\, \myunit\, \myfun{else}\, \myempty \\ + \ \\ + \mynat : \mytyp_0 \\ + \mynat \mapsto \myw{\myb{b}}{\mybool}{(\mytyc{Tr}\myappsp\myb{b})} + \end{array} +\] +Each node will contain a boolean. If $\mytrue$, the number is non-zero, +and we will have one child representing its predecessor, given that +$\mytyc{Tr}$ will return $\myunit$. If $\myfalse$, the number is zero, +and we will have no predecessors (children), given the $\myempty$: +\[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \mydc{zero} : \mynat \\ + \mydc{zero} \mapsto \myfalse \mynodee (\myabs{\myb{z}}{\myabsurd{\mynat} \myappsp \myb{x}}) \\ + \ \\ + \mydc{suc} : \mynat \myarr \mynat \\ + \mydc{suc}\myappsp \myb{x} \mapsto \mytrue \mynodee (\myabs{\myarg}{\myb{x}}) + \end{array} +\] +And with a bit of effort, we can recover addition: +\[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myfun{plus} : \mynat \myarr \mynat \myarr \mynat \\ + \myfun{plus} \myappsp \myb{x} \myappsp \myb{y} \mapsto \\ + \myind{2} \myfun{rec}\, \myb{x} / \myb{b}.\mynat \, \\ + \myind{2} \myfun{with}\, \myabs{\myb{b}}{\\ + \myind{2}\myind{2}\myfun{if}\, \myb{b} / \myb{b'}.((\mytyc{Tr} \myappsp \myb{b'} \myarr \mynat) \myarr (\mytyc{Tr} \myappsp \myb{b'} \myarr \mynat) \myarr \mynat) \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2}\myfun{then}\,(\myabs{\myarg\, \myb{f}}{\mydc{suc}\myappsp (\myapp{\myb{f}}{\mytt})})\, \myfun{else}\, (\myabs{\myarg\, \myarg}{\myb{y}})} + \end{array} + \] +Note how we explicitly have to type the branches to make them +match with the definition of $\mynat$---which gives a taste of the +`clumsiness' of $\mytyc{W}$-types, which while useful as a reasoning +tool are useless to the user modelling data types. + \section{The struggle for equality} \label{sec:equality} -\section{A more useful language} -\label{sec:practical} +In the previous section we saw how a type checker (or a human) needs a +notion of \emph{definitional equality}. Beyond this meta-theoretic +notion, in this section we will explore the ways of expressing equality +\emph{inside} the theory, as a reasoning tool available to the user. +This area is the main concern of this thesis, and in general a very +active research topic, since we do not have a fully satisfactory +solution, yet. As in the previous section, everything presented is +formalised in Agda in appendix \ref{app:agda-itt}. -\section{Kant} -\label{sec:kant} +\subsection{Propositional equality} -\appendix +\noindent +\begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \\ + & | & \mytmsyn \mypeq{\mytmsyn} \mytmsyn \mysynsep + \myapp{\myrefl}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \myjeq{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} + \end{array} + $ +} +\end{minipage} +\begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} +\mydesc{reduction:}{\mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + $ + \myjeq{\myse{P}}{(\myapp{\myrefl}{\mytmm})}{\mytmn} \myred \mytmn + $ + \vspace{1.1cm} +} +\end{minipage} +\mynegder +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mytya}$} + \TrinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmm \mypeq{\mytya} \mytmn}{\mytyp_l}$} + \DisplayProof -\section{Notation and syntax} + \myderivspp -In the languages presented I will also use different fonts and colors for -different things: + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\begin{array}{c}\ \\\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya}\hspace{1.1cm}\mytmm \mydefeq \mytmn\end{array}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myrefl}{\mytmm}}{\mytmm \mypeq{\mytya} \mytmn}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{c} + \myjud{\myse{P}}{\myfora{\myb{x}\ \myb{y}}{\mytya}{\myfora{q}{\myb{x} \mypeq{\mytya} \myb{y}}{\mytyp_l}}} \\ + \myjud{\myse{q}}{\mytmm \mypeq{\mytya} \mytmn}\hspace{1.1cm}\myjud{\myse{p}}{\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myse{P}}{\mytmm}}{\mytmm}}{(\myapp{\myrefl}{\mytmm})}} + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myjeq{\myse{P}}{\myse{q}}{\myse{p}}}{\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myse{P}}{\mytmm}}{\mytmn}}{q}}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} -\begin{center} - \begin{tabular}{c | l} - $\mytyc{Sans}$ & Type constructors. \\ - $\myind{sans}$ & Data constructors. \\ - % $\myfld{sans}$ & Field accessors (e.g. \myfld{fst} and \myfld{snd} for products). \\ - $\mysyn{roman}$ & Syntax of the language. \\ - $\myfun{roman}$ & Defined values. \\ - $\myb{math}$ & Bound variables. +To express equality between two terms inside ITT, the obvious way to do so is +to have the equality construction to be a type-former. Here we present what +has survived as the dominating form of equality in systems based on ITT up to +the present day. + +Our type former is $\mypeq{\mytya}$, which given a type (in this case +$\mytya$) relates equal terms of that type. $\mypeq{}$ has one introduction +rule, $\myrefl$, which introduces an equality relation between definitionally +equal terms. + +Finally, we have one eliminator for $\mypeq{}$, $\myjeqq$. $\myjeq{\myse{P}}{\myse{q}}{\myse{p}}$ takes +\begin{itemize} +\item $\myse{P}$, a predicate working with two terms of a certain type (say + $\mytya$) and a proof of their equality +\item $\myse{q}$, a proof that two terms in $\mytya$ (say $\myse{m}$ and + $\myse{n}$) are equal +\item and $\myse{p}$, an inhabitant of $\myse{P}$ applied to $\myse{m}$ + twice, plus the trivial proof by reflexivity showing that $\myse{m}$ + is equal to itself +\end{itemize} +Given these ingredients, $\myjeqq$ retuns a member of $\myse{P}$ applied to +$\mytmm$, $\mytmn$, and $\myse{q}$. In other words $\myjeqq$ takes a +witness that $\myse{P}$ works with \emph{definitionally equal} terms, and +returns a witness of $\myse{P}$ working with \emph{propositionally equal} +terms. Invokations of $\myjeqq$ will vanish when the equality proofs will +reduce to invocations to reflexivity, at which point the arguments must be +definitionally equal, and thus the provided +$\myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\myse{P}}{\mytmm}}{\mytmm}}{(\myapp{\myrefl}{\mytmm})}$ +can be returned. + +While the $\myjeqq$ rule is slightly convoluted, ve can derive many more +`friendly' rules from it, for example a more obvious `substitution' rule, that +replaces equal for equal in predicates: +\[ +\begin{array}{l} +\myfun{subst} : \myfora{\myb{A}}{\mytyp}{\myfora{\myb{P}}{\myb{A} \myarr \mytyp}{\myfora{\myb{x}\ \myb{y}}{\myb{A}}{\myb{x} \mypeq{\myb{A}} \myb{y} \myarr \myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{x}} \myarr \myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{y}}}}} \\ +\myfun{subst}\myappsp \myb{A}\myappsp\myb{P}\myappsp\myb{x}\myappsp\myb{y}\myappsp\myb{q}\myappsp\myb{p} \mapsto + \myjeq{(\myabs{\myb{x}\ \myb{y}\ \myb{q}}{\myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{y}}})}{\myb{p}}{\myb{q}} +\end{array} +\] +Once we have $\myfun{subst}$, we can easily prove more familiar laws regarding +equality, such as symmetry, transitivity, congruence laws, etc. + +\subsection{Common extensions} + +Our definitional and propositional equalities can be enhanced in various +ways. Obviously if we extend the definitional equality we are also +automatically extend propositional equality, given how $\myrefl$ works. + +\subsubsection{$\eta$-expansion} +\label{sec:eta-expand} + +A simple extension to our definitional equality is $\eta$-expansion. +Given an abstract variable $\myb{f} : \mytya \myarr \mytyb$ the aim is +to have that $\myb{f} \mydefeq +\myabss{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}}}$. We can achieve +this by `expanding' terms based on their types, a process also known as +\emph{quotation}---a term borrowed from the practice of +\emph{normalisation by evaluation}, where we embed terms in some host +language with an existing notion of computation, and then reify them +back into terms, which will `smooth out' differences like the one above +\citep{Abel2007}. + +The same concept applies to $\myprod$, where we expand each inhabitant +by reconstructing it by getting its projections, so that $\myb{x} +\mydefeq \mypair{\myfst \myappsp \myb{x}}{\mysnd \myappsp \myb{x}}$. +Similarly, all one inhabitants of $\myunit$ and all zero inhabitants of +$\myempty$ can be considered equal. Quotation can be performed in a +type-directed way, as we will witness in Section \ref{sec:kant-irr}. + +To justify this process in our type system we will add a congruence law +for abstractions and a similar law for products, plus the fact that all +elements of $\myunit$ or $\myempty$ are equal. + +\mydesc{definitional equality:}{\myjud{\mytmm \mydefeq \mytmn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx; \myb{y} : \mytya}{\myapp{\myse{f}}{\myb{x}} \mydefeq \myapp{\myse{g}}{\myb{x}}}{\mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\myb{y}}}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myse{f} \mydefeq \myse{g}}{\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mypair{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmm}}{\myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmm}} \mydefeq \mypair{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmn}}{\myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmn}}}{\myexi{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmm \mydefeq \mytmn}{\myexi{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \DisplayProof \end{tabular} -\end{center} -\section{Agda rendition of a core ITT} -\label{app:agda-code} + \myderivspp -\begin{code} -module ITT where - data Empty : Set where + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\myunit}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\myunit}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmm \mydefeq \mytmn}{\myunit}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\myempty}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\myempty}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmm \mydefeq \mytmn}{\myempty}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} - absurd : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → Empty → A - absurd () +\subsubsection{Uniqueness of identity proofs} - record Unit : Set where - constructor tt +Another common but controversial addition to propositional equality is +the $\myfun{K}$ axiom, which essentially states that all equality proofs +are by reflexivity. - record _×_ {a b} (A : Set a) (B : A → Set b) : Set (a ⊔ b) where - constructor _,_ - field - fst : A - snd : B fst +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmm \mydefeq \mytmn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{@{}c} + \myjud{\myse{P}}{\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myb{x} \mypeq{\mytya} \myb{x} \myarr \mytyp}} \\\ + \myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya} \hspace{1cm} + \myjud{\myse{p}}{\myse{P} \myappsp \mytmt \myappsp (\myrefl \myappsp \mytmt)} \hspace{1cm} + \myjud{\myse{q}}{\mytmt \mypeq{\mytya} \mytmt} + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myfun{K} \myappsp \myse{P} \myappsp \myse{t} \myappsp \myse{p} \myappsp \myse{q}}{\myse{P} \myappsp \mytmt \myappsp \myse{q}}$} + \DisplayProof +} - data Bool : Set where - true false : Bool +\cite{Hofmann1994} showed that $\myfun{K}$ is not derivable from the +$\myjeqq$ axiom that we presented, and \cite{McBride2004} showed that it is +needed to implement `dependent pattern matching', as first proposed by +\cite{Coquand1992}. Thus, $\myfun{K}$ is derivable in the systems that +implement dependent pattern matching, such as Epigram and Agda; but for +example not in Coq. - if_/_then_else_ : ∀ {a} - (x : Bool) → (P : Bool → Set a) → P true → P false → P x - if true / _ then x else _ = x - if false / _ then _ else x = x +$\myfun{K}$ is controversial mainly because it is at odds with +equalities that include computational behaviour, most notably +Voevodsky's `Univalent Foundations', which includes a \emph{univalence} +axiom that identifies isomorphisms between types with propositional +equality. For example we would have two isomorphisms, and thus two +equalities, between $\mybool$ and $\mybool$, corresponding to the two +permutations---one is the identity, and one swaps the elements. Given +this, $\myfun{K}$ and univalence are inconsistent, and thus a form of +dependent pattern matching that does not imply $\myfun{K}$ is subject of +research.\footnote{More information about univalence can be found at + \url{http://www.math.ias.edu/~vladimir/Site3/Univalent_Foundations.html}.} - data W {s p} (S : Set s) (P : S → Set p) : Set (s ⊔ p) where - _◁_ : (s : S) → (P s → W S P) → W S P +\subsection{Limitations} - rec : ∀ {a b} {S : Set a} {P : S → Set b} - (C : W S P → Set) → -- some conclusion we hope holds - ((s : S) → -- given a shape... - (f : P s → W S P) → -- ...and a bunch of kids... - ((p : P s) → C (f p)) → -- ...and C for each kid in the bunch... - C (s ◁ f)) → -- ...does C hold for the node? - (x : W S P) → -- If so, ... - C x -- ...C always holds. - rec C c (s ◁ f) = c s f (λ p → rec C c (f p)) -\end{code} +\epigraph{\emph{Half of my time spent doing research involves thinking up clever + schemes to avoid needing functional extensionality.}}{@larrytheliquid} + +However, propositional equality as described is quite restricted when +reasoning about equality beyond the term structure, which is what definitional +equality gives us (extension notwithstanding). + +The problem is best exemplified by \emph{function extensionality}. In +mathematics, we would expect to be able to treat functions that give equal +output for equal input as the same. When reasoning in a mechanised framework +we ought to be able to do the same: in the end, without considering the +operational behaviour, all functions equal extensionally are going to be +replaceable with one another. + +However this is not the case, or in other words with the tools we have we have +no term of type +\[ +\myfun{ext} : \myfora{\myb{A}\ \myb{B}}{\mytyp}{\myfora{\myb{f}\ \myb{g}}{ + \myb{A} \myarr \myb{B}}{ + (\myfora{\myb{x}}{\myb{A}}{\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}} \mypeq{\myb{B}} \myapp{\myb{g}}{\myb{x}}}) \myarr + \myb{f} \mypeq{\myb{A} \myarr \myb{B}} \myb{g} + } +} +\] +To see why this is the case, consider the functions +\[\myabs{\myb{x}}{0 \mathrel{\myfun{$+$}} \myb{x}}$ and $\myabs{\myb{x}}{\myb{x} \mathrel{\myfun{$+$}} 0}\] +where $\myfun{$+$}$ is defined by recursion on the first argument, +gradually destructing it to build up successors of the second argument. +The two functions are clearly extensionally equal, and we can in fact +prove that +\[ +\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mynat}{(0 \mathrel{\myfun{$+$}} \myb{x}) \mypeq{\mynat} (\myb{x} \mathrel{\myfun{$+$}} 0)} +\] +By analysis on the $\myb{x}$. However, the two functions are not +definitionally equal, and thus we won't be able to get rid of the +quantification. + +For the reasons above, theories that offer a propositional equality +similar to what we presented are called \emph{intensional}, as opposed +to \emph{extensional}. Most systems in wide use today (such as Agda, +Coq, and Epigram) are of this kind. + +This is quite an annoyance that often makes reasoning awkward to execute. It +also extends to other fields, for example proving bisimulation between +processes specified by coinduction, or in general proving equivalences based +on the behaviour on a term. + +\subsection{Equality reflection} + +One way to `solve' this problem is by identifying propositional equality with +definitional equality: + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{q}}{\mytmm \mypeq{\mytya} \mytmn}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmm \mydefeq \mytmn}{\mytya}$} + \DisplayProof +} + +This rule takes the name of \emph{equality reflection}, and is a very +different rule from the ones we saw up to now: it links a typing judgement +internal to the type theory to a meta-theoretic judgement that the type +checker uses to work with terms. It is easy to see the dangerous consequences +that this causes: +\begin{itemize} +\item The rule is syntax directed, and the type checker is presumably expected + to come up with equality proofs when needed. +\item More worryingly, type checking becomes undecidable also because + computing under false assumptions becomes unsafe, since we derive any + equality proof and then use equality reflection and the conversion + rule to have terms of any type. +\end{itemize} + +Given these facts theories employing equality reflection, like NuPRL +\citep{NuPRL}, carry the derivations that gave rise to each typing judgement +to keep the systems manageable. + +For all its faults, equality reflection does allow us to prove extensionality, +using the extensions we gave above. Assuming that $\myctx$ contains +\[\myb{A}, \myb{B} : \mytyp; \myb{f}, \myb{g} : \myb{A} \myarr \myb{B}; \myb{q} : \myfora{\myb{x}}{\myb{A}}{\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}} \mypeq{} \myapp{\myb{g}}{\myb{x}}}\] +We can then derive +\begin{prooftree} + \mysmall + \AxiomC{$\hspace{1.1cm}\myjudd{\myctx; \myb{x} : \myb{A}}{\myapp{\myb{q}}{\myb{x}}}{\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}} \mypeq{} \myapp{\myb{g}}{\myb{x}}}\hspace{1.1cm}$} + \RightLabel{equality reflection} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjudd{\myctx; \myb{x} : \myb{A}}{\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}} \mydefeq \myapp{\myb{g}}{\myb{x}}}{\myb{B}}$} + \RightLabel{congruence for $\lambda$s} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{(\myabs{\myb{x}}{\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{x}}}) \mydefeq (\myabs{\myb{x}}{\myapp{\myb{g}}{\myb{x}}})}{\myb{A} \myarr \myb{B}}$} + \RightLabel{$\eta$-law for $\lambda$} + \UnaryInfC{$\hspace{1.45cm}\myjud{\myb{f} \mydefeq \myb{g}}{\myb{A} \myarr \myb{B}}\hspace{1.45cm}$} + \RightLabel{$\myrefl$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myrefl}{\myb{f}}}{\myb{f} \mypeq{} \myb{g}}$} +\end{prooftree} + +Now, the question is: do we need to give up well-behavedness of our theory to +gain extensionality? + +\subsection{Some alternatives} + +% TODO finish +% TODO add `extentional axioms' (Hoffman), setoid models (Thorsten) + +\section{Observational equality} +\label{sec:ott} + +A recent development by \citet{Altenkirch2007}, \emph{Observational Type + Theory} (OTT), promises to keep the well behavedness of ITT while +being able to gain many useful equality proofs,\footnote{It is suspected + that OTT gains \emph{all} the equality proofs of ETT, but no proof + exists yet.} including function extensionality. The main idea is to +give the user the possibility to \emph{coerce} (or transport) values +from a type $\mytya$ to a type $\mytyb$, if the type checker can prove +structurally that $\mytya$ and $\mytya$ are equal; and providing a +value-level equality based on similar principles. Here we give an +exposition which follows closely the original paper. + +\subsection{A simpler theory, a propositional fragment} + +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $\mytyp_l$ is replaced by $\mytyp$. \\\ \\ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \myprdec{\myprsyn} \mysynsep + \myITE{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + \myprsyn & ::= & \mybot \mysynsep \mytop \mysynsep \myprsyn \myand \myprsyn + \mysynsep \myprfora{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\myprsyn} + \end{array} + $ +} + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprop}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myprdec{\myse{P}}}{\mytyp}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mybool}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytyb}{\mytyp}$} + \TrinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myITE{\mytmt}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}{\mytyp}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +\mydesc{propositions:}{\myjud{\myprsyn}{\myprop}}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprop}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytop}{\myprop}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mybot}{\myprop}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprop}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{Q}}{\myprop}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myse{P} \myand \myse{Q}}{\myprop}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mybot}{\myprop}$}} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{A}}{\mytyp}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx; \myb{x} : \mytya}{\myse{P}}{\myprop}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myprfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myse{P}}}{\myprop}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mybot}{\myprop}$}} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +Our foundation will be a type theory like the one of section +\ref{sec:itt}, with only one level: $\mytyp_0$. In this context we will +drop the $0$ and call $\mytyp_0$ $\mytyp$. Moreover, since the old +$\myfun{if}\myarg\myfun{then}\myarg\myfun{else}$ was able to return +types thanks to the hierarchy (which is gone), we need to reintroduce an +ad-hoc conditional for types, where the reduction rule is the obvious +one. + +However, we have an addition: a universe of \emph{propositions}, +$\myprop$. $\myprop$ isolates a fragment of types at large, and +indeed we can `inject' any $\myprop$ back in $\mytyp$ with $\myprdec{\myarg}$: \\ +\mydesc{proposition decoding:}{\myprdec{\mytmsyn} \myred \mytmsyn}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + $ + \begin{array}{l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myprdec{\mybot} & \myred & \myempty \\ + \myprdec{\mytop} & \myred & \myunit + \end{array} + $ + & + $ + \begin{array}{r@{ }c@{ }l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myprdec{&\myse{P} \myand \myse{Q} &} & \myred & \myprdec{\myse{P}} \myprod \myprdec{\myse{Q}} \\ + \myprdec{&\myprfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myse{P}} &} & \myred & + \myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myprdec{\myse{P}}} + \end{array} + $ + \end{tabular} + } \\ + Propositions are what we call the types of \emph{proofs}, or types + whose inhabitants contain no `data', much like $\myunit$. The goal of + doing this is twofold: erasing all top-level propositions when + compiling; and to identify all equivalent propositions as the same, as + we will see later. + + Why did we choose what we have in $\myprop$? Given the above + criteria, $\mytop$ obviously fits the bill. A pair of propositions + $\myse{P} \myand \myse{Q}$ still won't get us data. Finally, if + $\myse{P}$ is a proposition and we have + $\myprfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myse{P}}$ , the decoding will be a + function which returns propositional content. The only threat is + $\mybot$, by which we can fabricate anything we want: however if we + are consistent there will be nothing of type $\mybot$ at the top + level, which is what we care about regarding proof erasure. + +\subsection{Equality proofs} + +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep + \mycoee{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + \mycohh{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + \myprsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \mytmsyn \myeq \mytmsyn \mysynsep + \myjm{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} + \end{array} + $ +} + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprdec{\mytya \myeq \mytyb}}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mycoee{\mytya}{\mytyb}{\myse{P}}{\mytmt}}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprdec{\mytya \myeq \mytyb}}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mycohh{\mytya}{\mytyb}{\myse{P}}{\mytmt}}{\myprdec{\myjm{\mytmt}{\mytya}{\mycoee{\mytya}{\mytyb}{\myse{P}}{\mytmt}}{\mytyb}}}$} + \DisplayProof + + \end{tabular} +} + +\mydesc{propositions:}{\myjud{\myprsyn}{\myprop}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{l} + \ \\ + \myjud{\myse{A}}{\mytyp} \hspace{1cm} \myjud{\myse{B}}{\mytyp} + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytya \myeq \mytyb}{\myprop}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{c} + \myjud{\myse{A}}{\mytyp} \hspace{1cm} \myjud{\mytmm}{\myse{A}} \\ + \myjud{\myse{B}}{\mytyp} \hspace{1cm} \myjud{\mytmn}{\myse{B}} + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myjm{\mytmm}{\myse{A}}{\mytmn}{\myse{B}}}{\myprop}$} + \DisplayProof + + \end{tabular} +} + + +While isolating a propositional universe as presented can be a useful +exercises on its own, what we are really after is a useful notion of +equality. In OTT we want to maintain the notion that things judged to +be equal are still always repleaceable for one another with no +additional changes. Note that this is not the same as saying that they +are definitionally equal, since as we saw extensionally equal functions, +while satisfying the above requirement, are not definitionally equal. + +Towards this goal we introduce two equality constructs in +$\myprop$---the fact that they are in $\myprop$ indicates that they +indeed have no computational content. The first construct, $\myarg +\myeq \myarg$, relates types, the second, +$\myjm{\myarg}{\myarg}{\myarg}{\myarg}$, relates values. The +value-level equality is different from our old propositional equality: +instead of ranging over only one type, we might form equalities between +values of different types---the usefulness of this construct will be +clear soon. In the literature this equality is known as `heterogeneous' +or `John Major', since + +\begin{quote} + John Major's `classless society' widened people's aspirations to + equality, but also the gap between rich and poor. After all, aspiring + to be equal to others than oneself is the politics of envy. In much + the same way, forms equations between members of any type, but they + cannot be treated as equals (ie substituted) unless they are of the + same type. Just as before, each thing is only equal to + itself. \citep{McBride1999}. +\end{quote} + +Correspondingly, at the term level, $\myfun{coe}$ (`coerce') lets us +transport values between equal types; and $\myfun{coh}$ (`coherence') +guarantees that $\myfun{coe}$ respects the value-level equality, or in +other words that it really has no computational component: if we +transport $\mytmm : \mytya$ to $\mytmn : \mytyb$, $\mytmm$ and $\mytmn$ +will still be the same. + +Before introducing the core ideas that make OTT work, let us distinguish +between \emph{canonical} and \emph{neutral} types. Canonical types are +those arising from the ground types ($\myempty$, $\myunit$, $\mybool$) +and the three type formers ($\myarr$, $\myprod$, $\mytyc{W}$). Neutral +types are those formed by +$\myfun{If}\myarg\myfun{Then}\myarg\myfun{Else}\myarg$. +Correspondingly, canonical terms are those inhabiting canonical types +($\mytt$, $\mytrue$, $\myfalse$, $\myabss{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytmt}$, +...), and neutral terms those formed by eliminators.\footnote{Using the + terminology from Section \ref{sec:types}, we'd say that canonical + terms are in \emph{weak head normal form}.} In the current system +(and hopefully in well-behaved systems), all closed terms reduce to a +canonical term, and all canonical types are inhabited by canonical +terms. + +\subsubsection{Type equality, and coercions} + +The plan is to decompose type-level equalities between canonical types +into decodable propositions containing equalities regarding the +subterms, and to use coerce recursively on the subterms using the +generated equalities. This interplay between type equalities and +\myfun{coe} ensures that invocations of $\myfun{coe}$ will vanish when +we have evidence of the structural equality of the types we are +transporting terms across. If the type is neutral, the equality won't +reduce and thus $\myfun{coe}$ won't reduce either. If we come an +equality between different canonical types, then we reduce the equality +to bottom, making sure that no such proof can exist, and providing an +`escape hatch' in $\myfun{coe}$. + +\begin{figure}[t] + +\mydesc{equality reduction:}{\myprsyn \myred \myprsyn}{ + $ + \begin{array}{c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myempty & \myeq & \myempty & \myred \mytop \\ + \myunit & \myeq & \myunit & \myred \mytop \\ + \mybool & \myeq & \mybool & \myred \mytop \\ + \myexi{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1} & \myeq & \myexi{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytya_2} & \myred \\ + \multicolumn{4}{l}{ + \myind{2} \mytya_1 \myeq \mytyb_1 \myand + \myprfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myprfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\myjm{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}} \myimpl \mytyb_1[\myb{x_1}] \myeq \mytyb_2[\myb{x_2}]} + } \\ + \myfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1} & \myeq & \myfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytyb_2} & \myred \cdots \\ + \myw{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1} & \myeq & \myw{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytyb_2} & \myred \cdots \\ + \mytya & \myeq & \mytyb & \myred \mybot\ \text{if $\mytya$ and $\mytyb$ are canonical.} + \end{array} + $ +} +\myderivsp +\mydesc{reduction}{\mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + $ + \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{\ }l@{\ }l@{\ }l@{\ }l@{\ }c@{\ }l@{\ }} + \mycoe & \myempty & \myempty & \myse{Q} & \myse{t} & \myred & \myse{t} \\ + \mycoe & \myunit & \myunit & \myse{Q} & \myse{t} & \myred & \mytt \\ + \mycoe & \mybool & \mybool & \myse{Q} & \mytrue & \myred & \mytrue \\ + \mycoe & \mybool & \mybool & \myse{Q} & \myfalse & \myred & \myfalse \\ + \mycoe & (\myexi{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1}) & + (\myexi{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytyb_2}) & \myse{Q} & + \mytmt_1 & \myred & \\ + \multicolumn{7}{l}{ + \myind{2}\begin{array}[t]{l@{\ }l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mysyn{let} & \myb{\mytmm_1} & \mapsto & \myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt_1} : \mytya_1 \\ + & \myb{\mytmn_1} & \mapsto & \myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmt_1} : \mysub{\mytyb_1}{\myb{x_1}}{\myb{\mytmm_1}} \\ + & \myb{Q_A} & \mapsto & \myapp{\myfst}{\myse{Q}} : \mytya_1 \myeq \mytya_2 \\ + & \myb{\mytmm_2} & \mapsto & \mycoee{\mytya_1}{\mytya_2}{\myb{Q_A}}{\myb{\mytmm_1}} : \mytya_2 \\ + & \myb{Q_B} & \mapsto & (\myapp{\mysnd}{\myse{Q}}) \myappsp \myb{\mytmm_1} \myappsp \myb{\mytmm_2} \myappsp (\mycohh{\mytya_1}{\mytya_2}{\myb{Q_A}}{\myb{\mytmm_1}}) : \myprdec{\mysub{\mytyb_1}{\myb{x_1}}{\myb{\mytmm_1}} \myeq \mysub{\mytyb_2}{\myb{x_2}}{\myb{\mytmm_2}}} \\ + & \myb{\mytmn_2} & \mapsto & \mycoee{\mysub{\mytyb_1}{\myb{x_1}}{\myb{\mytmm_1}}}{\mysub{\mytyb_2}{\myb{x_2}}{\myb{\mytmm_2}}}{\myb{Q_B}}{\myb{\mytmn_1}} : \mysub{\mytyb_2}{\myb{x_2}}{\myb{\mytmm_2}} \\ + \mysyn{in} & \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\mypair{\myb{\mytmm_2}}{\myb{\mytmn_2}}} + \end{array}} \\ + + \mycoe & (\myfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1}) & + (\myfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytyb_2}) & \myse{Q} & + \mytmt & \myred & + \cdots \\ + + \mycoe & (\myw{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1}) & + (\myw{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytyb_2}) & \myse{Q} & + \mytmt & \myred & + \cdots \\ + + \mycoe & \mytya & \mytyb & \myse{Q} & \mytmt & \myred & \myapp{\myabsurd{\mytyb}}{\myse{Q}}\ \text{if $\mytya$ and $\mytyb$ are canonical.} + \end{array} + $ +} +\caption{Reducing type equalities, and using them when + $\myfun{coe}$rcing.} +\label{fig:eqred} +\end{figure} + +Figure \ref{fig:eqred} illustrates this idea in practice. For ground +types, the proof is the trivial element, and \myfun{coe} is the +identity. For $\myunit$, we can do better: we return its only member +without matching on the term. For the three type binders, things are +similar but subtly different---the choices we make in the type equality +are dictated by the desire of writing the $\myfun{coe}$ in a natural +way. + +$\myprod$ is the easiest case: we decompose the proof into proofs that +the first element's types are equal ($\mytya_1 \myeq \mytya_2$), and a +proof that given equal values in the first element, the types of the +second elements are equal too +($\myprfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myprfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\myjm{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}} + \myimpl \mytyb_1 \myeq \mytyb_2}$).\footnote{We are using $\myimpl$ to + indicate a $\forall$ where we discard the first value. We write + $\mytyb_1[\myb{x_1}]$ to indicate that the $\myb{x_1}$ in $\mytyb_1$ + is re-bound to the $\myb{x_1}$ quantified by the $\forall$, and + similarly for $\myb{x_2}$ and $\mytyb_2$.} This also explains the +need for heterogeneous equality, since in the second proof it would be +awkward to express the fact that $\myb{A_1}$ is the same as $\myb{A_2}$. +In the respective $\myfun{coe}$ case, since the types are canonical, we +know at this point that the proof of equality is a pair of the shape +described above. Thus, we can immediately coerce the first element of +the pair using the first element of the proof, and then instantiate the +second element with the two first elements and a proof by coherence of +their equality, since we know that the types are equal. + +The cases for the other binders are omitted for brevity, but they follow +the same principle with some twists to make $\myfun{coe}$ work with the +generated proofs; the reader can refer to the paper for details. + +\subsubsection{$\myfun{coe}$, laziness, and $\myfun{coh}$erence} + +It is important to notice that in the reduction rules for $\myfun{coe}$ +are never obstructed by the proofs: with the exception of comparisons +between different canonical types we never `pattern match' on the proof +pairs, but always look at the projections. This means that, as long as +we are consistent, and thus as long as we don't have $\mybot$-inducing +proofs, we can add propositional axioms for equality and $\myfun{coe}$ +will still compute. Thus, we can take $\myfun{coh}$ as axiomatic, and +we can add back familiar useful equality rules: + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}}{ + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myrefl}{\mytmt}}{\myprdec{\myjm{\mytmt}{\mytya}{\mytmt}{\mytya}}}$} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx; \myb{x} : \mytya}{\mytyb}{\mytyp}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytyc{R} \myappsp (\myb{x} {:} \mytya) \myappsp \mytyb}{\myfora{\myb{y}\, \myb{z}}{\mytya}{\myprdec{\myjm{\myb{y}}{\mytya}{\myb{z}}{\mytya} \myimpl \mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\myb{y}} \myeq \mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\myb{z}}}}}$} + \DisplayProof +} + +$\myrefl$ is the equivalent of the reflexivity rule in propositional +equality, and $\mytyc{R}$ asserts that if we have a we have a $\mytyp$ +abstracting over a value we can substitute equal for equal---this lets +us recover $\myfun{subst}$. Note that while we need to provide ad-hoc +rules in the restricted, non-hierarchical theory that we have, if our +theory supports abstraction over $\mytyp$s we can easily add these +axioms as abstracted variables. + +\subsubsection{Value-level equality} + +\mydesc{equality reduction:}{\myprsyn \myred \myprsyn}{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{}l@{\ }c@{\ }r@{}c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{}l@{\ }l} + (&\mytmt_1 & : & \myempty&) & \myeq & (&\mytmt_2 & : & \myempty &) & \myred \mytop \\ + (&\mytmt_1 & : & \myunit&) & \myeq & (&\mytmt_2 & : & \myunit&) & \myred \mytop \\ + (&\mytrue & : & \mybool&) & \myeq & (&\mytrue & : & \mybool&) & \myred \mytop \\ + (&\myfalse & : & \mybool&) & \myeq & (&\myfalse & : & \mybool&) & \myred \mytop \\ + (&\mytrue & : & \mybool&) & \myeq & (&\myfalse & : & \mybool&) & \myred \mybot \\ + (&\myfalse & : & \mybool&) & \myeq & (&\mytrue & : & \mybool&) & \myred \mybot \\ + (&\mytmt_1 & : & \myexi{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_1}}{\mytyb_1}&) & \myeq & (&\mytmt_2 & : & \myexi{\mytya_2}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytyb_2}&) & \myred \\ + & \multicolumn{11}{@{}l}{ + \myind{2} \myjm{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt_2}}{\mytya_2} \myand + \myjm{\myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmt_1}}{\mysub{\mytyb_1}{\myb{x_1}}{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt_1}}}{\myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmt_2}}{\mysub{\mytyb_2}{\myb{x_2}}{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt_2}}} + } \\ + (&\myse{f}_1 & : & \myfora{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_1}}{\mytyb_1}&) & \myeq & (&\myse{f}_2 & : & \myfora{\mytya_2}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytyb_2}&) & \myred \\ + & \multicolumn{11}{@{}l}{ + \myind{2} \myprfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myprfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{ + \myjm{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2} \myimpl + \myjm{\myapp{\myse{f}_1}{\myb{x_1}}}{\mytyb_1[\myb{x_1}]}{\myapp{\myse{f}_2}{\myb{x_2}}}{\mytyb_2[\myb{x_2}]} + }} + } \\ + (&\mytmt_1 \mynodee \myse{f}_1 & : & \myw{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_1}}{\mytyb_1}&) & \myeq & (&\mytmt_1 \mynodee \myse{f}_1 & : & \myw{\mytya_2}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytyb_2}&) & \myred \cdots \\ + (&\mytmt_1 & : & \mytya_1&) & \myeq & (&\mytmt_2 & : & \mytya_2 &) & \myred \mybot\ \text{if $\mytya_1$ and $\mytya_2$ are canonical.} + \end{array} + $ +} + +As with type-level equality, we want value-level equality to reduce +based on the structure of the compared terms. When matching +propositional data, such as $\myempty$ and $\myunit$, we automatically +return the trivial type, since if a type has zero one members, all +members will be equal. When matching on data-bearing types, such as +$\mybool$, we check that such data matches, and return bottom otherwise. + +\subsection{Proof irrelevance and stuck coercions} +\label{sec:ott-quot} + +The last effort is required to make sure that proofs (members of +$\myprop$) are \emph{irrelevant}. Since they are devoid of +computational content, we would like to identify all equivalent +propositions as the same, in a similar way as we identified all +$\myempty$ and all $\myunit$ as the same in section +\ref{sec:eta-expand}. + +Thus we will have a quotation that will not only perform +$\eta$-expansion, but will also identify and mark proofs that could not +be decoded (that is, equalities on neutral types). Then, when +comparing terms, marked proofs will be considered equal without +analysing their contents, thus gaining irrelevance. + +Moreover we can safely advance `stuck' $\myfun{coe}$rcions between +non-canonical but definitionally equal types. Consider for example +\[ +\mycoee{(\myITE{\myb{b}}{\mynat}{\mybool})}{(\myITE{\myb{b}}{\mynat}{\mybool})}{\myb{x}} +\] +Where $\myb{b}$ and $\myb{x}$ are abstracted variables. This +$\myfun{coe}$ will not advance, since the types are not canonical. +However they are definitionally equal, and thus we can safely remove the +coerce and return $\myb{x}$ as it is. + +This process of identifying every proof as equivalent and removing +$\myfun{coe}$rcions is known as \emph{quotation}. + +\section{\mykant : the theory} +\label{sec:kant-theory} + +\mykant\ is an interactive theorem prover developed as part of this thesis. +The plan is to present a core language which would be capable of serving as +the basis for a more featureful system, while still presenting interesting +features and more importantly observational equality. + +We will first present the features of the system, and then describe the +implementation we have developed in Section \ref{sec:kant-practice}. + +The defining features of \mykant\ are: + +\begin{description} +\item[Full dependent types] As we would expect, we have dependent a system + which is as expressive as the `best' corner in the lambda cube described in + Section \ref{sec:itt}. + +\item[Implicit, cumulative universe hierarchy] The user does not need to + specify universe level explicitly, and universes are \emph{cumulative}. + +\item[User defined data types and records] Instead of forcing the user to + choose from a restricted toolbox, we let her define inductive data types, + with associated primitive recursion operators; or records, with associated + projections for each field. + +\item[Bidirectional type checking] While no `fancy' inference via + unification is present, we take advantage of a type synthesis system + in the style of \cite{Pierce2000}, extending the concept for user + defined data types. + +\item[Observational equality] As described in Section \ref{sec:ott} but + extended to work with the type hierarchy and to admit equality between + arbitrary data types. +\end{description} + +We will analyse the features one by one, along with motivations and +tradeoffs for the design decisions made. + +\subsection{Bidirectional type checking} + +We start by describing bidirectional type checking since it calls for +fairly different typing rules that what we have seen up to now. The +idea is to have two kinds of terms: terms for which a type can always be +inferred, and terms that need to be checked against a type. A nice +observation is that this duality runs through the semantics of the +terms: neutral terms (abstracted or defined variables, function +application, record projections, primitive recursors, etc.) \emph{infer} +types, canonical terms (abstractions, record/data types data +constructors, etc.) need to be \emph{checked}. + +To introduce the concept and notation, we will revisit the STLC in a +bidirectional style. The presentation follows \cite{Loh2010}. The +syntax for our bidirectional STLC is the same as the untyped +$\lambda$-calculus, but with an extra construct to annotate terms +explicitly---this will be necessary when having top-level canonical +terms. The types are the same as those found in the normal STLC. + +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \myb{x} \mysynsep \myabs{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep (\myapp{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}) \mysynsep (\mytmsyn : \mytysyn) + \end{array} + $ +} +We will have two kinds of typing judgements: \emph{inference} and +\emph{checking}. $\myinf{\mytmt}{\mytya}$ indicates that $\mytmt$ +infers the type $\mytya$, while $\mychk{\mytmt}{\mytya}$ can be checked +against type $\mytya$. The type of variables in context is inferred, +and so are annotate terms. The type of applications is inferred too, +propagating types down the applied term. Abstractions are checked. +Finally, we have a rule to check the type of an inferrable term. + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \Leftrightarrow \mytmsyn}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{$\myctx(x) = A$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\myb{x}}{A}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjudd{\myctx;\myb{x} : A}{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\mychk{\myabs{x}{\mytmt}}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya \myarr \mytyb}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mytya}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\myann{\mytmt}{\mytya}}{\mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myinf{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +For example, if we wanted to type function composition (in this case for +naturals), we would have to annotate the term: +\[ + \myfun{comp} \mapsto (\myabs{\myb{f}\, \myb{g}\, \myb{x}}{\myb{f}\myappsp(\myb{g}\myappsp\myb{x})}) : (\mynat \myarr \mynat) \myarr (\mynat \myarr \mynat) \myarr \mynat \myarr \mynat +\] +But we would not have to annotate functions passed to it, since the type would be propagated to the arguments: +\[ + \myfun{comp}\myappsp (\myabs{\myb{x}}{\myb{x} \mathrel{\myfun{$+$}} 3}) \myappsp (\myabs{\myb{x}}{\myb{x} \mathrel{\myfun{$*$}} 4}) \myappsp 42 +\] + +\subsection{Base terms and types} + +Let us begin by describing the primitives available without the user +defining any data types, and without equality. The way we handle +variables and substitution is left unspecified, and explained in section +\ref{sec:term-repr}, along with other implementation issues. We are +also going to give an account of the implicit type hierarchy separately +in Section \ref{sec:term-hierarchy}, so as not to clutter derivation +rules too much, and just treat types as impredicative for the time +being. + +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \mynamesyn \mysynsep \mytyp \\ + & | & \myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + \myabs{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + (\myapp{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}) \mysynsep + (\myann{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}) \\ + \mynamesyn & ::= & \myb{x} \mysynsep \myfun{f} + \end{array} + $ +} + +The syntax for our calculus includes just two basic constructs: +abstractions and $\mytyp$s. Everything else will be provided by +user-definable constructs. Since we let the user define values, we will +need a context capable of carrying the body of variables along with +their type. + +Bound names and defined names are treated separately in the syntax, and +while both can be associated to a type in the context, only defined +names can be associated with a body: + +\mydesc{context validity:}{\myvalid{\myctx}}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myvalid{\myemptyctx}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp}$} + \AxiomC{$\mynamesyn \not\in \myctx$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myvalid{\myctx ; \mynamesyn : \mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myfun{f} \not\in \myctx$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myvalid{\myctx ; \myfun{f} \mapsto \mytmt : \mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +Now we can present the reduction rules, which are unsurprising. We have +the usual function application ($\beta$-reduction), but also a rule to +replace names with their bodies ($\delta$-reduction), and one to discard +type annotations. For this reason reduction is done in-context, as +opposed to what we have seen in the past: + +\mydesc{reduction:}{\myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myb{x} \mapsto \mytmt : \mytya \in \myctx$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \myapp{(\myabs{\myb{x}}{\mytmm})}{\mytmn} + \myred \mysub{\mytmm}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myfun{f} \mapsto \mytmt : \mytya \in \myctx$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \myfun{f} \myred \mytmt$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myb{x} \mapsto \mytmt : \mytya \in \myctx$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \myann{\mytmm}{\mytya} \myred \mytmm$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +We can now give types to our terms. Although we include the usual +conversion rule, we defer a detailed account of definitional equality to +Section \ref{sec:kant-irr}. + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \Leftrightarrow \mytmsyn}{ + \begin{tabular}{cccc} + \AxiomC{$\myse{name} : A \in \myctx$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\myse{name}}{A}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myfun{f} \mapsto \mytmt : A \in \myctx$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\myfun{f}}{A}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\myann{\mytmt}{\mytya}}{\mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myinf{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myctx \vdash \mytya \mydefeq \mytyb$} + \BinaryInfC{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{$\myinf{\mytmm}{\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}}$} + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmn}{\mytya}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myinf{\myapp{\mytmm}{\mytmn}}{\mysub{\mytyb}{\myb{x}}{\mytmn}}$} + \DisplayProof + + & + + \AxiomC{$\mychkk{\myctx; \myb{x}: \mytya}{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\mychk{\myabs{\myb{x}}{\mytmt}}{\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytyb}{\mytyb}}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +\subsection{Elaboration} + +As we mentioned, $\mykant$\ allows the user to define not only values +but also custom data types and records. \emph{Elaboration} consists of +turning these declarations into workable syntax, types, and reduction +rules. The treatment of custom types in $\mykant$\ is heavily inspired +by McBride and McKinna early work on Epigram \citep{McBride2004}, +although with some differences. + +\subsubsection{Term vectors, telescopes, and assorted notation} + +We use a vector notation to refer to a series of term applied to +another, for example $\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{A}$ is a shorthand for +$\mytyc{D} \myappsp \mytya_1 \cdots \mytya_n$, for some $n$. $n$ is +consistently used to refer to the length of such vectors, and $i$ to +refer to an index in such vectors. We also often need to `build up' +terms vectors, in which case we use $\myemptyctx$ for an empty vector +and add elements to an existing vector with $\myarg ; \myarg$, similarly +to what we do for context. + +To present the elaboration and operations on user defined data types, we +frequently make use what de Bruijn called \emph{telescopes} +\citep{Bruijn91}, a construct that will prove useful when dealing with +the types of type and data constructors. A telescope is a series of +nested typed bindings, such as $(\myb{x} {:} \mynat); (\myb{p} {:} +\myapp{\myfun{even}}{\myb{x}})$. Consistently with the notation for +contexts and term vectors, we use $\myemptyctx$ to denote an empty +telescope and $\myarg ; \myarg$ to add a new binding to an existing +telescope. + +We refer to telescopes with $\mytele$, $\mytele'$, $\mytele_i$, etc. If +$\mytele$ refers to a telescope, $\mytelee$ refers to the term vector +made up of all the variables bound by $\mytele$. $\mytele \myarr +\mytya$ refers to the type made by turning the telescope into a series +of $\myarr$. Returning to the examples above, we have that +\[ + (\myb{x} {:} \mynat); (\myb{p} : \myapp{\myfun{even}}{\myb{x}}) \myarr \mynat = + (\myb{x} {:} \mynat) \myarr (\myb{p} : \myapp{\myfun{even}}{\myb{x}}) \myarr \mynat +\] + +We make use of various operations to manipulate telescopes: +\begin{itemize} +\item $\myhead(\mytele)$ refers to the first type appearing in + $\mytele$: $\myhead((\myb{x} {:} \mynat); (\myb{p} : + \myapp{\myfun{even}}{\myb{x}})) = \mynat$. Similarly, + $\myix_i(\mytele)$ refers to the $i^{th}$ type in a telescope + (1-indexed). +\item $\mytake_i(\mytele)$ refers to the telescope created by taking the + first $i$ elements of $\mytele$: $\mytake_1((\myb{x} {:} \mynat); (\myb{p} : + \myapp{\myfun{even}}{\myb{x}})) = (\myb{x} {:} \mynat)$. +\item $\mytele \vec{A}$ refers to the telescope made by `applying' the + terms in $\vec{A}$ on $\mytele$: $((\myb{x} {:} \mynat); (\myb{p} : + \myapp{\myfun{even}}{\myb{x}}))42 = (\myb{p} : + \myapp{\myfun{even}}{42})$. +\end{itemize} + +Additionally, when presenting syntax elaboration, I'll use $\mytmsyn^n$ +to indicate a term vector composed of $n$ elements, or +$\mytmsyn^{\mytele}$ for one composed by as many elements as the +telescope. + +\subsubsection{Declarations syntax} + +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mydeclsyn & ::= & \myval{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \mypost{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn} \\ + & | & \myadt{\mytyc{D}}{\myappsp \mytelesyn}{}{\mydc{c} : \mytelesyn\ |\ \cdots } \\ + & | & \myreco{\mytyc{D}}{\myappsp \mytelesyn}{}{\myfun{f} : \mytmsyn,\ \cdots } \\ + + \mytelesyn & ::= & \myemptytele \mysynsep \mytelesyn \mycc (\myb{x} {:} \mytmsyn) \\ + \mynamesyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \mytyc{D} \mysynsep \mytyc{D}.\mydc{c} \mysynsep \mytyc{D}.\myfun{f} + \end{array} + $ +} + +In \mykant\ we have four kind of declarations: + +\begin{description} +\item[Defined value] A variable, together with a type and a body. +\item[Abstract variable] An abstract variable, with a type but no body. +\item[Inductive data] A datatype, with a type constructor and various data + constructors---somewhat similar to what we find in Haskell. A primitive + recursor (or `destructor') will be generated automatically. +\item[Record] A record, which consists of one data constructor and various + fields, with no recursive occurrences. +\end{description} + +Elaborating defined variables consists of type checking body against the +given type, and updating the context to contain the new binding. +Elaborating abstract variables and abstract variables consists of type +checking the type, and updating the context with a new typed variable: + +\mydesc{context elaboration:}{\myelab{\mydeclsyn}{\myctx}}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myfun{f} \not\in \myctx$} + \BinaryInfC{ + $\myctx \myelabt \myval{\myfun{f}}{\mytya}{\mytmt} \ \ \myelabf\ \ \myctx; \myfun{f} \mapsto \mytmt : \mytya$ + } + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp}$} + \AxiomC{$\myfun{f} \not\in \myctx$} + \BinaryInfC{ + $ + \myctx \myelabt \mypost{\myfun{f}}{\mytya} + \ \ \myelabf\ \ \myctx; \myfun{f} : \mytya + $ + } + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +\subsubsection{User defined types} +\label{sec:user-type} + +Elaborating user defined types is the real effort. First, let's explain +what we can defined, with some examples. + +\begin{description} +\item[Natural numbers] To define natural numbers, we create a data type + with two constructors: one with zero arguments ($\mydc{zero}$) and one + with one recursive argument ($\mydc{suc}$): + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myadt{\mynat}{ }{ }{ + \mydc{zero} \mydcsep \mydc{suc} \myappsp \mynat + } + \end{array} + \] + This is very similar to what we would write in Haskell: + \begin{Verbatim} +data Nat = Zero | Suc Nat + \end{Verbatim} + Once the data type is defined, $\mykant$\ will generate syntactic + constructs for the type and data constructors, so that we will have + \begin{center} + \mysmall + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mynat}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\mynat}{\mytyp}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mynat}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\mytyc{\mynat}.\mydc{zero}}{\mynat}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mynat}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\mytyc{\mynat}.\mydc{suc} \myappsp \mytmt}{\mynat}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + \end{center} + While in Haskell (or indeed in Agda or Coq) data constructors are + treated the same way as functions, in $\mykant$\ they are syntax, so + for example using $\mytyc{\mynat}.\mydc{suc}$ on its own will be a + syntax error. This is necessary so that we can easily infer the type + of polymorphic data constructors, as we will see later. + + Moreover, each data constructor is prefixed by the type constructor + name, since we need to retrieve the type constructor of a data + constructor when type checking. This measure aids in the presentation + of various features but it is not needed in the implementation, where + we can have a dictionary to lookup the type constructor corresponding + to each data constructor. When using data constructors in examples I + will omit the type constructor prefix for brevity. + + Along with user defined constructors, $\mykant$\ automatically + generates an \emph{eliminator}, or \emph{destructor}, to compute with + natural numbers: If we have $\mytmt : \mynat$, we can destruct + $\mytmt$ using the generated eliminator `$\mynat.\myfun{elim}$': + \begin{prooftree} + \mysmall + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mynat}$} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \myinf{\mytyc{\mynat}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \mytmt}{ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myfora{\myb{P}}{\mynat \myarr \mytyp}{ \\ \myapp{\myb{P}}{\mydc{zero}} \myarr (\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mynat}{\myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{x}} \myarr \myapp{\myb{P}}{(\myapp{\mydc{suc}}{\myb{x}})}}) \myarr \\ \myapp{\myb{P}}{\mytmt}} + \end{array} + }$} + \end{prooftree} + $\mynat.\myfun{elim}$ corresponds to the induction principle for + natural numbers: if we have a predicate on numbers ($\myb{P}$), and we + know that predicate holds for the base case + ($\myapp{\myb{P}}{\mydc{zero}}$) and for each inductive step + ($\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mynat}{\myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{x}} \myarr + \myapp{\myb{P}}{(\myapp{\mydc{suc}}{\myb{x}})}}$), then $\myb{P}$ + holds for any number. As with the data constructors, we require the + eliminator to be applied to the `destructed' element. + + While the induction principle is usually seen as a mean to prove + properties about numbers, in the intuitionistic setting it is also a + mean to compute. In this specific case we will $\mynat.\myfun{elim}$ + will return the base case if the provided number is $\mydc{zero}$, and + recursively apply the inductive step if the number is a + $\mydc{suc}$cessor: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l@{}l} + \mytyc{\mynat}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \mydc{zero} & \myappsp \myse{P} \myappsp \myse{pz} \myappsp \myse{ps} \myred \myse{pz} \\ + \mytyc{\mynat}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp (\mydc{suc} \myappsp \mytmt) & \myappsp \myse{P} \myappsp \myse{pz} \myappsp \myse{ps} \myred \myse{ps} \myappsp \mytmt \myappsp (\mynat.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \mytmt \myappsp \myse{P} \myappsp \myse{pz} \myappsp \myse{ps}) + \end{array} + \] + The Haskell equivalent would be + \begin{Verbatim} +elim :: Nat -> a -> (Nat -> a -> a) -> a +elim Zero pz ps = pz +elim (Suc n) pz ps = ps n (elim n pz ps) +\end{Verbatim} + Which buys us the computational behaviour, but not the reasoning power. + +\item[Binary trees] Now for a polymorphic data type: binary trees, since + lists are too similar to natural numbers to be interesting. + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myadt{\mytree}{\myappsp (\myb{A} {:} \mytyp)}{ }{ + \mydc{leaf} \mydcsep \mydc{node} \myappsp (\myapp{\mytree}{\myb{A}}) \myappsp \myb{A} \myappsp (\myapp{\mytree}{\myb{A}}) + } + \end{array} + \] + Now the purpose of constructors as syntax can be explained: what would + the type of $\mydc{leaf}$ be? If we were to treat it as a `normal' + term, we would have to specify the type parameter of the tree each + time the constructor is applied: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }l} + \mydc{leaf} & : \myfora{\myb{A}}{\mytyp}{\myapp{\mytree}{\myb{A}}} \\ + \mydc{node} & : \myfora{\myb{A}}{\mytyp}{\myapp{\mytree}{\myb{A}} \myarr \myb{A} \myarr \myapp{\mytree}{\myb{A}} \myarr \myapp{\mytree}{\myb{A}}} + \end{array} + \] + The problem with this approach is that creating terms is incredibly + verbose and dull, since we would need to specify the type parameters + each time. For example if we wished to create a $\mytree \myappsp + \mynat$ with two nodes and three leaves, we would have to write + \[ + \mydc{node} \myappsp \mynat \myappsp (\mydc{node} \myappsp \mynat \myappsp (\mydc{leaf} \myappsp \mynat) \myappsp (\myapp{\mydc{suc}}{\mydc{zero}}) \myappsp (\mydc{leaf} \myappsp \mynat)) \myappsp \mydc{zero} \myappsp (\mydc{leaf} \myappsp \mynat) + \] + The redundancy of $\mynat$s is quite irritating. Instead, if we treat + constructors as syntactic elements, we can `extract' the type of the + parameter from the type that the term gets checked against, much like + we get the type of abstraction arguments: + \begin{center} + \mysmall + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytya}{\mytyp}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\mychk{\mydc{leaf}}{\myapp{\mytree}{\mytya}}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmm}{\mytree \myappsp \mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmm}{\mytree \myappsp \mytya}$} + \TrinaryInfC{$\mychk{\mydc{node} \myappsp \mytmm \myappsp \mytmt \myappsp \mytmn}{\mytree \myappsp \mytya}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + \end{center} + Which enables us to write, much more concisely + \[ + \mydc{node} \myappsp (\mydc{node} \myappsp \mydc{leaf} \myappsp (\myapp{\mydc{suc}}{\mydc{zero}}) \myappsp \mydc{leaf}) \myappsp \mydc{zero} \myappsp \mydc{leaf} : \myapp{\mytree}{\mynat} + \] + We gain an annotation, but we lose the myriad of types applied to the + constructors. Conversely, with the eliminator for $\mytree$, we can + infer the type of the arguments given the type of the destructed: + \begin{prooftree} + \small + \AxiomC{$\myinf{\mytmt}{\myapp{\mytree}{\mytya}}$} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \myinf{\mytree.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \mytmt}{ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + (\myb{P} {:} \myapp{\mytree}{\mytya} \myarr \mytyp) \myarr \\ + \myapp{\myb{P}}{\mydc{leaf}} \myarr \\ + ((\myb{l} {:} \myapp{\mytree}{\mytya}) (\myb{x} {:} \mytya) (\myb{r} {:} \myapp{\mytree}{\mytya}) \myarr \myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{l}} \myarr + \myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{r}} \myarr \myb{P} \myappsp (\mydc{node} \myappsp \myb{l} \myappsp \myb{x} \myappsp \myb{r})) \myarr \\ + \myapp{\myb{P}}{\mytmt} + \end{array} + } + $} + \end{prooftree} + As expected, the eliminator embodies structural induction on trees. + +\item[Empty type] We have presented types that have at least one + constructors, but nothing prevents us from defining types with + \emph{no} constructors: + \[\myadt{\mytyc{Empty}}{ }{ }{ }\] + What shall the `induction principle' on $\mytyc{Empty}$ be? Does it + even make sense to talk about induction on $\mytyc{Empty}$? + $\mykant$\ does not care, and generates an eliminator with no `cases', + and thus corresponding to the $\myfun{absurd}$ that we know and love: + \begin{prooftree} + \mysmall + \AxiomC{$\myinf{\mytmt}{\mytyc{Empty}}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\myempty.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \mytmt}{(\myb{P} {:} \mytmt \myarr \mytyp) \myarr \myapp{\myb{P}}{\mytmt}}$} + \end{prooftree} + +\item[Ordered lists] Up to this point, the examples shown are nothing + new to the \{Haskell, SML, OCaml, functional\} programmer. However + dependent types let us express much more than that. A useful example + is the type of ordered lists. There are many ways to define such a + thing, we will define our type to store the bounds of the list, making + sure that $\mydc{cons}$ing respects that. + + First, using $\myunit$ and $\myempty$, we define a type expressing the + ordering on natural numbers, $\myfun{le}$---`less or equal'. + $\myfun{le}\myappsp \mytmm \myappsp \mytmn$ will be inhabited only if + $\mytmm \le \mytmn$: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myfun{le} : \mynat \myarr \mynat \myarr \mytyp \\ + \myfun{le} \myappsp \myb{n} \mapsto \\ + \myind{2} \mynat.\myfun{elim} \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} \myb{n} \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} (\myabs{\myarg}{\mynat \myarr \mytyp}) \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} (\myabs{\myarg}{\myunit}) \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} (\myabs{\myb{n}\, \myb{f}\, \myb{m}}{ + \mynat.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \myb{m} \myappsp (\myabs{\myarg}{\mytyp}) \myappsp \myempty \myappsp (\myabs{\myb{m'}\, \myarg}{\myapp{\myb{f}}{\myb{m'}}}) + }) + \end{array} + \] + We return $\myunit$ if the scrutinised is $\mydc{zero}$ (every + number in less or equal than zero), $\myempty$ if the first number is + a $\mydc{suc}$cessor and the second a $\mydc{zero}$, and we recurse if + they are both successors. Since we want the list to have possibly + `open' bounds, for example for empty lists, we create a type for + `lifted' naturals with a bottom (less than everything) and top + (greater than everything) elements, along with an associated comparison + function: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myadt{\mytyc{Lift}}{ }{ }{\mydc{bot} \mydcsep \mydc{lift} \myappsp \mynat \mydcsep \mydc{top}}\\ + \myfun{le'} : \mytyc{Lift} \myarr \mytyc{Lift} \myarr \mytyp\\ + \myfun{le'} \myappsp \myb{l_1} \mapsto \\ + \myind{2} \mytyc{Lift}.\myfun{elim} \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} \myb{l_1} \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} (\myabs{\myarg}{\mytyc{Lift} \myarr \mytyp}) \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} (\myabs{\myarg}{\myunit}) \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} (\myabs{\myb{n_1}\, \myb{n_2}}{ + \mytyc{Lift}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \myb{l_2} \myappsp (\myabs{\myarg}{\mytyp}) \myappsp \myempty \myappsp (\myabs{\myb{n_2}}{\myfun{le} \myappsp \myb{n_1} \myappsp \myb{n_2}}) \myappsp \myunit + }) \\ + \myind{2}\myind{2} (\myabs{\myb{n_1}\, \myb{n_2}}{ + \mytyc{Lift}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \myb{l_2} \myappsp (\myabs{\myarg}{\mytyp}) \myappsp \myempty \myappsp (\myabs{\myarg}{\myempty}) \myappsp \myunit + }) + \end{array} + \] + Finally, we can defined a type of ordered lists. The type is + parametrised over two values representing the lower and upper bounds + of the elements, as opposed to the type parameters that we are used + to. Then, an empty list will have to have evidence that the bounds + are ordered, and each time we add an element we require the list to + have a matching lower bound: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myadt{\mytyc{OList}}{\myappsp (\myb{low}\ \myb{upp} {:} \mytyc{Lift})}{\\ \myind{2}}{ + \mydc{nil} \myappsp (\myfun{le'} \myappsp \myb{low} \myappsp \myb{upp}) \mydcsep \mydc{cons} \myappsp (\myb{n} {:} \mynat) \myappsp (\mytyc{OList} \myappsp (\myfun{lift} \myappsp \myb{n}) \myappsp \myb{upp}) \myappsp (\myfun{le'} \myappsp \myb{low} \myappsp (\myfun{lift} \myappsp \myb{n}) + } + \end{array} + \] + If we want we can then employ this structure to write and prove + correct various sorting algorithms.\footnote{See this presentation by + Conor McBride: + \url{https://personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/conor.mcbride/Pivotal.pdf}, + and this blog post by the author: + \url{http://mazzo.li/posts/AgdaSort.html}.} + +\item[Dependent products] Apart from $\mysyn{data}$, $\mykant$\ offers + us another way to define types: $\mysyn{record}$. A record is a + datatype with one constructor and `projections' to extract specific + fields of the said constructor. + + For example, we can recover dependent products: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myreco{\mytyc{Prod}}{\myappsp (\myb{A} {:} \mytyp) \myappsp (\myb{B} {:} \myb{A} \myarr \mytyp)}{\\ \myind{2}}{\myfst : \myb{A}, \mysnd : \myapp{\myb{B}}{\myb{fst}}} + \end{array} + \] + Here $\myfst$ and $\mysnd$ are the projections, with their respective + types. Note that each field can refer to the preceding fields. A + constructor will be automatically generated, under the name of + $\mytyc{Prod}.\mydc{constr}$. Dually to data types, we will omit the + type constructor prefix for record projections. + + Following the bidirectionality of the system, we have that projections + (the destructors of the record) infer the type, while the constructor + gets checked: + \begin{center} + \mysmall + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmm}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\mychk{\mytmn}{\myapp{\mytyb}{\mytmm}}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\mychk{\mytyc{Prod}.\mydc{constr} \myappsp \mytmm \myappsp \mytmn}{\mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytya \myappsp \mytyb}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{\phantom{$\myinf{\myfun{snd} \myappsp \mytmt}{\mytyb \myappsp (\myfst \myappsp \mytmt)}$}} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myinf{\mytmt}{\mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytya \myappsp \mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\myfun{fst} \myappsp \mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{$\myinf{\myfun{snd} \myappsp \mytmt}{\mytyb \myappsp (\myfst \myappsp \mytmt)}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + \end{center} + What we have is equivalent to ITT's dependent products. +\end{description} + +\begin{figure}[p] + \mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + \footnotesize + $ + \begin{array}{l} + \mynamesyn ::= \cdots \mysynsep \mytyc{D} \mysynsep \mytyc{D}.\mydc{c} \mysynsep \mytyc{D}.\myfun{f} + \end{array} + $ + } + + \mynegder + + \mydesc{syntax elaboration:}{\mydeclsyn \myelabf \mytmsyn ::= \cdots}{ + \footnotesize + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }l} + & \myadt{\mytyc{D}}{\mytele}{}{\cdots\ |\ \mydc{c}_n : \mytele_n } \\ + \myelabf & + + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytmsyn^{\mytele}} \mysynsep \cdots \mysynsep + \mytyc{D}.\mydc{c}_n \myappsp \mytmsyn^{\mytele_n} \mysynsep \mytyc{D}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \mytmsyn \\ + \end{array} + \end{array} + $ + } + + \mynegder + + \mydesc{context elaboration:}{\myelab{\mydeclsyn}{\myctx}}{ + \footnotesize + + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{c} + \myinf{\mytele \myarr \mytyp}{\mytyp}\hspace{0.8cm} + \mytyc{D} \not\in \myctx \\ + \myinff{\myctx;\ \mytyc{D} : \mytele \myarr \mytyp}{\mytele \mycc \mytele_i \myarr \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}}{\mytyp}\ \ \ (1 \leq i \leq n) \\ + \text{For each $(\myb{x} {:} \mytya)$ in each $\mytele_i$, if $\mytyc{D} \in \mytya$, then $\mytya = \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\vec{\mytmt}}$.} + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myctx & \myelabt & \myadt{\mytyc{D}}{\mytele}{}{ \cdots \ |\ \mydc{c}_n : \mytele_n } \\ + & & \vspace{-0.2cm} \\ + & \myelabf & \myctx;\ \mytyc{D} : \mytele \myarr \mytyp;\ \cdots;\ \mytyc{D}.\mydc{c}_n : \mytele \mycc \mytele_n \myarr \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}; \\ + & & + \begin{array}{@{}r@{\ }l l} + \mytyc{D}.\myfun{elim} : & \mytele \myarr (\myb{x} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}) \myarr & \textbf{target} \\ + & (\myb{P} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee} \myarr \mytyp) \myarr & \textbf{motive} \\ + & \left. + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myind{3} \vdots \\ + (\mytele_n \mycc \myhyps(\myb{P}, \mytele_n) \myarr \myapp{\myb{P}}{(\myapp{\mytyc{D}.\mydc{c}_n}{\mytelee_n})}) \myarr + \end{array} \right \} + & \textbf{methods} \\ + & \myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{x}} & + \end{array} + \end{array} + $} + \DisplayProof \\ \vspace{0.2cm}\ \\ + $ + \begin{array}{@{}l l@{\ } l@{} r c l} + \textbf{where} & \myhyps(\myb{P}, & \myemptytele &) & \mymetagoes & \myemptytele \\ + & \myhyps(\myb{P}, & (\myb{r} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\vec{\mytmt}}) \mycc \mytele &) & \mymetagoes & (\myb{r'} {:} \myapp{\myb{P}}{\myb{r}}) \mycc \myhyps(\myb{P}, \mytele) \\ + & \myhyps(\myb{P}, & (\myb{x} {:} \mytya) \mycc \mytele & ) & \mymetagoes & \myhyps(\myb{P}, \mytele) + \end{array} + $ + + } + + \mynegder + + \mydesc{reduction elaboration:}{\mydeclsyn \myelabf \myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + \footnotesize + $\myadt{\mytyc{D}}{\mytele}{}{ \cdots \ |\ \mydc{c}_n : \mytele_n } \ \ \myelabf$ + \AxiomC{$\mytyc{D} : \mytele \myarr \mytyp \in \myctx$} + \AxiomC{$\mytyc{D}.\mydc{c}_i : \mytele;\mytele_i \myarr \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee} \in \myctx$} + \BinaryInfC{$ + \myctx \vdash \myapp{\myapp{\myapp{\mytyc{D}.\myfun{elim}}{(\myapp{\mytyc{D}.\mydc{c}_i}{\vec{\myse{t}}})}}{\myse{P}}}{\vec{\myse{m}}} \myred \myapp{\myapp{\myse{m}_i}{\vec{\mytmt}}}{\myrecs(\myse{P}, \vec{m}, \mytele_i)} + $} + \DisplayProof \\ \vspace{0.2cm}\ \\ + $ + \begin{array}{@{}l l@{\ } l@{} r c l} + \textbf{where} & \myrecs(\myse{P}, \vec{m}, & \myemptytele &) & \mymetagoes & \myemptytele \\ + & \myrecs(\myse{P}, \vec{m}, & (\myb{r} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\vec{A}}); \mytele & ) & \mymetagoes & (\mytyc{D}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \myb{r} \myappsp \myse{P} \myappsp \vec{m}); \myrecs(\myse{P}, \vec{m}, \mytele) \\ + & \myrecs(\myse{P}, \vec{m}, & (\myb{x} {:} \mytya); \mytele &) & \mymetagoes & \myrecs(\myse{P}, \vec{m}, \mytele) + \end{array} + $ + } + + \mynegder + + \mydesc{syntax elaboration:}{\myelab{\mydeclsyn}{\mytmsyn ::= \cdots}}{ + \footnotesize + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myctx & \myelabt & \myreco{\mytyc{D}}{\mytele}{}{ \cdots, \myfun{f}_n : \myse{F}_n } \\ + & \myelabf & + + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytmsyn^{\mytele}} \mysynsep \mytyc{D}.\mydc{constr} \myappsp \mytmsyn^{n} \mysynsep \cdots \mysynsep \mytyc{D}.\myfun{f}_n \myappsp \mytmsyn \\ + \end{array} + \end{array} + $ +} + + \mynegder + +\mydesc{context elaboration:}{\myelab{\mydeclsyn}{\myctx}}{ + \footnotesize + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{c} + \myinf{\mytele \myarr \mytyp}{\mytyp}\hspace{0.8cm} + \mytyc{D} \not\in \myctx \\ + \myinff{\myctx; \mytele; (\myb{f}_j : \myse{F}_j)_{j=1}^{i - 1}}{F_i}{\mytyp} \myind{3} (1 \le i \le n) + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myctx & \myelabt & \myreco{\mytyc{D}}{\mytele}{}{ \cdots, \myfun{f}_n : \myse{F}_n } \\ + & & \vspace{-0.2cm} \\ + & \myelabf & \myctx;\ \mytyc{D} : \mytele \myarr \mytyp;\ \cdots;\ \mytyc{D}.\myfun{f}_n : \mytele \myarr (\myb{x} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}) \myarr \mysub{\myse{F}_n}{\myb{f}_i}{\myapp{\myfun{f}_i}{\myb{x}}}_{i = 1}^{n-1}; \\ + & & \mytyc{D}.\mydc{constr} : \mytele \myarr \myse{F}_1 \myarr \cdots \myarr \myse{F}_n \myarr \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}; + \end{array} + $} + \DisplayProof +} + + \mynegder + + \mydesc{reduction elaboration:}{\mydeclsyn \myelabf \myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + \footnotesize + $\myreco{\mytyc{D}}{\mytele}{}{ \cdots, \myfun{f}_n : \myse{F}_n } \ \ \myelabf$ + \AxiomC{$\mytyc{D} \in \myctx$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \myapp{\mytyc{D}.\myfun{f}_i}{(\mytyc{D}.\mydc{constr} \myappsp \vec{t})} \myred t_i$} + \DisplayProof + } + + \caption{Elaboration for data types and records.} + \label{fig:elab} +\end{figure} + +Following the intuition given by the examples, the mechanised +elaboration is presented in figure \ref{fig:elab}, which is essentially +a modification of figure 9 of \citep{McBride2004}\footnote{However, our + datatypes do not have indices, we do bidirectional typechecking by + treating constructors/destructors as syntactic constructs, and we have + records.}. + +In data types declarations we allow recursive occurrences as long as +they are \emph{strictly positive}, employing a syntactic check to make +sure that this is the case. See \cite{Dybjer1991} for a more formal +treatment of inductive definitions in ITT. + +For what concerns records, recursive occurrences are disallowed. The +reason for this choice is answered by the reason for the choice of +having records at all: we need records to give the user types with +$\eta$-laws for equality, as we saw in Section \ref{sec:eta-expand} +and in the treatment of OTT in Section \ref{sec:ott}. If we tried to +$\eta$-expand recursive data types, we would expand forever. + +To implement bidirectional type checking for constructors and +destructors, we store their types in full in the context, and then +instantiate when due: + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \Leftrightarrow \mytmsyn}{ + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{c} + \mytyc{D} : \mytele \myarr \mytyp \in \myctx \hspace{1cm} + \mytyc{D}.\mydc{c} : \mytele \mycc \mytele' \myarr + \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee} \in \myctx \\ + \mytele'' = (\mytele;\mytele')\vec{A} \hspace{1cm} + \mychkk{\myctx; \mytake_{i-1}(\mytele'')}{t_i}{\myix_i( \mytele'')}\ \ + (1 \le i \le \mytele'') + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$\mychk{\myapp{\mytyc{D}.\mydc{c}}{\vec{t}}}{\myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\vec{A}}}$} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$\mytyc{D} : \mytele \myarr \mytyp \in \myctx$} + \AxiomC{$\mytyc{D}.\myfun{f} : \mytele \mycc (\myb{x} {:} + \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}) \myarr \myse{F}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\vec{A}}}$} + \TrinaryInfC{$\myinf{\myapp{\mytyc{D}.\myfun{f}}{\mytmt}}{(\mytele + \mycc (\myb{x} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}) \myarr + \myse{F})(\vec{A};\mytmt)}$} + \DisplayProof + } + +\subsubsection{Why user defined types? Why eliminators?} + +The `hardest' design choice when designing $\mykant$\ was to decide +whether user defined types should be included. In the end, we can +devise + +% TODO reference levitated theories, indexed containers + +foobar + +\subsection{Cumulative hierarchy and typical ambiguity} +\label{sec:term-hierarchy} + +Having a well founded type hierarchy is crucial if we want to retain +consistency, otherwise we can break our type systems by proving bottom, +as shown in Appendix \ref{sec:hurkens}. + +However, hierarchy as presented in section \label{sec:itt} is a +considerable burden on the user, on various levels. Consider for +example how we recovered disjunctions in Section \ref{sec:disju}: we +have a function that takes two $\mytyp_0$ and forms a new $\mytyp_0$. +What if we wanted to form a disjunction containing something a +$\mytyp_1$, or $\mytyp_{42}$? Our definition would fail us, since +$\mytyp_1 : \mytyp_2$. + +\begin{figure}[b!] + + % TODO finish +\mydesc{cumulativity:}{\myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \mycumul \mytmsyn}{ + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{$\myctx \vdash \mytya \mydefeq \mytyb$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \mytya \mycumul \mytyb$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myctx \vdash \mytya \mydefeq \mytyb$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \mytyp_l \mycumul \mytyp_{l+1}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myctx \vdash \mytya \mycumul \mytyb$} + \AxiomC{$\myctx \vdash \mytyb \mycumul \myse{C}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \mytya \mycumul \myse{C}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{ccc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myctx \vdash \mytya \mycumul \mytyb$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myctx \vdash \mytya_1 \mydefeq \mytya_2$} + \AxiomC{$\myctx; \myb{x} : \mytya_1 \vdash \mytyb_1 \mycumul \mytyb_2$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myctx (\myb{x} {:} \mytya_1) \myarr \mytyb_1 \mycumul (\myb{x} {:} \mytya_2) \myarr \mytyb_2$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} +\caption{Cumulativity rules for base types in \mykant, plus a + `conversion' rule for cumulative types.} + \label{fig:cumulativity} +\end{figure} + +One way to solve this issue is a \emph{cumulative} hierarchy, where +$\mytyp_{l_1} : \mytyp_{l_2}$ iff $l_1 < l_2$. This way we retain +consistency, while allowing for `large' definitions that work on small +types too. Figure \ref{fig:cumulativity} gives a formal definition of +cumulativity for types, abstractions, and data constructors. + +For example we might define our disjunction to be +\[ + \myarg\myfun{$\vee$}\myarg : \mytyp_{100} \myarr \mytyp_{100} \myarr \mytyp_{100} +\] +And hope that $\mytyp_{100}$ will be large enough to fit all the types +that we want to use with our disjunction. However, there are two +problems with this. First, there is the obvious clumsyness of having to +manually specify the size of types. More importantly, if we want to use +$\myfun{$\vee$}$ itself as an argument to other type-formers, we need to +make sure that those allow for types at least as large as +$\mytyp_{100}$. + +A better option is to employ a mechanised version of what Russell called +\emph{typical ambiguity}: we let the user live under the illusion that +$\mytyp : \mytyp$, but check that the statements about types are +consistent behind the hood. $\mykant$\ implements this following the +lines of \cite{Huet1988}. See also \citep{Harper1991} for a published +reference, although describing a more complex system allowing for both +explicit and explicit hierarchy at the same time. + +We define a partial ordering on the levels, with both weak ($\le$) and +strong ($<$) constraints---the laws governing them being the same as the +ones governing $<$ and $\le$ for the natural numbers. Each occurrence +of $\mytyp$ is decorated with a unique reference, and we keep a set of +constraints and add new constraints as we type check, generating new +references when needed. + +For example, when type checking the type $\mytyp\, r_1$, where $r_1$ +denotes the unique reference assigned to that term, we will generate a +new fresh reference $\mytyp\, r_2$, and add the constraint $r_1 < r_2$ +to the set. When type checking $\myctx \vdash +\myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\mytyb}$, if $\myctx \vdash \mytya : \mytyp\, +r_1$ and $\myctx; \myb{x} : \mytyb \vdash \mytyb : \mytyp\,r_2$; we will +generate new reference $r$ and add $r_1 \le r$ and $r_2 \le r$ to the +set. + +If at any point the constraint set becomes inconsistent, type checking +fails. Moreover, when comparing two $\mytyp$ terms we equate their +respective references with two $\le$ constraints---the details are +explained in Section \ref{sec:hier-impl}. + +Another more flexible but also more verbose alternative is the one +chosen by Agda, where levels can be quantified so that the relationship +between arguments and result in type formers can be explicitly +expressed: +\[ +\myarg\myfun{$\vee$}\myarg : (l_1\, l_2 : \mytyc{Level}) \myarr \mytyp_{l_1} \myarr \mytyp_{l_2} \myarr \mytyp_{l_1 \mylub l_2} +\] +Inference algorithms to automatically derive this kind of relationship +are currently subject of research. We chose less flexible but more +concise way, since it is easier to implement and better understood. + +% \begin{figure}[t] +% % TODO do this +% \caption{Constraints generated by the typical ambiguity engine. We +% assume some global set of constraints with the ability of generating +% fresh references.} +% \label{fig:hierarchy} +% \end{figure} + +\subsection{Observational equality, \mykant\ style} + +There are two correlated differences between $\mykant$\ and the theory +used to present OTT. The first is that in $\mykant$ we have a type +hierarchy, which lets us, for example, abstract over types. The second +is that we let the user define inductive types. + +Reconciling propositions for OTT and a hierarchy had already been +investigated by Conor McBride,\footnote{See + \url{http://www.e-pig.org/epilogue/index.html?p=1098.html}.} and we +follow his broad design plan, although with some modifications. Most of +the work, as an extension of elaboration, is to handle reduction rules +and coercions for data types---both type constructors and data +constructors. + +\subsubsection{The \mykant\ prelude, and $\myprop$ositions} + +Before defining $\myprop$, we define some basic types inside $\mykant$, +as the target for the $\myprop$ decoder: +\[ +\begin{array}{l} + \myadt{\mytyc{Empty}}{}{ }{ } \\ + \myfun{absurd} : (\myb{A} {:} \mytyp) \myarr \mytyc{Empty} \myarr \myb{A} \mapsto \\ + \myind{2} \myabs{\myb{A\ \myb{bot}}}{\mytyc{Empty}.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \myb{bot} \myappsp (\myabs{\_}{\myb{A}})} \\ + \ \\ + + \myreco{\mytyc{Unit}}{}{}{ } \\ \ \\ + + \myreco{\mytyc{Prod}}{\myappsp (\myb{A}\ \myb{B} {:} \mytyp)}{ }{\myfun{fst} : \myb{A}, \myfun{snd} : \myb{B} } +\end{array} +\] +When using $\mytyc{Prod}$, we shall use $\myprod$ to define `nested' +products, and $\myproj{n}$ to project elements from them, so that +\[ +\begin{array}{@{}l} +\mytya \myprod \mytyb = \mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytya \myappsp (\mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytyb \myappsp \myunit) \\ +\mytya \myprod \mytyb \myprod \myse{C} = \mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytya \myappsp (\mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytyb \myappsp (\mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytyc \myappsp \myunit)) \\ +\myind{2} \vdots \\ +\myproj{1} : \mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytya \myappsp \mytyb \myarr \mytya \\ +\myproj{2} : \mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytya \myappsp (\mytyc{Prod} \myappsp \mytyb \myappsp \myse{C}) \myarr \mytyb \\ +\myind{2} \vdots +\end{array} +\] +And so on, so that $\myproj{n}$ will work with all products with at +least than $n$ elements. Then we can define propositions, and decoding: + +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \myprdec{\myprsyn} \\ + \myprsyn & ::= & \mybot \mysynsep \mytop \mysynsep \myprsyn \myand \myprsyn \mysynsep \myprfora{\myb{x}}{\mytmsyn}{\myprsyn} + \end{array} + $ +} + +\mydesc{proposition decoding:}{\myprdec{\mytmsyn} \myred \mytmsyn}{ + \begin{tabular}{cc} + $ + \begin{array}{l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myprdec{\mybot} & \myred & \myempty \\ + \myprdec{\mytop} & \myred & \myunit + \end{array} + $ + & + $ + \begin{array}{r@{ }c@{ }l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myprdec{&\myse{P} \myand \myse{Q} &} & \myred & \myprdec{\myse{P}} \myprod \myprdec{\myse{Q}} \\ + \myprdec{&\myprfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myse{P}} &} & \myred & + \myfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myprdec{\myse{P}}} + \end{array} + $ + \end{tabular} +} + +Adopting the same convention as with $\mytyp$-level products, we will +nest $\myand$ in the same way. + +\subsubsection{Some OTT examples} + +Before presenting the direction that $\mykant$\ takes, let's consider +some examples of use-defined data types, and the result we would expect, +given what we already know about OTT, assuming the same propositional +equalities. + +\begin{description} + +\item[Product types] Let's consider first the already mentioned + dependent product, using the alternate name $\mysigma$\footnote{For + extra confusion, `dependent products' are often called `dependent + sums' in the literature, referring to the interpretation that + identifies the first element as a `tag' deciding the type of the + second element, which lets us recover sum types (disjuctions), as we + saw in Section \ref{sec:user-type}. Thus, $\mysigma$.} to + avoid confusion with the $\mytyc{Prod}$ in the prelude: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myreco{\mysigma}{\myappsp (\myb{A} {:} \mytyp) \myappsp (\myb{B} {:} \myb{A} \myarr \mytyp)}{\\ \myind{2}}{\myfst : \myb{A}, \mysnd : \myapp{\myb{B}}{\myb{fst}}} + \end{array} + \] + Let's start with type-level equality. The result we want is + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \mysigma \myappsp \mytya_1 \myappsp \mytyb_1 \myeq \mysigma \myappsp \mytya_2 \myappsp \mytyb_2 \myred \\ + \myind{2} \mytya_1 \myeq \mytya_2 \myand \myprfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myprfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\myjm{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}} \myimpl \myapp{\mytyb_1}{\myb{x_1}} \myeq \myapp{\mytyb_2}{\myb{x_2}}} + \end{array} + \] + The difference here is that in the original presentation of OTT + the type binders are explicit, while here $\mytyb_1$ and $\mytyb_2$ + functions returning types. We can do this thanks to the type + hierarchy, and this hints at the fact that heterogeneous equality will + have to allow $\mytyp$ `to the right of the colon', and in fact this + provides the solution to simplify the equality above. + + If we take, just like we saw previously in OTT + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myjm{\myse{f}_1}{\myfora{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_1}}{\mytyb_1}}{\myse{f}_2}{\myfora{\mytya_2}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytyb_2}} \myred \\ + \myind{2} \myprfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myprfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{ + \myjm{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2} \myimpl + \myjm{\myapp{\myse{f}_1}{\myb{x_1}}}{\mytyb_1[\myb{x_1}]}{\myapp{\myse{f}_2}{\myb{x_2}}}{\mytyb_2[\myb{x_2}]} + }} + \end{array} + \] + Then we can simply take + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \mysigma \myappsp \mytya_1 \myappsp \mytyb_1 \myeq \mysigma \myappsp \mytya_2 \myappsp \mytyb_2 \myred \\ \myind{2} \mytya_1 \myeq \mytya_2 \myand \myjm{\mytyb_1}{\mytya_1 \myarr \mytyp}{\mytyb_2}{\mytya_2 \myarr \mytyp} + \end{array} + \] + Which will reduce to precisely what we desire. For what + concerns coercions and quotation, things stay the same (apart from the + fact that we apply to the second argument instead of substituting). + We can recognise records such as $\mysigma$ as such and employ + projections in value equality and coercions; as to not + impede progress if not necessary. + +\item[Lists] Now for finite lists, which will give us a taste for data + constructors: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l} + \myadt{\mylist}{\myappsp (\myb{A} {:} \mytyp)}{ }{\mydc{nil} \mydcsep \mydc{cons} \myappsp \myb{A} \myappsp (\myapp{\mylist}{\myb{A}})} + \end{array} + \] + Type equality is simple---we only need to compare the parameter: + \[ + \mylist \myappsp \mytya_1 \myeq \mylist \myappsp \mytya_2 \myred \mytya_1 \myeq \mytya_2 + \] + For coercions, we transport based on the constructor, recycling the + proof for the inductive occurrence: + \[ + \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \mycoe \myappsp (\mylist \myappsp \mytya_1) \myappsp (\mylist \myappsp \mytya_2) \myappsp \myse{Q} \myappsp \mydc{nil} & \myred & \mydc{nil} \\ + \mycoe \myappsp (\mylist \myappsp \mytya_1) \myappsp (\mylist \myappsp \mytya_2) \myappsp \myse{Q} \myappsp (\mydc{cons} \myappsp \mytmm \myappsp \mytmn) & \myred & \\ + \multicolumn{3}{l}{\myind{2} \mydc{cons} \myappsp (\mycoe \myappsp \mytya_1 \myappsp \mytya_2 \myappsp \myse{Q} \myappsp \mytmm) \myappsp (\mycoe \myappsp (\mylist \myappsp \mytya_1) \myappsp (\mylist \myappsp \mytya_2) \myappsp \myse{Q} \myappsp \mytmn)} + \end{array} + \] + Value equality is unsurprising---we match the constructors, and + return bottom for mismatches. However, we also need to equate the + parameter in $\mydc{nil}$: + \[ + \begin{array}{r@{ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{}l@{\ }c@{\ }r@{}c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{}l@{\ }l} + (& \mydc{nil} & : & \myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_1} &) & \myeq & (& \mydc{nil} & : & \myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_2} &) \myred \mytya_1 \myeq \mytya_2 \\ + (& \mydc{cons} \myappsp \mytmm_1 \myappsp \mytmn_1 & : & \myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_1} &) & \myeq & (& \mydc{cons} \myappsp \mytmm_2 \myappsp \mytmn_2 & : & \myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_2} &) \myred \\ + & \multicolumn{11}{@{}l}{ \myind{2} + \myjm{\mytmm_1}{\mytya_1}{\mytmm_2}{\mytya_2} \myand \myjm{\mytmn_1}{\myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_1}}{\mytmn_2}{\myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_2}} + } \\ + (& \mydc{nil} & : & \myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_1} &) & \myeq & (& \mydc{cons} \myappsp \mytmm_2 \myappsp \mytmn_2 & : & \myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_2} &) \myred \mybot \\ + (& \mydc{cons} \myappsp \mytmm_1 \myappsp \mytmn_1 & : & \myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_1} &) & \myeq & (& \mydc{nil} & : & \myapp{\mylist}{\mytya_2} &) \myred \mybot + \end{array} + \] + % TODO quotation + +\item[Evil type] + Now for something useless but complicated. + +\end{description} + +\subsubsection{Only one equality} + +Given the examples above, a more `flexible' heterogeneous emerged, since +of the fact that in $\mykant$ we re-gain the possibility of abstracting +and in general handling sets in a way that was not possible in the +original OTT presentation. Moreover, we found that the rules for value +equality work very well if used with user defined type +abstractions---for example in the case of dependent products we recover +the original definition with explicit binders, in a very simple manner. + +In fact, we can drop a separate notion of type-equality, which will +simply be served by $\myjm{\mytya}{\mytyp}{\mytyb}{\mytyp}$, from now on +abbreviated as $\mytya \myeq \mytyb$. We shall still distinguish +equalities relating types for hierarchical purposes. The full rules for +equality reductions, along with the syntax for propositions, are given +in figure \ref{fig:kant-eq-red}. We exploit record to perform +$\eta$-expansion. Moreover, given the nested $\myand$s, values of data +types with zero constructors (such as $\myempty$) and records with zero +destructors (such as $\myunit$) will be automatically always identified +as equal. + +\begin{figure}[p] +\mydesc{syntax}{ }{ + \small + $ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }c@{\ }l} + \myprsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \myjm{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + \end{array} + $ +} + + % \mytmsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \mycoee{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \mysynsep + % \mycohh{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + % \myprsyn & ::= & \cdots \mysynsep \myjm{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn}{\mytmsyn} \\ + +% \mynegder + +% \mydesc{typing:}{\myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \Leftrightarrow \mytmsyn}{ +% \small +% \begin{tabular}{cc} +% \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprdec{\mytya \myeq \mytyb}}$} +% \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} +% \BinaryInfC{$\myinf{\mycoee{\mytya}{\mytyb}{\myse{P}}{\mytmt}}{\mytyb}$} +% \DisplayProof +% & +% \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprdec{\mytya \myeq \mytyb}}$} +% \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} +% \BinaryInfC{$\myinf{\mycohh{\mytya}{\mytyb}{\myse{P}}{\mytmt}}{\myprdec{\myjm{\mytmt}{\mytya}{\mycoee{\mytya}{\mytyb}{\myse{P}}{\mytmt}}{\mytyb}}}$} +% \DisplayProof +% \end{tabular} +% } + +\mynegder + +\mydesc{propositions:}{\myjud{\myprsyn}{\myprop}}{ + \small + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{\phantom{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprop}$}} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytop}{\myprop}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\mybot}{\myprop}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{P}}{\myprop}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{Q}}{\myprop}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myse{P} \myand \myse{Q}}{\myprop}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{\phantom{$\myjud{\mybot}{\myprop}$}} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{@{}c} + \phantom{\myjud{\myse{A}}{\mytyp} \hspace{0.8cm} \myjud{\mytmm}{\myse{A}}} \\ + \myjud{\myse{A}}{\mytyp}\hspace{0.8cm} + \myjudd{\myctx; \myb{x} : \mytya}{\myse{P}}{\myprop} + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myprfora{\myb{x}}{\mytya}{\myse{P}}}{\myprop}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{c} + \myjud{\myse{A}}{\mytyp} \hspace{0.8cm} \myjud{\mytmm}{\myse{A}} \\ + \myjud{\myse{B}}{\mytyp} \hspace{0.8cm} \myjud{\mytmn}{\myse{B}} + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myjm{\mytmm}{\myse{A}}{\mytmn}{\myse{B}}}{\myprop}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} +} + +\mynegder + % TODO equality for decodings +\mydesc{equality reduction:}{\myctx \vdash \myprsyn \myred \myprsyn}{ + \small + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{} + \UnaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \myjm{\mytyp}{\mytyp}{\mytyp}{\mytyp} \myred \mytop$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{} + \UnaryInfC{$\myctx \vdash \myjm{\myprdec{\myse{P}}}{\mytyp}{\myprdec{\myse{Q}}}{\mytyp} \myred \mytop$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \begin{array}{@{}r@{\ }l} + \myctx \vdash & + \myjm{\myfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1}}{\mytyp}{\myfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytyb_2}}{\mytyp} \myred \\ + & \myind{2} \mytya_2 \myeq \mytya_1 \myand \myprfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\myprfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{ + \myjm{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1} \myimpl \mytyb_1[\myb{x_1}] \myeq \mytyb_2[\myb{x_2}] + }} + \end{array} + $} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \begin{array}{@{}r@{\ }l} + \myctx \vdash & + \myjm{\myse{f}_1}{\myfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1}}{\myse{f}_2}{\myfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytyb_2}} \myred \\ + & \myind{2} \myprfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myprfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{ + \myjm{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2} \myimpl + \myjm{\myapp{\myse{f}_1}{\myb{x_1}}}{\mytyb_1[\myb{x_1}]}{\myapp{\myse{f}_2}{\myb{x_2}}}{\mytyb_2[\myb{x_2}]} + }} + \end{array} + $} + \DisplayProof + + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$\mytyc{D} : \mytele \myarr \mytyp \in \myctx$} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \begin{array}{r@{\ }l} + \myctx \vdash & + \myjm{\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{A}}{\mytyp}{\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{B}}{\mytyp} \myred \\ + & \myind{2} \mybigand_{i = 1}^n (\myjm{\mytya_n}{\myhead(\mytele(A_1 \cdots A_{i-1}))}{\mytyb_i}{\myhead(\mytele(B_1 \cdots B_{i-1}))}) + \end{array} + $} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{@{}c} + \mydataty(\mytyc{D}, \myctx)\hspace{0.8cm} + \mytyc{D}.\mydc{c} : \mytele;\mytele' \myarr \mytyc{D} \myappsp \mytelee \in \myctx \hspace{0.8cm} + \mytele_A = (\mytele;\mytele')\vec{A}\hspace{0.8cm} + \mytele_B = (\mytele;\mytele')\vec{B} + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }l} + \myctx \vdash & \myjm{\mytyc{D}.\mydc{c} \myappsp \vec{\myse{l}}}{\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{A}}{\mytyc{D}.\mydc{c} \myappsp \vec{\myse{r}}}{\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{B}} \myred \\ + & \myind{2} \mybigand_{i=1}^n(\myjm{\mytmm_i}{\myhead(\mytele_A (\mytya_i \cdots \mytya_{i-1}))}{\mytmn_i}{\myhead(\mytele_B (\mytyb_i \cdots \mytyb_{i-1}))}) + \end{array} + $} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$\mydataty(\mytyc{D}, \myctx)$} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \myctx \vdash \myjm{\mytyc{D}.\mydc{c} \myappsp \vec{\myse{l}}}{\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{A}}{\mytyc{D}.\mydc{c'} \myappsp \vec{\myse{r}}}{\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{B}} \myred \mybot + $} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$ + \begin{array}{@{}c} + \myisreco(\mytyc{D}, \myctx)\hspace{0.8cm} + \mytyc{D}.\myfun{f}_i : \mytele; (\myb{x} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}) \myarr \myse{F}_i \in \myctx\\ + \end{array} + $} + \UnaryInfC{$ + \begin{array}{@{}l@{\ }l} + \myctx \vdash & \myjm{\myse{l}}{\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{A}}{\myse{r}}{\mytyc{D} \myappsp \vec{B}} \myred \\ & \myind{2} \mybigand_{i=1}^n(\myjm{\mytyc{D}.\myfun{f}_1 \myappsp \myse{l}}{(\mytele; (\myb{x} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}) \myarr \myse{F}_i)(\vec{\mytya};\myse{l})}{\mytyc{D}.\myfun{f}_i \myappsp \myse{r}}{(\mytele; (\myb{x} {:} \myapp{\mytyc{D}}{\mytelee}) \myarr \myse{F}_i)(\vec{\mytyb};\myse{r})}) + \end{array} + $} + \DisplayProof + + \myderivspp + \AxiomC{} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjm{\mytmm}{\mytya}{\mytmn}{\mytyb} \myred \mybot\ \text{if $\mytya$ and $\mytyb$ are canonical types.}$} + \DisplayProof +} +\caption{Propositions and equality reduction in $\mykant$. We assume + the presence of $\mydataty$ and $\myisreco$ as operations on the + context to recognise whether a user defined type is a data type or a + record.} + \label{fig:kant-eq-red} +\end{figure} + +\subsubsection{Coercions} + +% \begin{figure}[t] +% \mydesc{reduction}{\mytmsyn \myred \mytmsyn}{ + +% } +% \caption{Coercions in \mykant.} +% \label{fig:kant-coe} +% \end{figure} + +% TODO finish + +\subsubsection{$\myprop$ and the hierarchy} + +Where is $\myprop$ placed in the type hierarchy? The main indicator +is the decoding operator, since it converts into things that already +live in the hierarchy. For example, if we +have +\[ + \myprdec{\mynat \myarr \mybool \myeq \mynat \myarr \mybool} \myred + \mytop \myand ((\myb{x}\, \myb{y} : \mynat) \myarr \mytop \myarr \mytop) +\] +we will better make sure that the `to be decoded' is at the same +level as its reduction as to preserve subject reduction. In the example +above, we'll have that proposition to be at least as large as the type +of $\mynat$, since the reduced proof will abstract over it. Pretending +that we had explicit, non cumulative levels, it would be tempting to have +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\myse{Q}}{\myprop_l}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myprdec{\myse{Q}}}{\mytyp_l}$} + \DisplayProof +& + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytyb}{\mytyp_l}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myjm{\mytya}{\mytyp_{l}}{\mytyb}{\mytyp_{l}}}{\myprop_l}$} + \DisplayProof +\end{tabular} +\end{center} +$\mybot$ and $\mytop$ living at any level, $\myand$ and $\forall$ +following rules similar to the ones for $\myprod$ and $\myarr$ in +Section \ref{sec:itt}. However, we need to be careful with value +equality since for example we have that +\[ + \myprdec{\myjm{\myse{f}_1}{\myfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\mytyb_1}}{\myse{f}_2}{\myfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\mytyb_2}}} + \myred + \myfora{\myb{x_1}}{\mytya_1}{\myfora{\myb{x_2}}{\mytya_2}{\cdots}} +\] +where the proposition decodes into something of type $\mytyp_l$, where +$\mytya : \mytyp_l$ and $\mytyb : \mytyp_l$. We can resolve this +tension by making all equalities larger: +\begin{prooftree} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mytyb}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytyb}{\mytyp_l}$} + \QuaternaryInfC{$\myjud{\myjm{\mytmm}{\mytya}{\mytmm}{\mytya}}{\myprop_l}$} +\end{prooftree} +This is disappointing, since type equalities will be needlessly large: +$\myprdec{\myjm{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}{\mytyb}{\mytyp_l}} : \mytyp_{l + 1}$. + +However, considering that our theory is cumulative, we can do better. +Assuming rules for $\myprop$ cumulativity similar to the ones for +$\mytyp$, we will have (with the conversion rule reproduced as a +reminder): +\begin{center} + \begin{tabular}{cc} + \AxiomC{$\myctx \vdash \mytya \mycumul \mytyb$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytyb}$} + \DisplayProof + & + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytyb}{\mytyp_l}$} + \BinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myjm{\mytya}{\mytyp_{l}}{\mytyb}{\mytyp_{l}}}{\myprop_l}$} + \DisplayProof + \end{tabular} + + \myderivspp + + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmm}{\mytya}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytya}{\mytyp_l}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmn}{\mytyb}$} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytyb}{\mytyp_l}$} + \AxiomC{$\mytya$ and $\mytyb$ are not $\mytyp_{l'}$} + \QuinaryInfC{$\myjud{\myjm{\mytmm}{\mytya}{\mytmm}{\mytya}}{\myprop_l}$} + \DisplayProof +\end{center} + +That is, we are small when we can (type equalities) and large otherwise. +This would not work in a non-cumulative theory because subject reduction +would not hold. Consider for instance +\[ + \myjm{\mynat}{\myITE{\mytrue}{\mytyp_0}{\mytyp_0}}{\mybool}{\myITE{\mytrue}{\mytyp_0}{\mytyp_0}} + : \myprop_1 +\] +which reduces to +\[\myjm{\mynat}{\mytyp_0}{\mybool}{\mytyp_0} : \myprop_0 \] +We need $\myprop_0$ to be $\myprop_1$ too, which will be the case with +cumulativity. This is not the most elegant of systems, but it buys us a +cheap type level equality without having to replicate functionality with +a dedicated construct. + +\subsubsection{Quotation and definitional equality} +\label{sec:kant-irr} + +Now we can give an account of definitional equality, by explaining how +to perform quotation (as defined in Section \ref{sec:eta-expand}) +towards the goal described in Section \ref{sec:ott-quot}. + +We want to: +\begin{itemize} +\item Perform $\eta$-expansion on functions and records. + +\item As a consequence of the previous point, identify all records with +no projections as equal, since they will have only one element. + +\item Identify all members of types with no elements as equal. + +\item Identify all equivalent proofs as equal---with `equivalent proof' +we mean those proving the same propositions. + +\item Advance coercions working across definitionally equal types. +\end{itemize} +Towards these goals and following the intuition between bidirectional +type checking we define two mutually recursive functions, one quoting +canonical terms against their types (since we need the type to typecheck +canonical terms), one quoting neutral terms while recovering their +types. + +Our quotation will work on normalised terms, so that all defined values +will have been replaced. Moreover, we match on datatype eliminators and +all their arguments, so that $\mynat.\myfun{elim} \myappsp \vec{\mytmt}$ +will stand for $\mynat.\myfun{elim}$ applied to the scrutinised +$\mynat$, plus its three arguments. This measure can be easily +implemented by checking the head of applications and `consuming' the +needed terms. + +% TODO finish this +\begin{figure}[t] + \mydesc{canonical quotation}{\myctx \vdash \mytmsyn \myquot \mytmsyn \mapsto \mytmsyn}{ + + } + + \mynegder + + \mydesc{neutral quotation}{\myctx \vdash \mynquot \mytmsyn \mapsto \mytmsyn : \mytmsyn}{ + + } + \caption{Quotation in \mykant.} + \label{fig:kant-quot} +\end{figure} + +% TODO finish + +\subsubsection{Why $\myprop$?} + +It is worth to ask if $\myprop$ is needed at all. It is perfectly +possible to have the type checker identify propositional types +automatically, and in fact in some sense we already do during equality +reduction and quotation. However, this has the considerable +disadvantage that we can never identify abstracted +variables\footnote{And in general neutral terms, although we currently + don't have neutral propositions.} of type $\mytyp$ as $\myprop$, thus +forbidding the user to talk about $\myprop$ explicitly. + +This is a considerable impediment, for example when implementing +\emph{quotient types}. With quotients, we let the user specify an +equivalence class over a certain type, and then exploit this in various +way---crucially, we need to be sure that the equivalence given is +propositional, a fact which prevented the use of quotients in dependent +type theories \citep{Jacobs1994}. + +% TODO finish + +\section{\mykant : The practice} +\label{sec:kant-practice} + +The codebase consists of around 2500 lines of Haskell, as reported by +the \texttt{cloc} utility. The high level design is inspired by the +work on various incarnations of Epigram, and specifically by the first +version as described \citep{McBride2004} and the codebase for the new +version.\footnote{Available intermittently as a \texttt{darcs} +repository at \url{http://sneezy.cs.nott.ac.uk/darcs/Pig09}.} In many +ways \mykant\ is something in between the first and second version of +Epigram. + +The author learnt the hard way the implementations challenges for such a +project, and while there is a solid and working base to work on, the +implementation of observational equality is not currently complete. +However, given the detailed plan in the previous section, doing so +should not prove to be too much work. + +The interaction happens in a read-eval-print loop (REPL). The REPL is a +available both as a commandline application and in a web interface, +which is available at \url{kant.mazzo.li} and presents itself as in +figure \ref{fig:kant-web}. + +\begin{figure}[t] +{\small\begin{verbatim}B E R T U S +Version 0.0, made in London, year 2013. +>>> :h + Declare value/data type/record +:t Typecheck +:e Normalise +:p Pretty print +:l Load file +:r Reload file (erases previous environment) +:i Info about an identifier +:q Quit +>>> :l data/samples/good/common.ka +OK +>>> :e plus three two +suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))) +>>> :t plus three two +Type: Nat\end{verbatim} +} + + \caption{A sample run of the \mykant\ prompt.} + \label{fig:kant-web} +\end{figure} + +The interaction with the user takes place in a loop living in and updating a +context \mykant\ declarations. The user inputs a new declaration that goes +through various stages starts with the user inputing a \mykant\ declaration or +another REPL command, which then goes through various stages that can end up +in a context update, or in failures of various kind. The process is described +diagrammatically in figure \ref{fig:kant-process}: + +\begin{description} +\item[Parse] In this phase the text input gets converted to a sugared + version of the core language. + +\item[Desugar] The sugared declaration is converted to a core term. + +\item[Reference] Occurrences of $\mytyp$ get decorated by a unique reference, + which is necessary to implement the type hierarchy check. + +\item[Elaborate] Converts the declaration to some context items, which + might be a value declaration (type and body) or a data type + declaration (constructors and destructors). This phase works in + tandem with \textbf{Type checking}, which in turns needs to + \textbf{Evaluate} terms. + +\item[Distill] and report the result. `Distilling' refers to the process of + converting a core term back to a sugared version that the user can + visualise. This can be necessary both to display errors including terms or + to display result of evaluations or type checking that the user has + requested. + +\item[Pretty print] Format the terms in a nice way, and display the result to + the user. + +\end{description} + +\begin{figure} + \centering{\mysmall + \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, text width=5em, text centered, rounded + corners, minimum height=2.5em, node distance=0.7cm] + + \tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, text width=4.5em, text badly + centered, inner sep=0pt, node distance=0.7cm] + + \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex'] + + \tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse, minimum height=2em, text width=5em, text + centered, node distance=1.5cm] + + + \begin{tikzpicture}[auto] + \node [cloud] (user) {User}; + \node [block, below left=1cm and 0.1cm of user] (parse) {Parse}; + \node [block, below=of parse] (desugar) {Desugar}; + \node [block, below=of desugar] (reference) {Reference}; + \node [block, below=of reference] (elaborate) {Elaborate}; + \node [block, left=of elaborate] (tycheck) {Typecheck}; + \node [block, left=of tycheck] (evaluate) {Evaluate}; + \node [decision, right=of elaborate] (error) {Error?}; + \node [block, right=of parse] (distill) {Distill}; + \node [block, right=of desugar] (update) {Update context}; + + \path [line] (user) -- (parse); + \path [line] (parse) -- (desugar); + \path [line] (desugar) -- (reference); + \path [line] (reference) -- (elaborate); + \path [line] (elaborate) edge[bend right] (tycheck); + \path [line] (tycheck) edge[bend right] (elaborate); + \path [line] (elaborate) -- (error); + \path [line] (error) edge[out=0,in=0] node [near start] {yes} (distill); + \path [line] (error) -- node [near start] {no} (update); + \path [line] (update) -- (distill); + \path [line] (distill) -- (user); + \path [line] (tycheck) edge[bend right] (evaluate); + \path [line] (evaluate) edge[bend right] (tycheck); + \end{tikzpicture} + } + \caption{High level overview of the life of a \mykant\ prompt cycle.} + \label{fig:kant-process} +\end{figure} + +Here we will review only a sampling of the more interesting +implementation challenges present when implementing an interactive +theorem prover. + +\subsection{Term and context representation} +\label{sec:term-repr} + +\subsubsection{Naming and substituting} + +Perhaps surprisingly, one of the most fundamental challenges in +implementing a theory of the kind presented is choosing a good data type +for terms, and specifically handling substitutions in a sane way. + +There are two broad schools of thought when it comes to naming +variables, and thus substituting: +\begin{description} +\item[Nameful] Bound variables are represented by some enumerable data + type, just as we have described up to now, starting from Section + \ref{sec:untyped}. The problem is that avoiding name capturing is a + nightmare, both in the sense that it is not performant---given that we + need to rename rename substitute each time we `enter' a binder---but + most importantly given the fact that in even more slightly complicated + systems it is very hard to get right, even for experts. + + One of the sore spots of explicit names is comparing terms up + $\alpha$-renaming, which again generates a huge amounts of + substitutions and requires special care. We can represent the + relationship between variables and their binders, by... + +\item[Nameless] ...getting rid of names altogether, and representing + bound variables with an index referring to the `binding' structure, a + notion introduced by \cite{de1972lambda}. Classically $0$ represents + the variable bound by the innermost binding structure, $1$ the + second-innermost, and so on. For instance with simple abstractions we + might have + \[\mymacol{red}{\lambda}\, (\mymacol{blue}{\lambda}\, \mymacol{blue}{0}\, (\mymacol{AgdaInductiveConstructor}{\lambda\, 0}))\, (\mymacol{AgdaFunction}{\lambda}\, \mymacol{red}{1}\, \mymacol{AgdaFunction}{0}) : ((\mytya \myarr \mytya) \myarr \mytyb) \myarr \mytyb \] + + While this technique is obviously terrible in terms of human + usability,\footnote{With some people going as far as defining it akin + to an inverse Turing test.} it is much more convenient as an + internal representation to deal with terms mechanically---at least in + simple cases. Moreover, $\alpha$ renaming ceases to be an issue, and + term comparison is purely syntactical. + + Nonetheless, more complex, more complex constructs such as pattern + matching put some strain on the indices and many systems end up using + explicit names anyway (Agda, Coq, \dots). + +\end{description} + +In the past decade or so advancements in the Haskell's type system and +in general the spread new programming practices have enabled to make the +second option much more amenable. \mykant\ thus takes the second path +through the use of Edward Kmett's excellent \texttt{bound} +library.\footnote{Available at +\url{http://hackage.haskell.org/package/bound}.} We decribe its +advantages but also pitfalls in the previously relatively unknown +territory of dependent types---\texttt{bound} being created mostly to +handle more simply typed systems. + +\texttt{bound} builds on two core ideas. The first is the suggestion by +\cite{Bird1999} consists of parametrising the term type over the type of +the variables, and `nest' the type each time we enter a scope. If we +wanted to define a term for the untyped $\lambda$-calculus, we might +have +\begin{Verbatim} +data Void + +data Var v = Bound | Free v + +data Tm v + = V v -- Bound variable + | App (Tm v) (Tm v) -- Term application + | Lam (Tm (Var v)) -- Abstraction +\end{Verbatim} +Closed terms would be of type \texttt{Tm Void}, so that there would be +no occurrences of \texttt{V}. However, inside an abstraction, we can +have \texttt{V Bound}, representing the bound variable, and inside a +second abstraction we can have \texttt{V Bound} or \texttt{V (Free +Bound)}. Thus the term $\myabs{\myb{x}}{\myabs{\myb{y}}{\myb{x}}}$ could be represented as +\begin{Verbatim} +Lam (Lam (Free Bound)) +\end{Verbatim} +This allows us to reflect at the type level the `nestedness' of a type, +and since we usually work with functions polymorphic on the parameter +\texttt{v} it's very hard to make mistakes by putting terms of the wrong +nestedness where they don't belong. + +Even more interestingly, the substitution operation is perfectly +captured by the \verb|>>=| (bind) operator of the \texttt{Monad} +typeclass: +\begin{Verbatim} +class Monad m where + return :: m a + (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b + +instance Monad Tm where + -- `return'ing turns a variable into a `Tm' + return = V + + -- `t >>= f' takes a term `t' and a mapping from variables to terms + -- `f' and applies `f' to all the variables in `t', replacing them + -- with the mapped terms. + V v >>= f = f v + App m n >>= f = App (m >>= f) (n >>= f) + + -- `Lam' is the tricky case: we modify the function to work with bound + -- variables, so that if it encounters `Bound' it leaves it untouched + -- (since the mapping referred to the outer scope); if it encounters a + -- free variable it asks `f' for the term and then updates all the + -- variables to make them refer to the outer scope they were meant to + -- be in. + Lam s >>= f = Lam (s >>= bump) + where bump Bound = return Bound + bump (Free v) = f v >>= V . Free +\end{Verbatim} +With this in mind, we can define functions which will not only work on +\verb|Tm|, but on any \verb|Monad|! +\begin{Verbatim} +-- Replaces free variable `v' with `m' in `n'. +subst :: (Eq v, Monad m) => v -> m v -> m v -> m v +subst v m n = n >>= \v' -> if v == v' then m else return v' + +-- Replace the variable bound by `s' with term `t'. +inst :: Monad m => m v -> m (Var v) -> m v +inst t s = do v <- s + case v of + Bound -> t + Free v' -> return v' +\end{Verbatim} +The beauty of this technique is that in a few simple function we have +defined all the core operations in a general and `obviously correct' +way, with the extra confidence of having the type checker looking our +back. + +Moreover, if we take the top level term type to be \verb|Tm String|, we +get for free a representation of terms with top-level, definitions; +where closed terms contain only \verb|String| references to said +definitions---see also \cite{McBride2004b}. + +What are then the pitfalls of this seemingly invincible technique? The +most obvious impediment is the need for polymorphic recursion. +Functions traversing terms parametrised by the variable type will have +types such as +\begin{Verbatim} +-- Infer the type of a term, or return an error. +infer :: Tm v -> Either Error (Tm v) +\end{Verbatim} +When traversing under a \verb|Scope| the parameter changes from \verb|v| +to \verb|Var v|, and thus if we do not specify the type for our function explicitly +inference will fail---type inference for polymorphic recursion being +undecidable \citep{henglein1993type}. This causes some annoyance, +especially in the presence of many local definitions that we would like +to leave untyped. + +But the real issue is the fact that giving a type parametrised over a +variable---say \verb|m v|---a \verb|Monad| instance means being able to +only substitute variables for values of type \verb|m v|. This is a +considerable inconvenience. Consider for instance the case of +telescopes, which are a central tool to deal with contexts and other +constructs: +\begin{Verbatim} +data Tele m v = End (m v) | Bind (m v) (Tele (Var v)) +type TeleTm = Tele Tm +\end{Verbatim} +The problem here is that what we want to substitute for variables in +\verb|Tele m v| is \verb|m v| (probably \verb|Tm v|), not \verb|Tele m v| itself! What we need is +\begin{Verbatim} +bindTele :: Monad m => Tele m a -> (a -> m b) -> Tele m b +substTele :: (Eq v, Monad m) => v -> m v -> Tele m v -> Tele m v +instTele :: Monad m => m v -> Tele m (Var v) -> Tele m v +\end{Verbatim} +Not what \verb|Monad| gives us. Solving this issue in an elegant way +has been a major sink of time and source of headaches for the author, +who analysed some of the alternatives---most notably the work by +\cite{weirich2011binders}---but found it impossible to give up the +simplicity of the model above. + +That said, our term type is still reasonably brief, as shown in full in +Figure \ref{fig:term}. The fact that propositions cannot be factored +out in another data type is a consequence of the problems described +above. However the real pain is during elaboration, where we are forced +to treat everything as a type while we would much rather have +telescopes. Future work would include writing a library that marries a +nice interface similar to the one of \verb|bound| with a more flexible +interface. + +\begin{figure}[t] +{\small\begin{verbatim}-- A top-level name. +type Id = String +-- A data/type constructor name. +type ConId = String + +-- A term, parametrised over the variable (`v') and over the reference +-- type used in the type hierarchy (`r'). +data Tm r v + = V v -- Variable. + | Ty r -- Type, with a hierarchy reference. + | Lam (TmScope r v) -- Abstraction. + | Arr (Tm r v) (TmScope r v) -- Dependent function. + | App (Tm r v) (Tm r v) -- Application. + | Ann (Tm r v) (Tm r v) -- Annotated term. + -- Data constructor, the first ConId is the type constructor and + -- the second is the data constructor. + | Con ADTRec ConId ConId [Tm r v] + -- Data destrutor, again first ConId being the type constructor + -- and the second the name of the eliminator. + | Destr ADTRec ConId Id (Tm r v) + -- A type hole. + | Hole HoleId [Tm r v] + -- Decoding of propositions. + | Dec (Tm r v) + + -- Propositions. + | Prop r -- The type of proofs, with hierarchy reference. + | Top + | Bot + | And (Tm r v) (Tm r v) + | Forall (Tm r v) (TmScope r v) + -- Heterogeneous equality. + | Eq (Tm r v) (Tm r v) (Tm r v) (Tm r v) + +-- Either a data type, or a record. +data ADTRec = ADT | Rec + +-- Either a coercion, or coherence. +data Coeh = Coe | Coh\end{verbatim} +} + \caption{Data type for terms in \mykant.} + \label{fig:term} +\end{figure} + +We also make use of a `forgetful' data type (as provided by +\verb|bound|) to store user-provided variables names along with the +`nameless' representation, so that the names will not be considered when +compared terms, but will be available when distilling so that we can +recover variable names that are as close as possible to what the user +originally used. + +\subsubsection{Context} + +% TODO finish + +\subsection{Type hierarchy} +\label{sec:hier-impl} + +As a breath of air amongst the type gas, we will explain how to +implement the typical ambiguity we have spoken about in +\ref{sec:term-hierarchy}. As mentioned, we have to verify a the +consistency of a set of constraints each time we add a new one. The +constraints range over some set of variables whose members we will +denote with $x, y, z, \dots$. and are of two kinds: +\begin{center} + \begin{tabular}{cc} + $x \le y$ & $x < y$ + \end{tabular} +\end{center} + +Predictably, $\le$ expresses a reflexive order, and $<$ expresses an +irreflexive order, both working with the same notion of equality, where +$x < y$ implies $x \le y$---they behave like $\le$ and $<$ do on natural +numbers (or in our case, levels in a type hierarchy). We also need an +equality constraint ($x = y$), which can be reduced to two constraints +$x \le y$ and $y \le x$. + +Given this specification, we have implemented a standalone Haskell +module---that we plan to release as a library---to efficiently store and +check the consistency of constraints. Its interface is shown in Figure +\ref{fig:constraint}. The problem unpredictably reduces to a graph +algorithm. If we + +\begin{figure}[t] +{\small\begin{verbatim}module Data.Constraint where + +-- | Data type holding the set of constraints, parametrised over the +-- type of the variables. +data Constrs a + +-- | A representation of the constraints that we can add. +data Constr a = a :<=: a | a :<: a | a :==: a + +-- | An empty set of constraints. +empty :: Ord a => Constrs a + +-- | Adds one constraint to the set, returns the new set of constraints +-- if consistent. +addConstr :: Ord a => Constr a -> Constrs a -> Maybe (Constrs a)\end{verbatim} +} + + \caption{Interface for the module handling the constraints.} + \label{fig:constraint} +\end{figure} + + +\subsection{Type holes} + +When building up programs interactively, it is useful to leave parts +unfinished while exploring the current context. This is what type holes +are for. + +\section{Evaluation} + +\section{Future work} + +\subsection{Coinduction} + +\subsection{Quotient types} + +\subsection{Partiality} + +\subsection{Pattern matching} + +\subsection{Pattern unification} + +% TODO coinduction (obscoin, gimenez, jacobs), pattern unification (miller, +% gundry), partiality monad (NAD) + +\appendix + +\section{Notation and syntax} + +Syntax, derivation rules, and reduction rules, are enclosed in frames describing +the type of relation being established and the syntactic elements appearing, +for example + +\mydesc{typing:}{\myjud{\mytmsyn}{\mytysyn}}{ + Typing derivations here. +} + +In the languages presented and Agda code samples I also highlight the syntax, +following a uniform color and font convention: + +\begin{center} + \begin{tabular}{c | l} + $\mytyc{Sans}$ & Type constructors. \\ + $\mydc{sans}$ & Data constructors. \\ + % $\myfld{sans}$ & Field accessors (e.g. \myfld{fst} and \myfld{snd} for products). \\ + $\mysyn{roman}$ & Keywords of the language. \\ + $\myfun{roman}$ & Defined values and destructors. \\ + $\myb{math}$ & Bound variables. + \end{tabular} +\end{center} + +Moreover, I will from time to time give examples in the Haskell programming +language as defined in \citep{Haskell2010}, which I will typeset in +\texttt{teletype} font. I assume that the reader is already familiar with +Haskell, plenty of good introductions are available \citep{LYAH,ProgInHask}. + +When presenting grammars, I will use a word in $\mysynel{math}$ font +(e.g. $\mytmsyn$ or $\mytysyn$) to indicate indicate nonterminals. Additionally, +I will use quite flexibly a $\mysynel{math}$ font to indicate a syntactic +element. More specifically, terms are usually indicated by lowercase letters +(often $\mytmt$, $\mytmm$, or $\mytmn$); and types by an uppercase letter (often +$\mytya$, $\mytyb$, or $\mytycc$). + +When presenting type derivations, I will often abbreviate and present multiple +conclusions, each on a separate line: +\begin{prooftree} + \AxiomC{$\myjud{\mytmt}{\mytya \myprod \mytyb}$} + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\myfst}{\mytmt}}{\mytya}$} + \noLine + \UnaryInfC{$\myjud{\myapp{\mysnd}{\mytmt}}{\mytyb}$} +\end{prooftree} + +I will often present `definitions' in the described calculi and in +$\mykant$\ itself, like so: +\[ +\begin{array}{@{}l} + \myfun{name} : \mytysyn \\ + \myfun{name} \myappsp \myb{arg_1} \myappsp \myb{arg_2} \myappsp \cdots \mapsto \mytmsyn +\end{array} +\] +To define operators, I use a mixfix notation similar +to Agda, where $\myarg$s denote arguments: +\[ +\begin{array}{@{}l} + \myarg \mathrel{\myfun{$\wedge$}} \myarg : \mybool \myarr \mybool \myarr \mybool \\ + \myb{b_1} \mathrel{\myfun{$\wedge$}} \myb{b_2} \mapsto \cdots +\end{array} +\] + +In explicitly typed systems, I will also omit type annotations when they +are obvious, e.g. by not annotating the type of parameters of +abstractions or of dependent pairs. + +I will also introduce multiple arguments in one go in arrow types: +\[ + (\myb{x}\, \myb{y} {:} \mytya) \myarr \cdots = (\myb{x} {:} \mytya) \myarr (\myb{y} {:} \mytya) \myarr \cdots +\] +and in abstractions: +\[ +\myabs{\myb{x}\myappsp\myb{y}}{\cdots} = \myabs{\myb{x}}{\myabs{\myb{y}}{\cdots}} +\] + +\section{Code} + +\subsection{ITT renditions} +\label{app:itt-code} + +\subsubsection{Agda} +\label{app:agda-itt} + +Note that in what follows rules for `base' types are +universe-polymorphic, to reflect the exposition. Derived definitions, +on the other hand, mostly work with \mytyc{Set}, reflecting the fact +that in the theory presented we don't have universe polymorphism. + +\begin{code} +module ITT where + open import Level + + data Empty : Set where + + absurd : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → Empty → A + absurd () + + ¬_ : ∀ {a} → (A : Set a) → Set a + ¬ A = A → Empty + + record Unit : Set where + constructor tt + + record _×_ {a b} (A : Set a) (B : A → Set b) : Set (a ⊔ b) where + constructor _,_ + field + fst : A + snd : B fst + open _×_ public + + data Bool : Set where + true false : Bool + + if_/_then_else_ : ∀ {a} (x : Bool) (P : Bool → Set a) → P true → P false → P x + if true / _ then x else _ = x + if false / _ then _ else x = x + + if_then_else_ : ∀ {a} (x : Bool) {P : Bool → Set a} → P true → P false → P x + if_then_else_ x {P} = if_/_then_else_ x P + + data W {s p} (S : Set s) (P : S → Set p) : Set (s ⊔ p) where + _◁_ : (s : S) → (P s → W S P) → W S P + + rec : ∀ {a b} {S : Set a} {P : S → Set b} + (C : W S P → Set) → -- some conclusion we hope holds + ((s : S) → -- given a shape... + (f : P s → W S P) → -- ...and a bunch of kids... + ((p : P s) → C (f p)) → -- ...and C for each kid in the bunch... + C (s ◁ f)) → -- ...does C hold for the node? + (x : W S P) → -- If so, ... + C x -- ...C always holds. + rec C c (s ◁ f) = c s f (λ p → rec C c (f p)) + +module Examples-→ where + open ITT + + data ℕ : Set where + zero : ℕ + suc : ℕ → ℕ + + -- These pragmas are needed so we can use number literals. + {-# BUILTIN NATURAL ℕ #-} + {-# BUILTIN ZERO zero #-} + {-# BUILTIN SUC suc #-} + + data List (A : Set) : Set where + [] : List A + _∷_ : A → List A → List A + + length : ∀ {A} → List A → ℕ + length [] = zero + length (_ ∷ l) = suc (length l) + + _>_ : ℕ → ℕ → Set + zero > _ = Empty + suc _ > zero = Unit + suc x > suc y = x > y + + head : ∀ {A} → (l : List A) → length l > 0 → A + head [] p = absurd p + head (x ∷ _) _ = x + +module Examples-× where + open ITT + open Examples-→ + + even : ℕ → Set + even zero = Unit + even (suc zero) = Empty + even (suc (suc n)) = even n + + 6-even : even 6 + 6-even = tt + + 5-not-even : ¬ (even 5) + 5-not-even = absurd + + there-is-an-even-number : ℕ × even + there-is-an-even-number = 6 , 6-even + + _∨_ : (A B : Set) → Set + A ∨ B = Bool × (λ b → if b then A else B) + + left : ∀ {A B} → A → A ∨ B + left x = true , x + + right : ∀ {A B} → B → A ∨ B + right x = false , x + + [_,_] : {A B C : Set} → (A → C) → (B → C) → A ∨ B → C + [ f , g ] x = + (if (fst x) / (λ b → if b then _ else _ → _) then f else g) (snd x) + +module Examples-W where + open ITT + open Examples-× + + Tr : Bool → Set + Tr b = if b then Unit else Empty + + ℕ : Set + ℕ = W Bool Tr + + zero : ℕ + zero = false ◁ absurd + + suc : ℕ → ℕ + suc n = true ◁ (λ _ → n) + + plus : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ + plus x y = rec + (λ _ → ℕ) + (λ b → + if b / (λ b → (Tr b → ℕ) → (Tr b → ℕ) → ℕ) + then (λ _ f → (suc (f tt))) else (λ _ _ → y)) + x + +module Equality where + open ITT + + data _≡_ {a} {A : Set a} : A → A → Set a where + refl : ∀ x → x ≡ x + + ≡-elim : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} + (P : (x y : A) → x ≡ y → Set b) → + ∀ {x y} → P x x (refl x) → (x≡y : x ≡ y) → P x y x≡y + ≡-elim P p (refl x) = p + + subst : ∀ {A : Set} (P : A → Set) → ∀ {x y} → (x≡y : x ≡ y) → P x → P y + subst P x≡y p = ≡-elim (λ _ y _ → P y) p x≡y + + sym : ∀ {A : Set} (x y : A) → x ≡ y → y ≡ x + sym x y p = subst (λ y′ → y′ ≡ x) p (refl x) + + trans : ∀ {A : Set} (x y z : A) → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z + trans x y z p q = subst (λ z′ → x ≡ z′) q p + + cong : ∀ {A B : Set} (x y : A) → x ≡ y → (f : A → B) → f x ≡ f y + cong x y p f = subst (λ z → f x ≡ f z) p (refl (f x)) +\end{code} + +\subsubsection{\mykant} + +The following things are missing: $\mytyc{W}$-types, since our +positivity check is overly strict, and equality, since we haven't +implemented that yet. + +{\small +\verbatiminput{itt.ka} +} + +\subsection{\mykant\ examples} + +{\small +\verbatiminput{examples.ka} +} + +\subsection{\mykant's hierachy} +\label{sec:hurkens} + +This rendition of the Hurken's paradox does not type check with the +hierachy enabled, type checks and loops without it. Adapted from an +Agda version, available at +\url{http://code.haskell.org/Agda/test/succeed/Hurkens.agda}. + +{\small +\verbatiminput{hurkens.ka} +} -\nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{authordate1} \bibliography{thesis}