local next = next; local pairs = pairs; local setmetatable = setmetatable; local st = require "util.stanza"; local util = module:require "muc/util"; local function get_filtered_presence(stanza) return util.filter_muc_x(st.clone(stanza)); end local occupant_mt = {}; occupant_mt.__index = occupant_mt; local function new_occupant(bare_real_jid, nick) return setmetatable({ bare_jid = bare_real_jid; nick = nick; -- in-room jid sessions = {}; -- hash from real_jid to presence stanzas. stanzas should not be modified role = nil; jid = nil; -- Primary session }, occupant_mt); end -- Deep copy an occupant local function copy_occupant(occupant) local sessions = {}; for full_jid, presence_stanza in pairs(occupant.sessions) do -- Don't keep unavailable presences, as they'll accumulate; unless they're the primary session if presence_stanza.attr.type ~= "unavailable" or full_jid == occupant.jid then sessions[full_jid] = presence_stanza; end end return setmetatable({ bare_jid = occupant.bare_jid; nick = occupant.nick; sessions = sessions; role = occupant.role; jid = occupant.jid; }, occupant_mt); end -- finds another session to be the primary (there might not be one) function occupant_mt:choose_new_primary() for jid, pr in self:each_session() do if pr.attr.type == nil then return jid; end end return nil; end function occupant_mt:set_session(real_jid, presence_stanza, replace_primary) local pr = get_filtered_presence(presence_stanza); pr.attr.from = self.nick; pr.attr.to = real_jid; self.sessions[real_jid] = pr; if replace_primary then self.jid = real_jid; elseif self.jid == nil or (pr.attr.type == "unavailable" and self.jid == real_jid) then -- Only leave an unavailable presence as primary when there are no other options self.jid = self:choose_new_primary() or real_jid; end end function occupant_mt:remove_session(real_jid) -- Delete original session self.sessions[real_jid] = nil; if self.jid == real_jid then self.jid = self:choose_new_primary(); end end function occupant_mt:each_session() return pairs(self.sessions) end function occupant_mt:get_presence(real_jid) return self.sessions[real_jid or self.jid] end return { new = new_occupant; copy = copy_occupant; mt = occupant_mt; }