local tonumber, tostring = tonumber, tostring; local ipairs = ipairs; local m_random = math.random; local format = string.format; local print = print; local hosts = hosts; local modulemanager = require "core.modulemanager"; local log = require "util.logger".init("sessionmanager"); local error = error; module "sessionmanager" function new_session(conn) local session = { conn = conn, notopen = true, priority = 0, type = "c2s_unauthed" }; local w = conn.write; session.send = function (t) w(tostring(t)); end return session; end function destroy_session(session) end function send_to_session(session, data) log("debug", "Sending: %s", tostring(data)); session.conn.write(tostring(data)); end function make_authenticated(session, username) session.username = username; session.resource = resource; if session.type == "c2s_unauthed" then session.type = "c2s"; end end function bind_resource(session, resource) if not session.username then return false, "auth"; end if session.resource then return false, "constraint"; end -- We don't support binding multiple resources resource = resource or math.random(100000, 99999999); -- FIXME: Clearly we have issues :) --FIXME: Randomly-generated resources must be unique per-user, and never conflict with existing if not hosts[session.host].sessions[session.username] then hosts[session.host].sessions[session.username] = { sessions = {} }; else if hosts[session.host].sessions[session.username].sessions[resource] then -- Resource conflict return false, "conflict"; end end session.resource = resource; session.full_jid = session.username .. '@' .. session.host .. '/' .. resource; hosts[session.host].sessions[session.username].sessions[resource] = session; return true; end function streamopened(session, attr) local send = session.send; session.host = attr.to or error("Client failed to specify destination hostname"); session.version = tonumber(attr.version) or 0; session.streamid = m_random(1000000, 99999999); print(session, session.host, "Client opened stream"); send(""); send(format("", session.streamid, session.host)); local features = {}; modulemanager.fire_event("stream-features", session, features); send(""); for _, feature in ipairs(features) do send_to_session(session, tostring(features)); end send(""); log("info", "core", "Stream opened successfully"); session.notopen = nil; end return _M;