oid_section = new_oids [ new_oids ] # RFC 3920 section 5.1.1 defines this OID xmppAddr = # RFC 4985 defines this OID SRVName = [ req ] default_bits = 4096 default_keyfile = example.com.key distinguished_name = distinguished_name req_extensions = v3_extensions x509_extensions = v3_extensions # ask about the DN? prompt = no [ distinguished_name ] commonName = example.com countryName = GB localityName = The Internet organizationName = Your Organisation organizationalUnitName = XMPP Department emailAddress = xmpp@example.com [ v3_extensions ] # for certificate requests (req_extensions) # and self-signed certificates (x509_extensions) basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth subjectAltName = @subject_alternative_name [ subject_alternative_name ] # See http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-xmpp-3920bis#section- for more info. DNS.0 = example.com otherName.0 = xmppAddr;UTF8:example.com otherName.1 = SRVName;IA5STRING:_xmpp-client.example.com otherName.2 = SRVName;IA5STRING:_xmpp-server.example.com DNS.1 = conference.example.com otherName.3 = xmppAddr;UTF8:conference.example.com otherName.4 = SRVName;IA5STRING:_xmpp-server.conference.example.com